11 Fully Funded PhD Programs at Wageningen University & Research, Wageningen, Netherlands

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If you’re a Masters degree holder and seeking Fully Funded PhD Programs, Wageningen University & Research, Wageningen, Netherlands has several online applications open for PhD programs. Explore the PhD opportunities across diverse research areas and submit your application soon.

1. Fully Funded PhD Position in land change monitoring for tree diversity

Summary of PhD Program:

The Laboratory of Geo-information Science and Remote Sensing (GRS) and Plan Ecology and Nature Conservation Group at Wageningen University are jointly looking for an aspiring PhD to explore the potential of land change monitoring in understanding the causes and consequences of tree diversity changes. We start investigating the relationship between vegetation dynamics and the species composition of tree communities at a large scale using remote sensing, before assessing anthropogenic and natural drivers of tree species diversity, functional diversity and ecosystem resilience.

Application Deadline: 19 August 2024

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2. Fully Funded PhD Position in Microbiota and CRC treatment

Summary of PhD Program:

Colorectal cancer survivors often suffer from treatment-related side-effects impacting their quality of life. Current adjuvant care involves chemotherapeutic management with the drugs oxaliplatin and capecitabine. However, determinants of chemotherapy-induced toxicities are unclear. Emerging evidence suggests that gut microbiota disturbances may play a role. Although dietary fibre is a known determinant of gut health, the impact of dietary fibre on management of chemotherapy side-effects remains unexplored.

Application Deadline: 1 September 2024

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3. Fully Funded PhD Position in Empowering optimal design for greater resilience of the electricity grid

Summary of PhD Program:

In this project, a resilience assessment framework for electricity grids will first be developed, building on resilience theory and interdisciplinary methods in ecology and economics (e.g., the five Ws). Since energy systems can be modeled as networked systems, we will employ spatial and network analysis; where nodes represent components like substations and consumers, edges represent connections between them such as transmission lines, and network metrics can be used to identify critical components in the systems. Network failure or simulated attacks on nodes/edges could allow to prevent disruptions and identify potential vulnerabilities.

Application Deadline: 2 September 2024

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4. Fully Funded PhD Position in Diet, faecal microbiota and chemotherapy in patients with colon cancer

Summary of PhD Program:

Within the project, you will conduct several observational and intervention studies. You will work with data from an existing cohort study (the COLON study) by focusing on associations between dietary fibre intake and chemotherapy side-effects. This includes analysing patient-reported outcomes and toxicity-related treatment modifications. Data from ~500 patients who received (neo)adjuvant chemotherapy will be analysed. From a subset of the patients, faecal samples are collected in a longitudinal manner, which you will analyse to understand dynamics of faecal microbiota composition and function during chemotherapy. 

Application Deadline: 1 September 2024

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5. Fully Funded PhD Position in Exploring Water Scarcity Governance Responses Across Different Societies

Summary of PhD Program:

Our study combines risk governance with social practice theories to explore how communities and institutions respond to water scarcity over time. By examining past, present, and future practices, we aim to uncover the meanings, arrangements, and actions that shape how societies deal with water shortages. This research will provide valuable insights into how different regions handle water scarcity, helping to identify challenges and potential solutions.

Application Deadline: 12 August 2024

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6. Fully Funded PhD Position in Behaviour and environmental fate of ionizable pollutants

Summary of PhD Program:

As a PhD candidate, you will be working within the recently granted four-year horizon Europe project SOILPROM. This project aims to advance pollutant transport and fate models that assess the impact of soil pollution on soil ecosystem services and to support stakeholders to move towards more sustainable land management strategies and policies. Wageningen Environmental Research is one of the partners in this project, which is led by Wageningen University.

Application Deadline: 12 August 2024

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7. Fully Funded PhD Position in AI-powered identification of anomalies and manipulation in electricity markets

Summary of PhD Program:

The Information-Technology-Group at Wageningen University is hiring a PhD candidate (4 years, fully paid/full-time) to work on identifying anomalies and manipulations in electricity markets. To achieve this, you will develop and apply AI techniques (e.g., unsupervised and self-supervised learning) and big data analytics on actual electricity market data in the Netherlands. The goal is to enhance the integrity of the Dutch electricity markets during the energy transition.

Application Deadline: 15 September 2024

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8. Fully Funded PhD Position in Sweet spot: spot-on usage of non-nutritive sweeteners

Summary of PhD Program:

The work is part of a larger PPS project funded by TKI and private partners on non-nutritive sweeteners (NNS). NNS are commonly integrated into products and presumed to be inert. However, recent evidence suggests that supplementation of specific NNS may induce person-specific, microbiome-dependent glycemic alterations. Although recent studies provoke considerable debate, the precise implications of these effects are still largely unknown. It is therefore essential to create further insights into possible health effects of NNS.

Application Deadline: 7 September 2024

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9. Fully Funded PhD Position in spatiotemporal diversity of phages

Summary of PhD Program:

In this project, you will combine bioinformatics and modelling to untangle the drivers of phage diversity across space and time. Potential factors influencing phage diversity are host diversity, presence of other phages, and environmental factors like spatial structure. You will compare phage diversity in different types of environments, such as marine and soil environments. Particularly, you will develop bioinformatics pipelines to analyze public phage genome and metagenome data with the aim to estimate phage diversity. Additionally, you will formulate mathematical and computational models of phage evolution to explain observed patterns of diversity. You will refine these models based on the observations from the genomic data.

Application Deadline: 26 August 2024

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10. Fully Funded PhD Position in functionality of milk fat globule membrane ingredients: influence by composition and processed-induced variation

Summary of PhD Program:

One important difference between human milk and infant formula is the fat droplet interface composition and structure, which can greatly impact digestibility. To make digestion more comparable, a better understanding of the relationship between interface composition and functionality is needed, which can be used to improve the structure of infant formula. One option to stabilize the fat droplet interface is using milk fat globule membrane (MFGM), which has been introduced as a promising natural ingredient. However, the composition of MFGM ingredients can greatly vary depending on isolation methods.

Application Deadline: 30 July 2024

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11. Fully Funded PhD Position in Optimizing nutrient budgets for zero water pollution in Europe

Summary of PhD Program:

The PhD candidate will focus on modeling and scenarios to optimize nutrient budgets at the regional (Rhine, Meuse and Scheldt) and EU levels. The starting point will be the MARINA-Nutrients model which will be further developed for nutrient budget optimization and potential benefits for other pollutants. Scenarios will be developed by including bio-based fertilizers and nature-based solutions. A strong focus will be collaboration with other groups in the GREENHOOD project working on local and regional nutrient budgets and their benefits for other agrochemicals.

Application Deadline: 26 August 2024

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