17 Postdoctoral Jobs at Cornell University, New York

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If you’re a PhD degree holder and seeking postdoctoral fellowships, Cornell University, New York has several online applications open. Explore the opportunities across diverse research areas and submit your application soon.

1. Postdoctoral Job

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The Cornell Jeb E. Brooks School of Public Policy at Cornell University invites applications for a Postdoctoral Associate position. We seek an independent and highly motivated researcher with strong skills in quantitative social science research methods and knowledge of US health policy. The Associate will work closely with a team led by Dr. Sharon Tennyson at Cornell and Dr. Wendy Brunner at Bassett Research Institute on an NIMHD grant entitled “School Based Health Centers – An approach to address health disparities among rural youth”. This project will assess the impact of School Based Health Centers on healthcare utilization and outcomes and will examine how SBHCs may enhance rural community health by building individual, institutional, community and policy partnerships.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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2. Postdoctoral Job

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The Research Associate sought for this position is a PhD-level scientist who will contribute to research in the Grodsky Lab, under the supervision of the Department Chair, Richard Stedman, focused on renewable energy ecology. The primary functions of the position are to conduct research in coordination with the PI on interaction among energy development, ecosystems, and people. The Research Associate will supervise and implement a long-term research project on the ecology of solar energy development on abandoned agricultural lands in California and broadly assist in the research enterprise of the Grodsky Lab. Occasional travel to California to meet with collaborators and the research field will be necessary. This is a full-time, in-person position (40 hours/week). This is a three-year appointment, which is renewable upon satisfactory performance, work, and funding.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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3. Postdoctoral Job

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

We are seeking highly motivated scientists to join the Diel Lab in the Department of Population Medicine and Diagnostic Sciences, Cornell University, as Post-doctoral Associate, working on projects focusing on characterizing viral immune responses, identifying, and characterizing protective viral antigens for subunit vaccine development. The Diel Lab has a diverse research portfolio with projects currently funded by USDA, APHIS, NPB and NIH (https://diellab.net/). The lab studies mechanisms underlying virus-host interactions, pathogenesis, immunity, and works on diagnostic assay development for emerging viral diseases at the human/animal interface.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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4. Postdoctoral Job

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The Johnson Lab is seeking to welcome a postdoctoral research associate to the group who specializes in metabolomics with experience in novel metabolite discovery and comparative metabolomics. This researcher would work across multiple projects that aim to understand the precise mechanisms that define how infant diets contribute to gut microbial metabolism. Main responsibilities would include acquiring, analyzing, and interpreting metabolomics data from microbiome samples, methods development, working with graduate students, manuscript preparation and the potential to follow up on observations in research models depending on the interest of the individual.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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5. Postdoctoral Job

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

A postdoctoral researcher position is available in the Lammerding laboratory to investigate how mechanical stimuli and deformation of the cell nucleus modulate the expression of mechanoresponsive genes and chromatin organization through an NIH funded project. The research builds on previous discoveries in the Lammerding lab that found that nuclear envelope proteins play crucial roles in the ability of cells to respond to mechanical stimuli (Lammerding et al. J Clin Invest 2004; Ho et al. Nature 2013; Kalukula et al. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol 2022) and that cell migration through confined spaces results in nuclear envelope rupture, DNA damage, and chromatin modification (Denais et al. Science 2016; Shah et al. Current Biol 2021; Hsia et al. iScience 2022). Additional research opportunities are available to investigate the biophysical mechanism by which cells move their large nucleus through tight spaces (see for example, Keys et al. J Cell Science 2024). 

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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6. Postdoctoral Job

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The applicant will have the opportunity to pursue research projects in support of a range of cm- to mm-wave surveys at the forefront of line-intensity mapping, through the COMAP, TIME, and CCAT collaborations. The applicant will have some latitude for self-directed work, while spending a significant fraction of their time working on testing and validating analysis strategies for new data from the cutting-edge instruments operated by these collaborations. Applicants with prior experience with wide-field cm- to mm-wave surveys (line-intensity mapping or otherwise)—including in data analysis, simulations, and/or forecasting—are especially encouraged to apply.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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7. Postdoctoral Job

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

We are looking for a Postdoctoral Associate to join our interdisciplinary, NSF-funded project on deterring objectionable speech online. The project is a joint collaboration between the Department of Communication, the Department of Information Science, and the Cornell Social Media Lab and is funded by the National Science Foundation. The full-time Postdoctoral Associate will participate in research on the effectiveness of real-world interventions to deter objectionable speech. Additionally, the Postdoctoral Associate will design field experiments that encourage users to take effective and pro-social action when they see speech, such as harassment, hate speech, or misinformation, that they find inappropriate or objectionable.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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8. Postdoctoral Job

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The Cornell University Action Research Collaborative (ARC) is seeking to hire a full-time research associate to work and manage on several projects across New York State. The mission of ARC is to develop and support equitable and sustainable research-practice-policy partnerships that can generate solutions to improve the lives of communities that are too often neglected. ARC approaches partnerships using multiple disciplinary perspectives and methodological approaches. Also, it is imperative that community partners are involved in all phases of projects (i.e., from study design to dissemination of findings). The overarching goal is for these projects to inform interventions and public policies that support the well-being of marginalized populations. The research associate will conduct and manage social scientific research projects on how structural, cultural, and political processes affect people’s experiences, as well as downstream outcomes in public policy and broader society. 

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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9. Postdoctoral Job

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

Rose Postdoctoral Associates are competitive fellowship awards that support innovative, independent research by early career scholars of exceptional promise. Rose Postdoctoral Associates pursue cutting-edge scholarship, while fostering intellectual interaction among Lab programs and experts from across the University. Any area of inquiry related to the Lab’s mission “to interpret and conserve the Earth’s biological diversity through research, education, and citizen science focused on birds and nature” is potentially appropriate. Activities involving research and/or outreach spanning several Lab programs are particularly encouraged, and some postdoctoral associates are co-mentored. Projects that foster links among people and units from across Cornell University and beyond are likewise welcome and encouraged.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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10. Postdoctoral Job

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

This position entails field work and laboratory-based research examining forest nitrogen dynamics over winter, how these processes will change with warming winters and reduced snowpacks, and how they compare to summer conditions. The primary focus of this position is to lead a cross-season isotopic tracer (15N) study of plant, soil and microbial processes at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. This position is based on Cornell’s campus in Ithaca, NY, with travel to Hubbard Brook. The position includes field, laboratory, and quantitative analyses, as well as opportunities for written and oral presentations of project results.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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11. Postdoctoral Job

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

We seek to hire a postdoctoral associate as part of our U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)-funded project on carbon governance and digital agriculture. This is a one-year full time research position that is renewable for a second year, dependent on available work, funding, and performance. The project aims to advance an interdisciplinary analysis of the implications of emerging technologies for Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) applied to GHG emissions reductions in agriculture. Developments in remote sensing, computer science and biogeochemistry support visions of cost-effective and reliable “natural climate solutions”. At the same time, there are hot technical and political debates regarding the assumptions embedded in reliance on carbon offsets from agriculture.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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12. Postdoctoral Job

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The successful candidate will work closely with Professor Bezner Kerr to advance several ongoing projects related to agroecology and rural development in Malawi, as well as develop new research projects on transdisciplinary agroecology and climate change adaptation in Africa. The Postdoctoral Associate will be integrated into Professor Bezner Kerr’s lab group on food, agroecology, climate change adaptation and social justice, including mentorship of graduate and undergraduate students in research methods. They will meet regularly with students to discuss works in progress and other issues. Additionally, they will contribute to the Department of Global Development, the Institute of African Studies and Cornell more broadly by working on their own research and connecting to colleagues across the university. Depending on interests and feasibility, they may be able to teach and/or engage in off-campus fieldwork with Professor Bezner Kerr.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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13. Postdoctoral Job

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The research group of Dr. Ana Bento at the College of Veterinary Medicine, Cornell University in Ithaca, NY, seeks two skilled postdoctoral scholars to join our research team. Specializing in infectious disease eco-epidemiology and public health modeling, we study vaccine-preventable respiratory infections (e.g., SARS-CoV-2, influenza, pertussis) and climate sensitive expanding arboviral diseases (e.g., Dengue, Chikungunya, Oropouche, Zika). Our research group is interested in the following topics: transmission dynamics of infectious diseases; impact of surveillance and public health interventions with an overarching goal of informing public health policy as well as local and regional capacity and outbreak preparedness; and one health approaches for anticipating viral emergence in hotspots of emerging infectious diseases. The successful candidate will combine mathematical models with classic and novel surveillance, serological and climate change data to examine the dynamics of infection and immunity for antigenically variable pathogens.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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14. Postdoctoral Job

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The Society for the Humanities at Cornell University invites applications for residential fellowships from scholars and artists whose projects reflect on the 2025-26 theme of Scale. Up to six fellows will be appointed. The fellowships are held for one year (August through July). Each Society Fellow will receive $62,000. Fellows include scholars and practitioners from other universities and members of the Cornell faculty released from regular duties. Fellows at the Society for the Humanities are “residential,” and will collaborate with one another and the Taylor Family Director of the Society for the Humanities, Durba Ghosh, Professor of History. Fellows spend their time in research and writing during the residential fellowship, and are required to participate in a weekly Fellows Seminar work-shopping each other’s projects and discussing readings based on the yearly theme.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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15. Postdoctoral Job

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The College of Agriculture and Life Sciences tackles the challenges of our times through purpose-driven science that advances understanding and improves life. The Department of Entomology is committed to creating an environment where diverse community members can thrive. Our lab studies the biochemical and molecular basis of insect midgut physiology and interactions of the midgut with host plants and microbial pathogens. Current research projects are focused on molecular genetics of insect resistance to insecticidal toxins from Bacillus turingiensis, using a lepidopteran pest Trichoplusia ni as the biological research system. We use biochemical and molecular approaches and genomic and proteomic technologies in our current projects to approach the research questions.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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16. Postdoctoral Job

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

Migratory birds are important indicators of ecosystem health that connect peoples and places in ways few phenomena can. To understand and monitor migratory birds, their numbers, and their responses to global change, data and methods are urgently needed that can capture their movements at population scales. BirdFlow is an innovative, NSF-funded project that uses the Cornell Lab’s eBird database to infer the movements of migratory birds across the annual cycle. The Postdoctoral Associate will lead research that utilizes BirdFlow models to expand our knowledge of bird movements, including studying migratory connectivity and its associations with population trends, investigating species’ resilience to climate change and environmental fluctuations, and exploring BirdFlow models for providing real-time information on species’ movements in the context of the BirdCast public website.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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17. Postdoctoral Job

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

We seek a scholar with a PhD in History who is also grounded in theoretical and methodological public history approaches, in particular Museum Studies, Historic Preservation, or digital history. This position will involve developing new directions in public history teaching and research, and joining an interdisciplinary group of scholars and students whose projects focus on historic sites, digital media, museums, libraries, archives, and/or local communities. Geographic area and historical era open, but we prefer candidates who focus on climate or energy history, African American women’s history, or LGBTQ+ history in the Americas.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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