15 Fully Funded PhD Programs at Utrecht University, Netherlands

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Are you holding Master’s degree and looking for PhD positions – Fully Funded PhD Programs in Europe? Utrecht University, Netherlands inviting application for funded PhD Programs or fully funded PhD Scholarship. Utrecht University is one of the largest university in the world with thousands of employees, students, and research scientists are involved in the innovation of science and technology daily.

Utrecht University has huge a campus in Netherlands and widely known as for its contribution in top notch education and research. The contribution of Utrecht University is not only limited to natural sciences and engineering but it also offers high quality research as well as higher education in bio-medical sciences, social sciences, humanities, psychology, education, architecture etc.

1. PhD on decolonizing mapping practices in sustainable development

Summary of Doctoral Project:

Are you interested in the way we visualize our world and how this influences how we respond to sustainable development challenges? Are you curious about creative methodological and visualization innovations that can reveal patterns of injustice and orient diverse groups to take action? Are you interested in co-producing innovations that visualize the priorities of those who have often been historically marginalized in mapping processes? At the Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development, we have a full-time four-year PhD position available to examine these questions. This position will offer opportunities and expertise from both the Urban Futures Studio and the Environmental Sciences section within the Copernicus Institute. Through this research, the PhD researcher will embark on research utilizing inclusive, decolonial research methods to co-produce unique mapping processes and visualizations to support future decision making. The researcher will then experiment with novel mapping and visualization approaches to bring actors together to first document through maps, existing realities and priorities to then discuss and map imagined futures to forge shared directions for just and sustainable actions.

Last Application Date: 25 August 2022

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2. PhD position in Perceptual Computer Graphics

Summary of Doctoral Project:

The Visualisation and Graphics Group at the Department of Information and Computing Sciences at Utrecht University offers a fully funded five-year PhD position in Perceptual Computer Graphics. As a PhD candidate, you conduct independent high-quality research resulting in a doctoral dissertation. The research will focus on the visual appearance and perception of materials, shapes, and lighting in computer-generated imagery, with applications in modelling, rendering, and display technologies. Examples of specific research topics within this scope include: the perception-informed development of shading models; image-based or neural rendering techniques; material retargeting for display systems or viewing conditions.

Last Application Date: 26 August 2022

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3. PhD Position in the orthopaedics research group of Prof. dr. M.A. Tryfonidou

Summary of Doctoral Project:

For the NWO Vici project “NC-CHOICE”, we are looking for a motivated PhD candidate. The project will focus on the development of a cell-free nanomedicine to treat lower back pain. Back pain due to disc degeneration is a chronic disease that substantially affects daily life. The NC-CHOICE project exploits the biology of notochordal cells, cells that instruct disc development, by constructing essential signalling molecules towards an RNA-based approach. The candidate will enforce the orthopaedics group that is embedded in the Regenerative Medicine Utrecht collaboration external link and housed at the Regenerative Medicine Center Utrecht. You will be closely working together with other team members appointed for NC CHOICE (1 PhD, 2 postdocs) and collaborators at UU (Prof. Marca Wauben), UMC Utrecht (Prof. Ray Schiffelers, dr. Laura Creemers), TU/e (Prof. Keita Ito), and Maastricht University (Prof. Tim Welting).

Last Application Date: 25 August 2022

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4. A fully funded PhD position: Viva Italia! The Holocene coastal evolution of the NE Italian coast

Summary of Doctoral Project:

To project future coastal evolution as a function of SLR typically models, such as Delft3D, are used. However, these models need to be validated and calibrated to have confidence in their predictions, but direct observations of infilling or drowning rates in tidal basins and estuaries are scarce. We therefore need a geological analogue of the current transgression to parameterize models in vulnerable coastal regions. You will integrate existing and new field data on subsurface morphology and sediment composition of the NE Italian coast – partly produced by BSc students during course work – and supplement these with proxy analyses of past vegetation cover (using palynology) and water depth/salinity (using e.g. foraminifera or diatom remains) from selected boreholes. These data will be used to simulate the sedimentation rates in tidal basins for several Holocene time windows (with Delft3D) and to study sensitivity to environmental settings. This is a unique opportunity to contribute to major scientific questions while working towards a doctorate.

Last Application Date: 15 September 2022

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5. PhD in Cognitive Psychology (1.0 FTE): Temporal dynamics of internal attention

Summary of Doctoral Project:

There is an opening for a fully-funded PhD position to work on the temporal dynamics of visual working memory at Utrecht University. The PhD student will work in the AttentionLab of Stefan Van der Stigchel, principal investigator of the European Research Council (ERC) Consolidator project HOMEOSTASIS and Professor in Cognitive Psychology at Utrecht University. The HOMEOSTASIS project is motivated by the idea that visual working (VWM) should be studied in interaction with a dynamic outside world. Our environment challenges the visual memory system in many different ways: Task goals can change within hundreds of milliseconds requiring a rapid shift in prioritisation from one internal representation to another; external distraction can affect specific cognitive systems or brain regions, and can be either predictable or not; etc. In light of these challenges, the brain had to develop a fast and dynamic mechanism to make working memory a responsive and reliable system in various contexts.

Last Application Date: 7 September 2022

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6. PhD student Biomedical Sciences

Summary of Doctoral Project:

Your daily work will include cell and (3D) tissue culture, biochemistry, molecular biology, tissue engineering, and bioreactor technology. Additionally you will apply the organoid models for ADME testing of chemicals and medicines, and develop new QIVIVE approaches. The project will be supervised by the several work package leaders of the RAAK-PRO grant (Professor Ronette Gehring, external link Dr Marije Strikwold ERT and Dr Bart Spee external link ). The project is directed on generating organoid cultures from various tissues of cows for advanced in vitro modelling. For this purpose we will use adult stem cell cultures (organoids) and bioreactor technology approaches. The first two years will be conducted in Utrecht, whereas the last two years will be at the VHL facilities at Leeuwarden.

Last Application Date: 5 September 2022

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7. Two PhD positions in the field of climate dynamics

Summary of Doctoral Project:

The Atlantic Ocean Circulation, in particular its zonally averaged component called the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC), is one of the tipping elements in the climate system. The AMOC is sensitive to freshwater perturbations and may undergo a transition to a climate disrupting state within a few decades under continuing greenhouse gas emissions. The potential climate impacts of such a collapse are enormous and hence reliable estimates of the probability of its occurrence before the year 2100 are crucial information for policy makers. To research this subject further we currently have two PhD position available focussing on different aspects. The work in the first PhD position will focus on the novel computational methodology to determine transition probabilities between AMOC equilibrium states in a hierarchy of climate models. The work in the second PhD position will focus on the simulation of an AMOC collapse using one of the state-of-the-art climate models under climate change.

Last Application Date: 22 August 2022

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8. PhD position in Causal Discovery

Summary of Doctoral Project:

Causal inference is the part of statistics and machine learning that deals with cause-effect relations. Knowing these relations makes it possible to predict what will happen when some change is made to a system. In many scientific fields and domains of application, we would want to learn the causal relations from data: causal discovery. Despite recent advances, there is still a lot of work to be done on this highly challenging, highly relevant problem.

Last Application Date: 29 August 2022

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9. PhD candidate in Psychology (NWO project ‘ELDER: Life-Event Longitudinal Description and Explanation Research (ELDER)’)

Summary of Doctoral Project:

This PhD project, funded by a NWO Open Competition grant awarded to Professor Jaap Denissen, will be conducted at the Department of Psychology, Section of Developmental Psychology external link of Utrecht University. The proposed research aims to unravel the effects of negative life events on psychological functioning by improved description, explanation, and generalization. Using data from large and representative panel studies (e.g., the LISS panel), we will examine novel ways to describe nonlinear change in psychological functioning, by using sophisticated statistical methods that can take prior information into account. Furthermore, we will use event-triggered measurement bursts of plausible mediators (e.g., need satisfaction; re-alignment of shattered worldviews) to elucidate the mechanisms of change.

Last Application Date: 29 August 2022

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10. PhD position Exposure assessment to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields and 5G – a citizen science approach

Summary of Doctoral Project:

The Institute for Risk Assessment Sciences (IRAS) is looking for a PhD student in the field of exposure science. The research will focus on assessing exposure of humans from radiofrequency electromagnetic fields using a citizen science approach. With the introduction of 5G, exposure profiles in the environment, of humans and the interaction of the fields with bodies changes rapidly. Therefore, new tools are necessary to assess exposure to these kind of fields in a valid way, so that informative health assessments can be performed. This project builds upon our previous research on the health effects of non-ionizing radiation and is embedded in the EU Horizon-funded project “ETAIN”. In ETAIN we will, together with several European partners, develop an app capable to assess exposure of areas and persons, and actual received dose of users. The PhD position is centered around validation of the exposure assessment and uptake and dissemination of the method in larger groups.

Last Application Date: 1 September 2022

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11. Fully funded PhD position: Understanding impacts of mountain greening on hydrology from a plant traits and ecological perspective

Summary of Doctoral Project:

The Department of Physical Geography (Faculty of Geosciences) is searching for a PhD candidate as part of the project ‘Understanding the impacts of mountain greening on hydrology from a plant traits and ecological perspective’. This interdisciplinary project combines knowledge and approaches from mountain hydrology and (palaeo)ecology. Are you interested in the interaction between mountains, climate, water and plants? Do you like working both in the field and with computer models? Do you have an interest in developing into a scientific researcher? Then this might be the job for you. The loss of glaciers and snowpacks in mountain regions due to climate change has strong impacts on local and downstream water supply. With ice and snow vanishing from mountains, vegetation increasingly comes into play, revealed by widespread ‘greening’ of mountain slopes over recent decades. More vegetation can increase evapotranspiration, infiltration and water retention, potentially reducing streamflow in the future with serious consequences for downstream water availability.

Last Application Date: 21 September 2022

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12. Two PhD positions in Technology design and assessment for sorbents-based CH4 and NO2 separation from diluted streams

Summary of Doctoral Project:

In the project, experimental work will be coupled to theoretical and modelling activities, ranging from reactor to system level and including technical, economical, and societal analysis. The project also aims at identifying the plausibility of upscaling the technologies in real conditions considering technological, environmental, economic, social and policy compatibility. Within this project context, two research teams of Utrecht University and TU Eindhoven are looking for two PhD candidates. Both positions will focus on the first separation route described above, i.e. capture, concentration and storage/conversion of the non-CO2 GHG gases, and will tackle the problem from a technical, engineering perspective ranging from reactor to system level; while one position will be at TU/e and one at Utrecht University, both candidates will closely work with both research groups at the two institutes in a joint team effort.

Last Application Date: 11 September 2022

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13. PhD position in Developmental Biology

Summary of Doctoral Project:

Cell polarity – the asymmetric distribution of components and functions within a cell along a directional axis – is a key property necessary for cells to carry out their specialised functions and organise the 3D multicellular body. We are looking for a highly motivated PhD student who will join our research efforts to understand how epithelial cells and tissues become polarised, organised, and function. The most abundant polarised cell type of the animal body is the epithelial cell. Epithelial cells need to establish functionally distinct apical and basolateral domains to form the epithelial tissues that cover the exterior surfaces of our body and line the surfaces of our organs. Loss of epithelial polarity contributes to epithelial diseases like polycystic kidney disease and retinal dystrophies and contributes to the formation of invasive tumors.

Last Application Date: 5 September 2022

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