17 Fully Funded PhD Programs at Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden

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Are you holding Master’s degree and looking for PhD positions – Fully Funded PhD Programs in Europe? Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden inviting application for funded PhD Programs or fully funded PhD Scholarship. Chalmers University of Technology is one of the largest university in the world with thousands of employees, students, and research scientists are involved in the innovation of science and technology daily.

Chalmers University of Technology has huge a campus in Sweden and widely known as for its contribution in top notch education and research. The contribution of Chalmers University of Technology is not only limited to natural sciences and engineering but it also offers high quality research as well as higher education in bio-medical sciences, social sciences, humanities, psychology, education, architecture etc.

1. 2 PhD student positions in systems and languages for cybersecurity and privacy

Summary of Doctoral Project:

The PhD students will join a high-profile group of researchers on cybersecurity and privacy, the Chalmers Security Lab. Software is often the root cause of vulnerabilities in modern computing systems. By focusing on securing the software, we target principled security mechanisms that provide robust protection against large classes of attacks. Information about the division The Department of Computer Science and Engineering is a joint department at Chalmers University of Technology and the University of Gothenburg, with activities on two campuses in the city of Gothenburg. The department has around 270 employees from over 30 countries. Our research has a wide span, from theoretical foundations to applied systems development. We provide high quality education at Bachelor’s, Master’s and graduate levels, offering over 120 courses each year. We also have extensive national and international collaborations with academia, industry and society.

Last Application Date: 31 May 2022

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2. PhD student position in HPC Programming Models and Computer Architectures

Summary of Doctoral Project:

The Computer Architecture Research Group, within the Division of Computer Networks and Systems under the leadership of Professor Per Stenström, is conducting research on design principles for the next generation of computer systems. To ease the programming task and yet achieve high computational performance at as high energy efficiency as possible is an important objective in the knowledge generation process that the group contributes with. To this end, the group has a solid track record and a long-term focus on contributing to design principles of parallel computers. Four senior faculty members, six postdocs and twelve Ph.D students are engaged in research in Computer Architecture. The group is a founding partner of the HiPEAC European Network of Excellence and engaged in several EU and national projects with strong ties to industry, among them the European Processor Initiative (EPI).

Last Application Date: 13th June, 2022

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3. PhD student position in Computational tools and design of lightweight composite hydrogen tanks

Summary of Doctoral Project:

Your project is part of a research campaign to develop lightweight hydrogen storage tanks. To increase its energy density and to reduce pressure levels hydrogen has to be stored in liquid form (at cryogenic temperatures) for aircraft applications. This leads to that the material in the tank is subjected to extreme thermomechanical conditions, for which additional competence needs to be developed. In the proposed PhD project, we aim to develop efficient computational methods that can be used to design future composite hydrogen tanks, but also an increased understanding of factors that influence the material designs and that support vehicle integrated optimisation of cryo tanks.

Last Application Date: 10 June, 2022

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4. PhD student position in Precision Nutrition: Dietary carb quality, multi-OMICs and disease risk

Summary of Doctoral Project:

We are looking for a motivated Ph.D. student that wants to join a newly established group to advance Chalmers precision nutrition and data-driven multi-OMICs research. The Ph.D. project will focus on nutritional metabolomics and disease risk analyses in large human cohorts, with additional contributions to microbiome, genome, and proteome analyses. This four-year research-intensive Ph.D. position aims to facilitate an academic research career. We strongly encourage a short-term research stay (~3 months) at Harvard as part of the PhD-education. As a doctoral candidate, you will benefit from Chalmers excellent postgraduate educational infrastructure and the position’s funding through the powerful Data-Driven Life Science initiative, providing exceptional research and career development opportunities.

Last Application Date: July 15, 2022

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5. PhD student position in Precision Nutrition: Multi-OMICs imprint of low-carb diet and disease risk

Summary of Doctoral Project:

We are looking for a motivated Ph.D. student that wants to join a newly established group to advance Chalmers precision nutrition and data-driven multi-OMICs research. The Ph.D. project will focus on nutritional metabolomics and disease risk analyses in large human cohorts, with additional contributions to microbiome, genome, and proteome analyses. This four-year research-intensive Ph.D. position aims to facilitate an academic research career. We strongly encourage a short-term research stay (~3 months) at Harvard as part of the PhD-education. As a doctoral candidate, you will benefit from Chalmers excellent postgraduate educational infrastructure and the position’s funding through the powerful Data-Driven Life Science initiative, providing exceptional research and career development opportunities.

Last Application Date: July 15, 2022

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6. PhD position in Gender, Technology and Medicine

Summary of Doctoral Project:

The Division of Science, Technology and Society (STS) is a young and vibrant division at the Chalmers University of Technology. We have an open and friendly research environment, where you can delve deep into research questions particular to your own field as well as easily find top researchers from other fields who have long experience in interdisciplinary research, and are eager to bring in new perspectives to their own work. There are also strong collaborations with other universities and divisions, such as within gender studies and science and technology studies. Information about the research The Division of Science, Technology and Society, part of The Department of Technology Management and Economics at Chalmers University of Technology, will hire a PhD student in Social Studies of Gender, Technology and Medicine. The research may be oriented towards areas such as gender, biomedical technologies and the body; gendered dimensions of medical treatments and medical engineering; the consequenses of introducing and/or using gender-specific medical technologies in healthcare.

Last Application Date: June 26th, 2022

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7. PhD student position in edge computing and decentralized learning

Summary of Doctoral Project:

Billions of connected devices such as IoT sensors, wearables, drones, and autonomous vehicles continuously produce and process data. Processing this massive amount of data to turn it into intelligent behaviors and decision-making requires the availability of suitable computing frameworks. In most scenarios, data is inherently distributed and can be sensitive. Centralized over-the-cloud learning is not well adapted for this setting: uploading vast amounts of data to the cloud puts enormous pressure on existing communication networks, entails unacceptable long propagation delays, and poses privacy concerns. To address this issue, edge computing is envisioned as a new paradigm whereby computational power is moved from the cloud closer to where the data is generated, i.e., the wireless edge. Particularly, federated learning and swarm learning have emerged as the most promising approaches to decentralized learning at the network edge. The overarching goal of this project is to developing low-latency, secure, and private decentralized learning and edge computing schemes.

Last Application Date: 20 June, 2022

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8. PhD student position in Supply Chain Management: business models for sustainable transport

Summary of Doctoral Project:

In this project you will be investigating new business models for sustainable transport solutions. The focus will be on studying how the transport sector transitions to electromobility and how firms collaborate to implement new business models, such as sharing charging infrastructure. These new business models are innovative, have a strong focus on environmental sustainability, and require collaboration among multiple actors. This PhD student project will build on our research of business relationships and organizational management in sustainable transport. You will be able to influence the direction of your research. Our on-going research focuses for example on supply networks, sustainable transport solutions and business models. The focus is set on the interaction and the business relationships among multiple actors.    The Department of Technology Management and Economics broadly researches the interaction between technology development, industrial systems, society, people, and the environment. The department is organised in six divisions for research and teaching.

Last Application Date: July 30th 2022

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9. PhD student position in advanced hydrometallurgy for metal recovery from the secondary sources

Summary of Doctoral Project:

Sustainability and reliability of raw material sources are significant problems of modern society, and securing the material supply is the bottleneck that we can solve by creative recycling approaches. As the team member of the research group, the PhD student will challenge to overcome this issue and support the society to reach sustainability goals. This position will allow the student to develop skills and knowledge on not only the batteries recycling, chemical/metallurgical technologies, and advanced material characterization techniques but also communication, reporting, and creative thinking. Information about the project The project aims to demonstrate a circular material flow for critical raw materials in the battery industry by developing efficient recycling and combined material production processes. The research challenges the current available technologies and aims to develop more sustainable and efficient methods in respect to material recovery rate and impact of the technology on the environment.

Last Application Date: 31 May 2022

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10. PhD student position in Molecular Doping of Conjugated Polymers

Summary of Doctoral Project:

We are looking for a highly motivated PhD student to join our research group at Chalmers. Your project will be part of the ERC funded project “Electrical Modulation of Elastic Moduli (Elmo)”. The goal of your research will be to understand how molecular doping influences the mechanical properties of conjugated polymers. You will then use the knowledge gained to produce stimuli-responsive fibers that can be switched from soft and stretchable to stiff and tough, and use those fibers for the fabrication of electronic textile devices. You will work closely with several postdocs and PhD students in our group, as well as with several external collaborators, and together study the mechanical and electrical properties of different types of conjugated polymers and polymer fibers.

Last Application Date: 7 June 2022

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11. PhD student position in Electrochemistry and Wearable Electronics

Summary of Doctoral Project:

We are looking for a highly motivated PhD student to join our research group at Chalmers. Your project will be part of the ERC funded project “Electrical Modulation of Elastic Moduli (Elmo)”. The goal of your research will be to understand how electrochemical doping influences the mechanical properties of conjugated polymers. You will then use the knowledge gained to produce stimuli-responsive fibers that can be switched from soft and stretchable to stiff and tough, and use those fibers for the fabrication of electronic textile devices. You will work closely with several postdocs and PhD students in our group, as well as with several external collaborators, and together study the mechanical, electrical and electrochemical properties of different types of conjugated polymers and polymer fibers.

Last Application Date: 7 June 2022

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12. PhD position in Ethics and Technology

Summary of Doctoral Project:

The Department of Technology Management and Economics at Chalmers University of Technology will hire a PhD student in Ethics and Technology. The position is based at the Division of Science, Technology and Society. Our research and education covers a wide area including Ethics and Technology, Environmental Humanities, History of Science and Technology, Science and Technology Studies (STS) as well as Gender and Technology, Sociology, and Valuation Studies. Major responsibilities: Your major responsibilities are to pursue your own doctoral studies (80% of full time). The position also includes departmental work (20% of full time), such as teaching in ethics and technology and similar subjects as well as doing administrative tasks. All of this will take place over a period of five years.

Last Application Date: 22 June 2022

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13. PhD student in Data Driven Research on Microbial Interactions

Summary of Doctoral Project:

This project aims to uncover interactions between bacteria in microbiomes that are important for community stability and resilience to colonization by pathogens. In addition, the project seeks to unearth which environmental and genetic factors that are important determinants of bacterial invasiveness and community stability. The PhD project revolves around using large-scale data-driven approaches (including machine learning and metagenomic sequence analysis), combined with high-throughput molecular methods and established theories developed for macro-organism ecology to decipher the mechanisms behind interactions in microbial communities. The project is financed by the SciLifeLab and Wallenberg National Program for Data-Driven Life Science (DDLS), and the student will participate in a national research school on data-driven life science. While working in the group, the student will interact with other lab members with expertise in microbiology, bioinformatics and large-scale data analysis. Close collaborations exist with partners in Gothenburg and nationally, as well as with international partners.

Last Application Date: June 5, 2022

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14. PhD student in Data Driven Antibiotic Resistance Research

Summary of Doctoral Project:

Rapidly increasing antibiotic resistance necessitates innovative solutions to halt its spread. The work on preventing antibiotic resistance in the Bengtsson-Palme lab is focused on: 1) understanding and limiting spread of antibiotic resistance through the environment, 2) identifying genes involved in antibiotic resistance, 3) defining the conditions that select for antibiotic resistance in different settings, and 4) building a framework to allow implementation of monitoring for antibiotic resistance in the environment. This PhD project will be involved in all of these tasks, and the distribution between them can be somewhat influenced by your interest. The PhD project revolves around using large-scale data-driven approaches (including machine learning and metagenomic sequence analysis) to identify risk environments, define potential novel antibiotic resistance genes, and building a platform for AMR monitoring data.

Last Application Date: June 5, 2022

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15. PhD student position in the Computational Complexity of Statistical Inference

Summary of Doctoral Project:

The PhD project will be focused on the computational complexity of statistical inference. Classical methods in statistics often focus on identifying limits on statistical estimation in terms of the amount of data or the signal-to-noise ratio required for estimation to be possible. However, in many cases where statistical estimation is known to be possible (e.g. detecting communities in a social network, the sparse version of principal component analysis etc.) all known algorithms for estimation require computationally inefficient brute force search. At the same time the best computationally efficient algorithms only work at much lower signal-to-noise ratios, or by consuming much larger amounts of data than the known inefficient algorithms. This phenomenon suggests that there are fundamental computational limits for statistical inference, and that there is a need to develop a mathematical theory, which goes beyond classical statistics, to explain these limits. In this project, we will contribute to the development of such a theory by utilizing mathematical tools from the theory of approximation algorithms and computational complexity theory. We will also explore connections between the complexity of statistical inference and classical questions in algorithms and complexity theory.

Last Application Date: May 31, 2022

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16. PhD student – Multifunctional carbon fibres for structural batteries

Summary of Doctoral Project:

Your project will be part of the activities on Structural battery composites at Chalmers. Chalmers has pioneered this research for more than one decade Currently, the Chalmers’ team comprise approximately 15 people. The research is performed in an interdisciplinary team across Chalmers and at our partners at Deakin University in Australia. The project is funded by the U.S. Office of Naval Research. The PhD position is for five years, with research training spanning over four years, and an additional year involves teaching. Batteries in today’s electric cars and imminent electric aircraft constitute a large part of the vehicles’ weight, without fulfilling any load-bearing function. A structural battery, on the other hand, is one that works as both a power source and as part of the structure – for example, in a car body, aircraft interior or laptop casing. This is termed ‘massless’ energy storage, because in essence the battery’s weight vanishes when it becomes part of the load-bearing structure. Calculations show that this type of multifunctional battery could greatly reduce the weight of an electric vehicle.

Last Application Date: 5 June, 2022

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17. PhD student position in usable privacy and security

Summary of Doctoral Project:

The PhD student will join our ambitious project WASP NEST CyberSecIT, a framework project conducted jointly with KTH and Umeå University to explore the security and privacy of IoT applications, with the emphasis on software. NESTs are flagship projects of the Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Program (WASP). The PhD student will thus enjoy the benefits of the WASP graduate school. The PhD student will be supervised by Prof. Simone Fischer-Hübner (recipient of a number of awards by EU H2020, SSF, Google). The PhD student positions are limited to five years and normally include 20 per cent departmental work, mostly teaching duties. Salary for the position is as specified in Chalmers’ general agreement for PhD student positions, currently starting from 31,000 SEK per month before taxes.

Last Application Date: 31 May 2022

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