17 Fully Funded PhD Programs at Lund University, Sweden

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If you’re a Masters degree holder and seeking Fully Funded PhD Programs, Lund University, Sweden has several online applications open for PhD programs. Explore the PhD opportunities across diverse research areas and submit your application soon.

1. Fully Funded PhD Position in Electrical Engineering focusing on wide bandgap semiconductor devices for power electronics

Summary of PhD Program:

The topic of this project is to realize vertical semiconductor power electronics devices based on novel ultra wide bandgap materials such as AlGaN and Ga2O3. Such devices can reach substantially better performance as compared to traditional power electronic devices based on Si and SiC. You will fabricate and analyze novel devices based on these materials (transistors and diodes) and perform electrical characterization together with material scientists. The aim is to demonstrate high performance devices operating at high breakdown voltages (>1200V) with state-of-the-art values of the device resistances.

Application Deadline: 05.Aug.2024

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2. Fully Funded PhD Position in Electrical Engineering focusing on RF-devices and neuromorphic structures

Summary of PhD Program:

The studies will focus on experimental processing of transistors on a III-V platform at highly scaled geometries. Both manufacturing in Lund’s Nano Lab(nano.lu.se) and electrical characterization of materials and devices will be included. The development of new concepts for transistor calculations. The studies will take place within the framework of a European collaboration project.

Application Deadline: 05.Aug.2024

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3. Fully Funded PhD Position in Electrical Engineering focusing on sensing and positioning

Summary of PhD Program:

We will explore different system configurations to obtain reliable and efficient sensing and positioning. Especially we will work on message passing and joint processing of data from distributed nodes with local angular and delay information in a multi-static transceiver setup. We will also work with advanced short range radio technologies, specifically Bluetooth based methods with angular plus distance information and millimeter wave pulsed radar methods with angular plus distance information.

Application Deadline: 05.Aug.2024

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4. Fully Funded PhD Position in Electrical Engineering focusing on distributed MIMO

Summary of PhD Program:

You will work on 6G and especially distributed MIMO and a multilink system for joint communication, mono- and bi-static channel characterisation. The system enables real-time low-level link characterisation between user equipment and distributed antenna elements of the infrastructure. The results will be used for providing radar-type services with sub-meter accuracy and for enhanced dynamic resource assignments in the wireless network itself. The subject area includes cellular communication systems for 5G and 6G, channel modeling, channel characterization, combined communication and sensing with associated signal processing.

Application Deadline: 05.Aug.2024

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5. Fully Funded PhD Position in Mechanical Engineering Sciences

Summary of PhD Program:

As a doctoral student in the Manufacturing Processes group, you will explore new materials, product designs, processes, and approaches in modern manufacturing. The focus of the project includes investigation of wear mechanisms of advanced tooling materials when exposed to extreme environments, such as machining processes, rock-cutting and mining, die and mould, or wear applications. The work encompasses planing, designing, and conducting advanced experiments.

Application Deadline: 05.Aug.2024

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6. Fully Funded PhD Position in Digital twin for the prediction of plastic deformation and performance degradation of recycled hardmetal tools (MSCA Doctoral Network AIM-NEXT)

Summary of PhD Program:

The project is carried out within the AIM-NEXT MSCA Doctoral Network – Accelerate the design and Insertion of nonCRM hard Materials for Next generation EXTreme applications. The ambition of AIM-NEXT is to reshape our knowledge and the way of designing the next generation of non-CRM hard materials for extreme applications. It is implemented through a broad programme of experimental, theoretical and modelling research, on the basis of innovative material design, synthesis and sintering, together with deeper understanding of material performance and failure. 

Application Deadline: 05.Aug.2024

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7. Fully Funded PhD Position in diabetes and epigenetics within the DDLS program

Summary of PhD Program:

The main work tasks for PhD students are to devote themselves to their postgraduate education and therefore you will both be accepted as a student and employee at Lund University. You will also be admitted to the DDLS Research school, where you are expected to be an active participant. You will perform data-driven research by developing new blood-based epigenetics biomarkers for precision medicine that help patients with diabetes receive optimal treatment and reduce their complications. You will primarily work with the analysis of large-scale data from DNA methylation arrays and SNP arrays, along with prospective clinical data. 

Application Deadline: 04.Aug.2024

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8. Fully Funded PhD Position in biology

Summary of PhD Program:

This doctoral student position is part of European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant funded project INTERSPEC, and will specifically address interactions between plant symbiont ectomycorrhizal and litter decomposing saprotrophic fungi. Although typically inhabiting different layers of forest soils, they have been shown to compete for limiting nutrients (e.g. nitrogen (N)) with great effects on the overall organic matter decomposition rates. The goal of the PhD student will be to determine how varying nutrient conditions in laboratory grown co-cultures affect the outcome of this competition as well as composition and function of secondary metabolomes of the competing partners.

Application Deadline: 04.Aug.2024

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9. Fully Funded PhD Position in primary forest research

Summary of PhD Program:

Within the research group, we have developed the only known map of primary forests in Sweden and established a network of sample plots where vegetation and soil have been sampled. This information, along with complementary field data collection, will form the basis of the project. With this unique information, the project aims to increase our understanding of the factors that contribute to greater drought resistance in primary forests. The project aims to investigate what makes primary forests more drought-resistant than managed forests and map how these factors are represented in managed forests.

Application Deadline: 01.Aug.2024

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10. Fully Funded PhD Position in Computer Science focusing on robotics

Summary of PhD Program:

Human-centric environments are generally designed for humans with two arms, and even the simplest tasks such as carrying a tray or playing lego is very challenging with only one arm. Interestingly, most industrial robots, with the notable exception of the ABB robot YuMi or Baxter, have only one arm, and programming them not only requires special tricks such as fixtures and custom-made grippers, and some tasks, e.g. handling flexible materials, are almost impossible to do with one arm. Reusable robot programs, so-called robot skills, are currently limited to single-arm robots. The goal of this project is to extend existing skill representations, including related techniques such as behaviours trees, to support fast and easy programming of dual-arm robot skills and tasks.

Application Deadline: 01.Aug.2024

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11. Fully Funded PhD Position in Physics within studies of Li-ion batteries in thermal runaway

Summary of PhD Program:

The purpose of this doctoral project is to develop experimental methodology for studying batteries in thermal runaway and the subsequent venting process. The focus is on using laser diagnostics to determine properties such as gas composition, temperature, and particle velocity during the venting of a battery in thermal runaway. The research will primarily involve the Li-ion batteries that are commercially used today, but new battery technologies may also be studied.

Application Deadline: 31.Jul.2024

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12. Fully Funded PhD Position in biology

Summary of PhD Program:

The thesis project will investigate how secondary metabolite production is triggered in bryophytes under different cultivation conditions and in interaction with other plant species (allelopathic interactions). This will be done by employing axenic cultures of bryophytes in different cultivation systems (agar plates, liquid cultures and immersion type bioreactors). The bryophytes will be subject to different conditions in terms of light, water/nutrient availability and co-occurrence of other plants (bryophytes, vascular plants) in separate series of lab experiments.

Application Deadline: 31.Jul.2024

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13. Fully Funded PhD Position in Energy Sciences – COMPEL focusing on grid integration of batteries

Summary of PhD Program:

COMPEL, “COMPetence for the ELectrification of the transport system”, is a strategic initiative by the Swedish government, aimed at strengthening research and educational environments within battery technology and electrification. Within COMPEL, the three institutions – Chalmers University of Technology, Lund University, and Uppsala University – in consultation with Swedish industry, deepen their collaboration with the aim of strengthening Sweden’s position in battery technology contributing to the electrification of the transport sector, and related areas.

Application Deadline: 28.Jul.2024

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14. Fully Funded PhD Position in Energy Sciences – COMPEL with focus on CFD and Data-Driven Modelling of Batteries

Summary of PhD Program:

COMPEL, “COMPetence for the ELectrification of the transport system”, is a strategic initiative by the Swedish government, aimed at strengthening research and educational environments within battery technology and electrification. Within COMPEL, the three institutions – Chalmers University of Technology, Lund University, and Uppsala University – in consultation with Swedish industry, deepen their collaboration with the aim of strengthening Sweden’s position in battery technology contributing to the electrification of the transport sector, and related areas. The three institutions aim to enhance research and education in the battery sector to ensure strong research in battery technology supporting that electrification of the transport sector is maintained and further developed in Sweden.

Application Deadline: 28.Jul.2024

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15. Fully Funded PhD Position in applied microbiology with specialisation in metabolic modelling

Summary of PhD Program:

The subject of Applied Microbiology concerns basic and applied research with applications in the chemical, food, material, pharmaceutical, and water industries. The research involves work in microbial strain development, bioanalysis, biochemistry and fermentation technology. Synthetic biology applications are of particular interest, such as genetic modification of the metabolism of microorganisms in industrial processes. The current project focuses on the development of yeast genome-scale metabolic models for discovery and production of bioactive compounds.

Application Deadline: 26.Jul.2024

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16. Fully Funded PhD Position in polymer technology with a focus on green polymer chemistry

Summary of PhD Program:

The transition from today’s fossil-based plastics to tomorrow’s bio-based materials from renewable resources means a major research challenge for the future. The doctoral project is aimed at synthesis of new monomers and polymers from renewable resources, as well as characterization of structure and material properties of bio-based polymers. The main goal is to develop new synthesis strategies and new knowledge about how, for example, different bio-based polyesters and polyacrylates should be molecularly tailored to meet the requirements of various industrial applications where plastics from fossil raw materials are currently used. 

Application Deadline: 22.Jul.2024

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17. Fully Funded PhD Position in Biology

Summary of PhD Program:

Oxygen-depleted environments, such as aquatic sediments, are widespread on our planet. While often considered “anoxic dead zones”, these zones support diverse life, including eukaryotic microbes. These eukaryotes exhibit specialized metabolism especially in their mitochondria. The goal of this PhD project is to explore the mitochondrial biology of anaerobic eukaryotes to understand how their metabolism and organelle function has evolved in adaptation to environments without oxygen. We will focus on the anaerobic respiratory chain (electron transport chain), oxygen detoxification pathways and hydrogen transfer metabolism that have co-evolved in distinct lineages of anaerobes that inhabit the Baltic Sea. 

Application Deadline: 18.Jul.2024

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