17 Postdoctoral Jobs at Lund University, Sweden

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If you’re a PhD degree holder and seeking postdoctoral fellowships, Lund University, Sweden has several online applications open. Explore the opportunities across diverse research areas and submit your application soon.

1. Postdoctoral Job

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The project leverages recent methodological advancements in cognitive neuroscience to investigate the neurocognitive basis of flexible switching between multiple languages, focusing on the roles of memory and cognitive control systems. Alternating between languages is a skill extensively trained by early bilinguals and multilinguals. Over the past two decades, a substantial body of research has deepened our understanding of how these abilities are related to memory, context, and cognitive control. Despite this progress, the specific neurocognitive mechanisms that enable the rapid regulation of multiple languages remain poorly understood. 

Application Deadline: 31.Aug.2024

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2. Postdoctoral Job

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

LAMiNATE (Laminate | LAMiNATE (lu.se) is a cross-disciplinary interdepartmental research platform dedicated to all areas of language acquisition, multilingualism, and language teaching/assessment. It brings together approximately 40 researchers. Research in the platform covers language acquisition and language processing (first, second and multilingual); multimodal language processing and learning; developmental language disorders; educational linguistics and language teaching, testing and assessment; and language, learning and the brain.

Application Deadline: 31.Aug.2024

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3. Postdoctoral Job

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

Methodologically, the project combines qualitative interviews, a national survey, and agent-based modelling to capture how networked, bottom-up innovation processes change existing forestry practices. The MultiForSe project aims at understanding which multifunctional forestry practices are applied today and could be relevant in the future, as well as providing suggestions for policy measures that support the use of alternative forest management.

Application Deadline: 30.Aug.2024

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4. Postdoctoral Job

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The postdoctoral researcher will be placed within the Quantitative Immunobiology research group. The research group conducts high-tech medical research focused on immunology, infection, and cancer and consists of a mix of doctoral students, postdocs, and technical and administrative staff. Within the research group, we cherish a good work environment with respect and care in our relationships with each other. We constantly strive to create conditions for job satisfaction, development, and participation for all employees.

Application Deadline: 20.Aug.2024

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5. Postdoctoral Job

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The synthesis of highest efficiency metal-halide perovskites (MHPs) for solar cell applications is a fine tuned, sensitive and complex process with small processing windows. The complex interaction of solvents, additives, precursors, substrates with intermediates and atmosphere determine the morphology, optoelectronic quality and to some extent the stability of the produced films in an almost “black box” process. A thorough understanding of the synthesis process, its processing windows and how they can be tuned is mandatory for up-scaled production.

Application Deadline: 18.Aug.2024

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6. Postdoctoral Job

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The research area is Critical Infrastructure Resilience, which includes understanding, analysing, managing, and reducing risk and vulnerabilities of physical and cyber infrastructures from a cross-sector perspective. This includes aspects of modelling, simulation, data classification, confidentiality concerns, and analysis capability in relation to conceptual areas such as critical infrastructure, complexity, systemic risks, decision making, interdependencies, and cascading effects.

Application Deadline: 18.Aug.2024

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7. Postdoctoral Job

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

A considerable part of the research in the division is in the field of nanobiotechnology where we develop new methods to investigate biological systems, or to exploit biomolecules within nanocomponents. The Division is leading a project to develop nanowire-based platforms for rapid analysis of single molecules based on immunofluorescence. The ultimate goal is to detect markers for e.g. cancer directly in samples derived from clinical work without the need for chemical reprocessing with much higher sensitivity than is possible today. This includes biomarker detection from biological fluids and direct cell interrogation using nanowires and nanotubes. 

Application Deadline: 15.Aug.2024

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8. Postdoctoral Job

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The focus of the research is tools and methods used by industry in the food, forestry, and bioenergy sectors to capture and describe their effects on biodiversity. Based on an inventory of such methods in BIOPATH, the candidate will use methods ranging from expert elicitation to elaborate modelling to determine if and how these methods reflect loss of different aspects of biodiversity related to its diverse values and to what extent impact scores will reflect ambitions in industry to reduce their impact. This will include scrutinizing assumptions they build on, scale of impacts, data requirements, and certification of validity. Studies may be theoretical or case studies, e.g. in collaboration with BIOPATH partners. The work should ultimately result in a roadmap to efficient tools for capturing industries’ impact on biodiversity.

Application Deadline: 14.Aug.2024

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9. Postdoctoral Job

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

As a postdoc in this project, you will develop and apply modelling techniques and model-data fusion, to improve our understanding of drought stress risks in Swedish forests. You will work with data from ICOS stations in Sweden, the flux footprint model FFP, and the LPJ-GUESS forest ecosystem model. The project involves close collaboration with partners from the forest industry, the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute, and the Swedish Forest Agency. You will become part of the Land surface – Atmosphere Interactions and the ecosystem modelling research groups at Lund University, including a substantial team working on carbon cycle and forest modelling and measurements in Europe and beyond. You will also have the chance to join the BECC and MERGE research communities with many scientists working on topics related to biodiversity, ecosystem services and climate modelling.

Application Deadline: 14.Aug.2024

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10. Postdoctoral Job

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The main responsibility for the postdoctoral fellow is to conduct research within the ECO-Syria project together with other project participants. Research tasks will include programmatic analysis of large volumes (big data) time series of vegetation, classification of land use and land cover (LULC) using medium- and high-resolution data, and spatio-temporal analyses of LULC changes, analyzed together with ancillary data, such as nighttime lights and other spatial data. Tasks also include dissemination of results through high-quality publications in international scholarly journals and conference presentations as well as participation in outreach activates. The postdoctoral fellow will also contribute to other relevant research projects at CMES. 

Application Deadline: 14.Aug.2024

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11. Postdoctoral Job

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

Half of the working time is available for a research line within ATLAS of the candidate’s choosing. The successful candidate should expect to spend roughtly the other half of their time on track reconstruction. ATLAS expects to move track reconstruction entirely to the ACTS (A Common Tracking Software) framework to cope with the intense environment of the HL-LHC. The candidate could expect to help co-supervise PhD students on ATLAS and have the opportunity to supervise masters and bachelors projects. 

Application Deadline: 12.Aug.2024

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12. Postdoctoral Job

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The SPECIES beamline, together with the HIPPIE beamline, forms the APXPS team, which is dedicated to the development of the ambient pressure x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy programme at MAX IV. The beamline provides a wide range of sample environments for in situ and operando XPS measurements for the user community. The SPECIES beamline team consists of four members who are actively driving multiple in-house research programmes, among which are time-resolved photoemission, atomic layer deposition, high-temperature catalysis, and photocatalysis.

Application Deadline: 11.Aug.2024

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13. Postdoctoral Job

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The position is located at the Division of Mathematical Physics, which is a common division between both the Natural Science and Engineering (LTH) faculty, and it is part of the Department of Physics. Presently, the Division of Mathematical Physics hosts five full professors and six lecturers. Research is conducted primarily in the field of quantum mechanical many-particle physics. Specifically, the research areas at the Division include ultra-cold atomic quantum gases, theoretical nuclear structure physics, nanostructure physics, quantum information theory, atomic theory and materials modeling. The division has numerous collaborations both internationally and within Lund University. The team where this position is located was recently assosciated with the Wallenberg Centre for Quantum Technology (WACQT) and is part of the strategic research priority areas of NanoLund as well as Light and Materials at Lund University.

Application Deadline: 11.Aug.2024

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14. Postdoctoral Job

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The position is located at the Division of Mathematical Physics, which is a common division between both the Natural Science and Engineering (LTH) faculty, and it is part of the Department of Physics. Presently, the Division of Mathematical Physics hosts five full professors and six lecturers. Research is conducted primarily in the field of quantum mechanical many-particle physics. Specifically, the research areas at the Division include ultra-cold atomic quantum gases, theoretical nuclear structure physics, nanostructure physics, quantum information theory, atomic theory and materials modeling. 

Application Deadline: 11.Aug.2024

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15. Postdoctoral Job

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The postdoctoral researcher will work within a research project named Climate sustainable city districts – learning from doing. The project aims to promote the development of new climate-sustainable buildings and city districts and uses the development of a new city district in Helsingborg called Oceanhamnen as case study. Oceanhmanen is being built within the next four years and aims at achieving climate neutrality. The remaining project partners are the Swedish Environmental Institute, the City of Helsingborg and several large building developers. The postdoctoral researcher will also work in close collaboration with a second research project running in parallel, within EU’s Net Zero Cities initiative, where Helsingborg was elected one of the 100 EU’s climate neutral and smart cities. 

Application Deadline: 11.Aug.2024

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16. Postdoctoral Job

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The division of fire safety engineering conducts research and teaching that relates to fire and its consequences. Teaching takes place mainly at the Fire Protection Engineering program and the International Master in Fire Safety Technology, the latter is a program that is primarily aimed at international students. The division consists of approximately 20 employees, including six Lund-based doctoral students. In addition, there are a number of company-related doctoral students associated to the division. The division of Fire Safety Engineering acts in an international context and has contact with research organizations nationally and internationally.

Application Deadline: 02.Aug.2024

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17. Postdoctoral Job

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

You will focus on research work with metabolic engineering for recombinant production of bulk chemicals. You will use state-of-the art molecular biology methods to design, construct and analyse strains harbouring biosynthetic pathways to target products. In addition to strain engineering work the project includes a significant amount of quantiative physiological microbial analysis using different cultivation equipment, ranging from ml to liter scale. Flow cytometry and fluorescence microscopy will be used within the project. Chemical analysis of metabolites, and target products will be made with different techniques, including HPLC, and Mass spectrometry. You will collaborate with researchers both within and outside of the department at LU and universities and research institutes.

Application Deadline: 02.Aug.2024

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