17 Postdoctoral Jobs at University of Oxford, Oxford, England

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If you’re a PhD degree holder and seeking postdoctoral fellowships, University of Oxford, Oxford, England has several online applications open. Explore the opportunities across diverse research areas and submit your application soon.

1. Postdoctoral Job

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

We are seeking to appoint a Postdoctoral Research Scientist to join the research group of Dr Sarah De Val at the University of Oxford. Our lab studies the different regulatory pathways which control gene expression within the vasculature, with an emphasis on transcriptional regulation of endothelial heterogeneity. The successful applicant will lead on a research project aiming to understand how arterial identity and differentiation is regulated, and to identify novel strategies to induce and improve arterial growth to prevent ischemia and stimulate tissue repair.

Application Deadline: 21-Aug-2024

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2. Postdoctoral Job

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The project will involve single cell transcriptome, hyper-LOPIT 3D subcellular proteomics data combined with RNAi approaches to identify how a host cell can manipulate the fate of its endosymbiotic partner cells. Using these datasets, we will then apply phylogenomic methods to understand how host control mechanisms evolve in endosymbiotic interactions. You will have the opportunity to use a number of established datasets and so must be confident in a range of bioinformatic approaches. As such the post could be largely a bioinformatic post or one that combines an equal share of bioinformatic analyses and laboratory work. You will have the opportunity to collaborate in the preparation of research publications and presenting papers at conferences or public meetings.

Application Deadline: 16-Aug-2024

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3. Postdoctoral Job

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

We are seeking to appoint a Postdoctoral Research Associate to join Prof Philip Biggin’s lab in collaboration with Prof Simon Newstead (Oxford Biochemistry) and Prof Chris Schofield (Oxford Chemistry) to develop a computational pipeline to help design antibiotics with improved uptake into humans. This builds on a substantial body of work already performed by this team using a combination of advanced computational techniques, structural biology and chemical synthesis.

Application Deadline: 14-Aug-2024

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4. Postdoctoral Job

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

We are seeking to appoint a Postdoctoral Research Associate to join the lab of Dr Lindsay Baker and be part of MIGRATE, an interdisciplinary collaboration investigating the migration of neurons during development of the brain. This role will use cellular electron cryotomograpy (cryoET) and subvolume averaging, assisted by SPOT DNA tags (Silvester et al., Cell 2021), to understand the arrangement and assembly of guidance molecules on the surface of neuronal cells, working closely with other PDRAs in MIGRATE on advanced imaging and structural biology techniques. 

Application Deadline: 13-Aug-2024

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5. Postdoctoral Job

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The post holder will be an integral member of the Jansen research group carrying out collaborative research on one (or a few) defined projects. These will focus on understanding the role of chromatin and DNA sequence in the assembly of functioning of human centromeres. Specifically, the post holder will participate in a project focussing on the histone variant CENP-A at centromeres and discovering the mechanisms of assembly and stable transmission of centromeric chromatin. In addition to running the project, the post holder will provide guidance to less experienced members of the research group, including postdocs, research assistants, technicians, and PhD and project students.

Application Deadline: 13-Aug-2024

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6. Postdoctoral Job

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

We are hiring new talent to join our research team here at the Target Discovery Institute, Nuffield Department of Medicine. The Song research group aims to decode the chemical modifications of our genome, transcriptome, and proteome in human health and disease – cancer in particular – and translating this information into diagnostic and therapeutic opportunities that ultimately benefit patients. Recently, we developed a novel sequencing method for the most abundant RNA modification pseudouridine (bioRxiv 2024.2001.2008.574649, Nat. Methods accepted). We are seeking a highly motivated Postdoctoral Research Scientist with experience in RNA biology to lead various projects to uncover the role of pseudouridine and pseudouridine synthases (PUS) in cancer, and explore the potential clinical application of pseudouridine in the circulating cell-free RNA for cancer diagnostics.

Application Deadline: 12-Aug-2024

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7. Postdoctoral Job

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

Applications are invited for a Post-Doctoral neuronal cell biologist to work on a project to target calcium channels in Parkinson’s disease. The project, funded by the Michael J Fox Foundation and in collaboration with Lario Therapeutics, represents an exciting opportunity to undertake translation work at the interface between academic research and pharmaceutical target and drug discovery in an exceptional setting. This work will develop new inhibitors of calcium channels as a neuroprotective strategy to protect vulnerable dopamine neurons in Parkinson’s working with induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC)-derived dopamine neurons generated from Parkinson’s patients.

Application Deadline: 12-Aug-2024

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8. Postdoctoral Job

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

A large, international, collaborative Research Centre, focused on using genomic methodologies to develop therapies for rare genetic disorders, has recently received substantial funding. A position is available for a highly motivated Postdoctoral Research Associate with expertise in bioinformatics to join the research groups led by Prof Stephan Sanders and A/Prof Carlo Rinaldi at the University of Oxford. These two groups focus on genetic causes of neurological and neurodevelopmental disorders with the goal of developing cutting-edge genetic therapies for these disorders with bench-to-bedside programs that include bioinformatics, functional genomics, therapeutic development, stem cell modelling, and clinical trials. Both labs have clinical expertise and work closely with families and individuals affected by rare genetic disorders.

Application Deadline: 12-Aug-2024

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9. Postdoctoral Job

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The objectives of UK Brain BioLink are to respond to the MRCs/UKRIs call to conduct a pilot project that establishes proof-of-principle for a national, science- and technology-led infrastructure that facilitates rapid access to high-quality, well characterised human biosamples and data for translational and basic neuroscience research in line with the priorities of the MRC’s Neurosciences and Mental Health Board. The project will allow researchers to share tissue samples and pool resources. This will ensure valuable samples get maximum use for maximum scientific benefit. You will be responsible for developing innovative tissue preservation methods for high quality live nervous system tissues and the distribution of them nationally. 

Application Deadline: 09-Aug-2024

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10. Postdoctoral Job

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

You will be responsible for managing your own academic research and administrative activities. This involves small scale project management, to co-ordinate multiple aspects of work to meet deadlines. You will participate in the Ludwig Cancer Research funded research programme led by Prof Xin Lu to study the role of hypoxia signalling in tumour microenvironment regulation, and collaborate in the preparation of scientific reports and journal articles and occasionally present papers and posters. You will adapt existing and develop new scientific techniques and experimental protocols, and also test hypotheses and analyse scientific data from a variety of sources, reviewing and refining working hypotheses as appropriate. As Postdoctoral Researcher, you will supervise, advise and train junior staff in cell/molecular biology/biochemistry techniques and protocols.

Application Deadline: 08-Aug-2024

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11. Postdoctoral Job

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

An exciting opportunity has arisen for a highly motivated Postdoctoral Research Scientist to join Professor Chapman’s Group, to investigate how DNA replication and repair pathways contribute to haematological health and longevity. You will also work alongside other MRC Molecular Haematology Unit research groups, with interests spanning aspects of genome stability, chromatin and transcription, cell lineage development in relation to haematopoiesis. This position will particularly suit a candidate with an established track record in stem cell biology and a keen interest developing expertise in genome stability biology.

Application Deadline: 07-Aug-2024

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12. Postdoctoral Job

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

We are seeking to appoint a Postdoctoral Research Associate to join Prof Simon Newstead’s lab in collaboration with Prof Philip Biggin (Oxford Biochemistry) and Prof Chris Schofield (Oxford Chemistry) to develop a computational pipeline to help design antibiotics with improved uptake into humans. This builds on a substantial body of work already performed by this team using a combination of advanced structural biology, computational techniques, and chemical synthesis. The aim of this post is to establish the mechanistic rules for proton coupling in Peptide Transporters and explore the development of inhibitors and modulators.

Application Deadline: 06-Aug-2024

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13. Postdoctoral Job

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The position is embedded within a research programme funded as part of a UKRI Turing AI Fellowship. The role will focus on the development of state-of-the-art machine learning approaches for the analysis of spatial sequencing data of cancers in collaboration with the Jamieson Group at the University of Glasgow. This is a unique opportunity to develop and apply AI to tackle key questions in cancer research, and is an ideal opportunity for a soon-to-complete or recent doctoral graduate seeking to switch disciplines into machine learning. An interest in biology or medicine is essential. The postholder should also be self-motivated, diligent and able to work individually or collaboratively. 

Application Deadline: 05-Aug-2024

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14. Postdoctoral Job

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

Applications are invited for a Postdoctoral Research Associate in Molecular Inorganic Chemistry in the broad areas of the Circular Economy and Sustainable Chemistry, to work under the supervision of Professor Dermot O’Hare for a period of up to 24 months. This project aims to establish the application of such main group complexes to small molecule activation and determine their reaction mechanism.

Application Deadline: 02-Aug-2024

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15. Postdoctoral Job

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

Applications are invited for a Postdoctoral Research Associate in Inorganic Chemistry to work under the supervision of Professor Simon Aldridge for a period of 6 months. The project involves working in the areas of main group and transition metal organometallic chemistry and taking the lead in the generation of a range of metal-metal bonded systems.

Application Deadline: 02-Aug-2024

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16. Postdoctoral Job

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The arms race at the plant-pathogen interface is a fascinating field of biology that can deliver important new strategies for crop protection. Within this ERC-funded project, we used chemical proteomics to discover secreted plant proteins of Nicotiana benthamiana that are manipulated by Pseudomonas syringae during infection (e.g. Sueldo et al., New Phytol. 2024) and used artificial intelligence (e.g. Homma et al., Nat. Comm 2023) to predict pathogen proteins that might be responsible for this manipulation. This project aims to elucidate the molecular mechanisms underpinning extracellular manipulation of the host during infection. You will use co-immunoprecipitation to verify predicted protein-protein interactions and establish enzymatic assays and activity-based labelling to demonstrate the effect of target manipulation. You will use reverse genetics to deplete the components from both plant and pathogen to demonstrate their importance in pathogen virulence and plant immunity.

Application Deadline: 02-Aug-2024

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17. Postdoctoral Job

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

We are seeking to appoint a Postdoctoral Research Associate to join the Germline Genomics laboratory led by Dr Anjali Hinch at the Sir William Dunn School of Pathology, University of Oxford. The laboratory uses a combination of statistical, computational, and experimental approaches to understand how processes in our cells lead to changes in their DNA. These changes include errors (mutations) or shuffling up of chromosomes (recombination) in human eggs and sperm, which lead to genetic alterations that may be inherited by future generations.

Application Deadline: 31-Jul-2024

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