19 Fully Funded PhD Programs at Technical University of Denmark, Denmark

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If you’re a Masters degree holder and seeking Fully Funded PhD Programs, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark has several online applications open for PhD programs. Explore the PhD opportunities across diverse research areas and submit your application soon.

1. Fully Funded PhD Position in digitalization of polymer-based battery electrolyte development

Summary of PhD Program:

You will work on a project to design fluorinated polymers prepared through light-induced polymerization. The design space for finding the optimal composition and synthesis conditions for polymer electrolytes is too vast to explore manually. Therefore, we are combining self-driving labs, high-throughput atomic scale simulations, and AI to transition to digitalization-based automation of electrolyte development. The immediate goal is to create and utilize digital twins to develop high-performing polymer electrolytes for Mg-ion batteries (i.e., high ionic conductivity, coulombic efficiency, and cyclability at a low cost). However, we expect the gained know-how and infrastructure to be transferred to other battery chemistries and power-to-X applications. 

Application Deadline: 07/23/2024

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2. Fully Funded PhD Position in Cryptography

Summary of PhD Program:

We are looking for a bright, ambitious, and motivated PhD student to join the cryptography group in the Cybersecurity Engineering Section at DTU Compute in the Copenhagen region of Denmark. The 3-year PhD position will preferably start on 1 November 2024 (or according to mutual agreement). The goal of the PhD project is to improve the state of threshold post-quantum cryptography. You will join the growing cryptography team at DTU and be able to work with researchers in- and outside of the Copenhagen region and Denmark.

Application Deadline: 31 August 2024

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3. Fully Funded PhD Position in Prevalence and Mitigation of Pathogenic Sporeforming Bacteria in Plant-based Foods

Summary of PhD Program:

Your main task will be to investigate the prevalence, genetic diversity and behaviour of pathogenic sporeforming bacteria in plant-based foods and ingredients. You will test factors affecting germination and growth of spores as well as conducting challenge experiments in relevant food model systems. Also, you will assess the kinetics of germination and growth to determine the overall risk for plant-based foods given their characteristics. You will receive training in planning and execution of experimental work in the laboratory with accompanying data analysis and reporting as well as dissemination of results in collaboration with your supervisors.

Application Deadline: 08/16/2024

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4. Fully Funded PhD Position in Topological Photonics

Summary of PhD Program:

You will carry out theoretical and computational work in topological photonics and nanophononics. This includes numerical computation and theoretical analysis of the photonic properties of candidate designs, building effective and conceptual models to inform our theoretical understanding, and developing code and theory frameworks to address new topological phenomena. Depending on the project’s results, you will also be responsible for proposing and evaluating designs for experimental proof-of-principle demonstrations.

Application Deadline: 08/18/2024

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5. Fully Funded PhD Position in Biomethanation of Pyrolysis Gas as a Sustainable Route for the Conversion of Residual Biomasses to Carbon Negative Fuels

Summary of PhD Program:

Are you a highly competent, ambitious, and hard-working scientist wanting to excel in the exciting field of gas fermentation in one of the best foundations and collaboration schemes to accomplish this? Then this position is for you. At DTU Chemical Engineering, a PhD position is available in the frame of a research project funded by DTU as a strategic PhD. The project is in close collaboration with DTU Construct (Associate Professor Lasse Røngaard Clausen), and Stiesdal SkyClean A/S (Chief Engineer Dr. Jesper Ahrenfeldt) and the main task will be to optimize biomethanation of pyrolysis gas from laboratory to pilot scale including process digitalization and sustainability. 

Application Deadline: 08/07/2024

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6. Fully Funded PhD Position in integrated blue optical phased array on thin-film lithium niobate platform for underwater optical communication

Summary of PhD Program:

This PhD project aims at developing an integrated OPA on TFLN platform at blue light (~450 nm) wavelength band for UOWC systems. You will first design an OPA on TFLN platform at blue-light wavelength. The designed blue OPA will then be fabricated using our advanced cleanroom facilities at DTU Nanolabs and characterized using our state-of-the-art lab facilities. You will closely collaborate with another PhD student working on blue-light TFLN integrated photonics platform. Candidates having a strong background in photonics and having experience with integrated photonics are preferred. 

Application Deadline: 08/12/2024

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7. Fully Funded PhD Position in Astrophysics 

Summary of PhD Program:

We are seeking applications for a 3-year PhD position at DTU-Space, focusing on stellar astrophysics. You will join the ERC-funded MAGNIFY group under the leadership of Dr. Victoria Antoci. This project aims to explore the effects of magnetic fields on stellar structure and mixing processes. The research will delve into magnetic field generation, their influence on stellar pulsations, and their broader implications for stellar evolution. MAGNIFY investigates variability caused by stellar spots and examines the origins of magnetic fields in A and F stars. By utilizing asteroseismology, the project aims to detect and analyze near-core and surface magnetic fields, comparing theoretical models with photometric observations from the Kepler and TESS satellites, as well as data from Gaia and ground-based spectroscopic and spectropolarimetric observations. 

Application Deadline: 09/01/2024

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8. Fully Funded PhD Position in AI-Based Dynamic Blackout Anticipation Methods for Future Power Systems

Summary of PhD Program:

We look for a talented, self-motivated, and team-oriented individual who thrives in a collaborative environment and enjoys tackling complex topics. As a PhD student in our team, you will be part of a world-leading research environment and contribute to the development of next-generation AI-based tools for power systems. Your work will focus on developing dynamic blackout anticipation and prevention methods using a digital twin of future power systems. This involves developing AI-based dynamic security assessment tools to enhance decision-making and control processes, collaborating on creating and employing a digital twin of an actual power system, the Bornholm Energy Island, and innovating solutions to improve power system resilience.

Application Deadline: 08/31/2024

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9. Fully Funded PhD Position in Nucleic Acid Chemistry

Summary of PhD Program:

The project will be carried out in the group of Kira Astakhova. It is dedicated to rational design, synthesis and testing of new nucleoside and oligonucleotide compounds as potential therapeutic solutions for cancer and infectious diseases in brain. Our work has a goal to improve the current issue of ineffective treatment of brain diseases. We work on the delivery issue, prodrugs and aptamer technology. It is a long-term vision beyond our work to improve the survival rates of patients suffering from devastating brain diseases such as glioblastoma and viral meningitis.

Application Deadline: 08/15/2024

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10. Fully Funded PhD Position in Terahertz Spectroscopy for Sustainable Maritime Coatings

Summary of PhD Program:

Your overall focus will be on the advancement of terahertz spectroscopy for contactless coating characterization. This will require a very practical and hands-on mentality while also being able to gain a deep fundamental understanding of the underlying physics. The generated data sets need to be processed to reduce noise, fit models to the data, and infer film thicknesses and coating defect information from the raw data. Besides, you will work with functional coatings, requiring independent laboratory work such as the formulation of coatings, coating application, and the characterization of the films by various methods. 

Application Deadline: 08/09/2024

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11. Fully Funded PhD Position in AI Augmented Design Optimization of Wind Farms

Summary of PhD Program:

This project is a part of the TWEED (Training Wind Energy Experts on Digitalisation) Doctoral Network, funded by EU through the Horizon Europe MSCA programme. TWEED aims to train the next generation of excellent researchers equipped with a full set of technical and complementary skills to develop high-impact careers in wind energy digitalization. This goal will be achieved through an outstanding research-for-innovation programme, and a unique training programme that combines hands-on research training, interactive schools and hackathons, innovation management and placements with non-academic partner organizations. 

Application Deadline: 10/15/2024

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12. Fully Funded PhD Position in Multi-Qubit Quantum Photonic Devices for the Quantum Internet

Summary of PhD Program:

This Ph.D. project is focused on experimental investigation and realization of advanced quantum photonic devices, based on crystal-phase structures in nanowires. This is a recently developed technology uniquely allowing for the fabrication of quantum devices with an ultimate precision of a single atomic layer. We are at the very forefront of international research in this area and the topic is new, creating ample opportunities for the Ph.D. student to significantly push the state-of-the-art and define new standards in the field.

Application Deadline: 08/12/2024

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13. Fully Funded PhD Position in Selenium Solar Cells

Summary of PhD Program:

SelSiCELL must simultaneously improve both the photovoltage and the photocurrent compared to state-of-the-art c-Se solar cells – and ultimately – grow such high-performance c-Se cells monolithically on a pre-made c-Si solar cell. This requires a wide span of techniques and tricks, and you are expected to master them all. Your PhD will explore ideas to both engineer the bandgap of c-Se to increase photocurrent and to improve the carrier lifetime to improve the photovoltage. 

Application Deadline: 08/01/2024

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14. Fully Funded PhD Position in Computational Biology

Summary of PhD Program:

Biosustainability is the discovery, production, and use of biochemicals at scale to avoid the depletion of natural resources and the harmful impact of existing ones such as fossil fuels on societies, economies, and environments. The Novo Nordisk Foundation Centre for Biosustainability (CfB) is an interdisciplinary research center at the Technical University of Denmark with 300 employees that develops new knowledge and technology to support the production of biochemicals using microbial production. The Centre comprises core facilities and academic research groups doing both basic research to determine the spectrum of chemistry that can be produced biologically and applied/translational approaches focusing on enhancing the strain design and development process. 

Application Deadline: 07/30/2024

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15. Fully Funded PhD Position in Developing a Fungal Phenotype Genotype Relationships in Novel Foods 

Summary of PhD Program:

Our current food production system is relying on animal and plant-derived proteins. Filamentous fungi may hold great potential to support the green transition of our diets. They can be utilized for the creation of delicious food products. Their features such as enzyme secretion, texture and flavour are critical for the development of sustainable foods. Join us in our endeavor to develop relationships between fungal traits important for the food production of tomorrow and their genome. You will be working in a highly motivated and dedicated team of researchers in an inspiring and interdisciplinary environment and research network in order to tackle this challenge.

Application Deadline: 08/14/2024

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16. Fully Funded PhD Position in Alternative Materials for Oral Devices and their in vivo Interactions

Summary of PhD Program:

In collaboration with colleagues in IDUN working on the FREJA project, you will spearhead the implementation of alternative and sustainable materials design and development of devices that can improve retention and/or proximity to epithelium. We offer a highly creative, collaborative and ambitious work environment. This project will be part of the IDUN research section, led by Prof. Anja Boisen at DTU Health Tech. IDUN is a cross-disciplinary research section with over 50 members, that focuses on development of micro and nanotechnology-based sensors, detection systems, energy materials and drug delivery devices.

Application Deadline: 08/12/2024

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17. Fully Funded PhD Position in in vivo Investigation of 3D Features for Gastrointestinal Retention, Friction and Mucopermeation/Tissue Penetration

Summary of PhD Program:

You will be responsible for systematically exploring the effect of 3D structuring using in vivo experiments and imaging techniques such as CT scanning and endoscopy. The project is anticipated to bring new fundamental understanding on the effect of 3D structures on gastrointestinal retention, friction, mucopermeation and tissue penetration. Initially, you will realize surfaces with different textures and geometries by e.g. 3D printing, laser cutting and casting. Later, you will be engaged in in vitro and ex vivo characterization of the performance of different 3D features. The most promising 3D features will be studied in vivo. In collaboration with other project partners, suitable 3D features will be integrated in devices for oral drug delivery. 

Application Deadline: 08/12/2024

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18. Fully Funded PhD Position in Nature-Inspired and Biocompatible Materials for Energy Harvesting in the Gut 

Summary of PhD Program:

You will be responsible for designing and fabricating materials, inspired by nature, that can be applied in primarily piezoelectric and ferroelectric energy harvesting. The materials will be characterized and applied in our activities such as drug delivery, sensing, and gut sampling. This work will be carried out in close collaboration with your colleagues at DTU Health Tech and at DTU Energy. You will initially be engaged in material development and characterization. This involves the selection of appropriate materials, including polymers and bioceramics, and alignment of the dipole moment in the materials by a poling process. Later, the developed materials will be implemented in devices and tested in in vitro and in vivo experiments in suitable animal models. 

Application Deadline: 08/12/2024

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19. Fully Funded PhD Position in Physics and Chemistry of Fuel Salts for Molten Salt Reactors

Summary of PhD Program:

In this PhD project we aim to determine the effect of model-selected fission- and corrosion products on the thermophysical properties of different fluoride fuel salts proposed for MSR systems, in particular eutectic compositions of NaF-KF-UF4 (FUNaK) salts. We hypothesize that these investigations will allow us to determine the thermophysical properties for fuel salts containing a range of relevant fission and corrosion products.

Application Deadline: 08/30/2024

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