33 Fully Funded PhD Programs at Tu Delft University, Netherlands

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Are you holding Master’s degree and looking for PhD positions – Fully Funded PhD Programs in Europe? Tu Delft University, Netherlands inviting application for funded PhD Programs or fully funded PhD Scholarship. Tu Delft University is one of the largest university in the world with thousands of employees, students, and research scientists are involved in the innovation of science and technology daily.

Tu Delft University has huge a campus in Netherlands and widely known as for its contribution in top notch education and research. The contribution of Tu Delft University is not only limited to natural sciences and engineering but it also offers high quality research as well as higher education in bio-medical sciences, social sciences, humanities, psychology, education, architecture etc.

1. PhD position on Biophysics of single-molecule nanopore scanners

Summary of Doctoral Project:

The project combines cutting-edge nanofabrication techniques, novel nanomaterials and single-molecule instrumentation. You will have the opportunity to develop new fundamental insights into sound-matter interactions at the nanoscale for application in next-generation protein sequencing. This position is funded by the ERC StG project SIMPHONICS. You will be based in the Precision and Microsystems Engineering Department at TU Delft, where you will have access to state-of-the-art facilities (cleanroom, chemistry lab, optics lab) and equipment to initiate this new line of research in our young and diverse team of physicists, materials scientists, engineers and biochemists.

Last Application Date: April 8st, 2022

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2. PhD position Safe and Efficient Traffic of Connected Vulnerable Bicyclists and Automated Vehicles

Summary of Doctoral Project:

Transportation of the future will include a mixture of automated vehicles (AVs) and vulnerable road users (VRUs), like bicyclists and pedestrians. Unregulated mixing of automated vehicles into urban areas has the potential to cause a rise in transportation related death and injury. This mixing also exacerbates safety concerns for vulnerable road users. Current VRU detection and its associated trajectory planning are based on information that is collected solely from AV sensors which is not sufficient to accurately predict the near-future behavior of vulnerable road users. We want to validate the hypothesis that digital information sharing among all road users combined with physiologically and dynamically realistic predictive models can guarantee overall safety. Our project goal is to achieve safe and socially acceptable interactions among automated vehicles and vulnerable bicyclists in dense urban environments by leveraging information shared in a two-way vehicle↔bicycle (V2B/B2V) communication system.

Last Application Date: 14 April 2022

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3. PhD in High Reynolds number flows for wind turbines

Summary of Doctoral Project:

The main objective of this project is to study the aerodynamic performance of airfoils at representative Reynolds numbers for modern wind turbines. The study will be initiated by an experimental campaign in the low turbulence wind tunnel at TU Delft, regularly used for this purpose. The pressure distribution, lift and drag of airfoils in different operational states (both clean and rough, steady and unsteady) will be obtained at medium Reynolds numbers, to gain insight in the behaviour and important parameters. The experimental campaign will be completed using a unique pressurized wind tunnel to provide novel data at ultra-high Reynolds numbers for a few selected interesting cases. The second part of this project will evolve towards understanding the physics of high Reynolds number flows and its role on the performance and load assessment of wind turbines. The limitations and applicability of the existing state-of-the-art (low-order) tools will be evaluated. Finally guidelines will be defined on how to incorporate high Reynolds number effects into the design process.

Last Application Date: 15-4-2022

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4. PhD position on mass transport modelling from GRACE/GRACE-FO data

Summary of Doctoral Project:

This research aims at providing novel mass transport products derived from space-borne gravimetric data coming from past, current, and future missions. This is achieved by innovative methodology, namely by uniquely constraining the data from these missions to geophysical models, thereby combining the strength of the underlying physical knowledge contained in such models and maximising the spatiotemporal resolution of the satellite on-orbit observations. Auxiliary information, such as precipitation records or altimetry data, will establish a suitable temporal evolution, and topography and surface properties will predict a realistic spatial mass distribution.

Last Application Date: April 15th, 2022

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5. PhD Position Environment Perception for Self-Driving Vehicles

Summary of Doctoral Project:

The PhD position addresses multi-modal environment perception (i.e. vision, radar, LiDAR sensing) in urban traffic scenarios, with a focus on Vulnerable Road Users (pedestrian, cyclists and other riders). Several interesting research directions are possible – the use of machine learning / deep learning techniques is omnipresent. One possible direction addresses “data efficiency” and the shortcomings of current supervised learning approaches, which require lots of (costly manually) annotated training data. Unsupervised/semi/self-supervised learning, auto-annotation, and domain adaptation techniques are avenues of interest. Other possible directions involve novel models for 3D semantic scene analysis and road user motion prediction.

Last Application Date: 20 April 2022

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7. PhD Position Navigational Integrity for Autonomous Surface Ships

Summary of Doctoral Project:

In this research project, Navigational Integrity for Autonomous Surface Ships, there is a PhD position for four years. Safety expressed in terms of accuracy, availability, continuity and integrity are among the key criteria for all autonomous systems. A big challenge for the future autonomous surface ships technology is to show that an unmanned system is at least as safe as a manned one. This problem includes a few elements such as avoidance of collisions with other ships and obstacles, safe ship navigation, and their real-time monitoring depending on weather conditions such as wave height, wind speed, wind direction and wave period.

Last Application Date: 30 April 2022

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8. PhD position ERC ViSioN: Virus Spread in Networks

Summary of Doctoral Project:

The project “Virus Spread in Networks” (ViSioN) is funded by ERC as an Advanced Grant 2020. ViSioN starts from a Network Science view on virus spread in networks in which the duality between the virus transmission process and the contact graph is key. The devastating Corona crisis reveals two major shortcomings in traditional epidemiology. First, it ignores the human contact graph and implicitly assumes a homogeneous population without specific graph structure. Second, most models for the virus spreading process relate to a Markovian setting, with exponential infection and curing times, leading to an exponential decay of the epidemic. Measurements, however, point to significantly different infection and curing time distributions.

Last Application Date: May 1st, 2022

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9. PhD position in role of the cytoskeleton in cell membrane electroporation and cargo translocation

Summary of Doctoral Project:

The aim of this experimental PhD project is to reveal the biophysical mechanisms by which the actin cortex and the membrane together govern electro-transfer of nucleic acids and proteins across the cell membrane. To this end, you will harness techniques developed by the Koenderink lab to create synthetic cell-like lipid vesicles with tunable cytoskeleton-membrane interactions. To measure the mechanical behavior of the membrane-cytoskeleton interface, you will develop novel microfluidic aspiration devices.

Last Application Date: 30-05-2022

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10. PhD position Complementarity Mechanisms in Complex Network

Summary of Doctoral Project:

As a Ph.D. student, you will study complementarity mechanisms in complex networks under supervision of Dr. Maksim Kitsak and Prof. Van Mieghem. Your work will be at the intersection of network theory, network embeddings, and network inference. A possible application domain is the Science of Science.

Last Application Date: June 1, 2022

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11. PhD Position Software Restructuring

Summary of Doctoral Project:

One line of research in this program is concerned with the formalization of the name binding rules in programming languages. To that end, the group has developed a theory of name resolution based on scope graphs, and applied it in the design and implementation of a meta-language for static semantics. In dynamic semantics, scope graphs provide a uniform model for memory at runtime and serve as the basis for intrinsically-typed definitional interpreters, enabling the automatic verification of type soundness.

Last Application Date: 30 June 2022

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12. PhD Position in The design, building, testing and integration of a highly efficient, miniaturized space qualified RF chain for driving AOTFs during space-missions

Summary of Doctoral Project:

TU Delft is looking for an ambitious PhD candidate to work at the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, within the Space Systems Engineering section. The PhD candidate will contribute to the development of future miniaturized space-based instrumentation, used for remote sensing. Remote sensing from space is frequently used to obtain details about the Earth’s surface. This technique enables a periodic observation (imaging) of aspects related to hydrography, agriculture, geology, mineralogy and land use.

Last Application Date: 1-04-2022

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13. PhD position Origami-based Flexible Architected Materials for High-Tech Equipment

Summary of Doctoral Project:

The semiconductor industry expectations for lithography machine performance demand ever-increasing capabilities, such as throughput, lifetime, cleanliness, sustainability, and precision for mechatronic systems. One of the key construction elements in high-tech mechatronic systems is flexible (i.e. compliant) mechanisms. Unlike their rigid-body counterparts, they allow motion in the desired directions enabled by their slender parts which deform elastically. Due to their monolithic nature, cleanliness, and predictability, they are desired in precision applications. Despite these advantages, flexible mechanisms are one of the main road blockers for high-tech mechatronic systems to achieve higher throughput, i.e. higher process speed and acceleration.

Last Application Date: 31 March 2022

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14. PhD position on fusion bonding thermoplastic composites

Summary of Doctoral Project:

We aim to advance the integration and joining of thermoplastics composites with an concerted effort of several PhDs contributing towards a new approach to fusion bonding, combining process and performance optimization by simulations of physical phenomena and process monitoring using artificial intelligence. This PhD vacancy will explore novel approaches in induction welding, based on polymer matrices functionalized with nanoscale superparamagnetic particles. You will develop experimental methods to functionalize high temperature polymers and elucidate the structure property relationship to serve as a base for scalable fusion bonding technologies.

Last Application Date: March 31st 2022

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15. PhD Candidate in Governance and gaming for quantum-safe PKI

Summary of Doctoral Project:

Transition towards hybrid quantum-safe information exchange is both a technical and a governance challenge. Governance is context-specific, and a deep understanding of both the technology and the organizational setting is needed. This PhD trajectory aims to develop governance models for guiding organizations to move their systems into a Quantum-Safe future. This includes investgating suitable governance structures, institutional design, responsibilities, liabilities. The models should capture multi-level governance in which at least the organizational, industry, national and EU levels will be considered. As part of the governance, a game needs to be developed to create awareness of the risks and the need for being quantum-safe. Furthermore, a game can show alternative solutions for becoming quantum-safe and in this way, facilitate learning about quantum-safe solutions.

Last Application Date: 31 March 2022

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16. PhD position Using AI to automate choice modelling – Unravelling model building and data collection strategies

Summary of Doctoral Project:

This project aims to push the frontier of choice modelling. Specifically, it envisions to develop novel AI approaches to unravel, assist, improve and even automate the steps and decisions taken by choice modellers to collect and analyse choice data. It involves both components of knowledge representation and reasoning as well as mathematical modelling and statistics. Envisioned methodologies in this project include, interviews with experts, scientometrics, choice modelling, experimental design, supervised learning and reinforcement learning.

Last Application Date: 3 April 2022

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17. PhD position in Mixed-Signal IC Design for Battery-Free Wearables

Summary of Doctoral Project:

This PhD project will focus on a near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) system for cerebral hemodynamics monitoring, which is fully powered by multi-source energy harvesting strategies for autonomous operation. The PhD candidate will investigate innovative solutions in (1) the analogue front-end architecture for learning-based compressed sensing and (2) the power management unit for multi-source energy harvesting, to push the state-of-the-art in wearable systems for continuous monitoring of feature-rich vitals.

Last Application Date: April 3, 2022

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18. BIOLab PhD Position 3/4 Generative and reinforcement learning methods for cancer treatment

Summary of Doctoral Project:

Radiotherapy is a key treatment modality for cancer, but side-effects can have significant negative impact on patients’ quality-of-life. Intensity-Modulated Proton Therapy (IMPT) is one of the newest type of RT, holding the promise of better preserving normal tissues surrounding the tumor, due to the finite range of protons. However, IMPT’s advantage also comes at the cost of increased sensitivity to uncertainties in patient alignment and dose calculation, or changes in patient anatomy, which can never be completely eliminated. To maximize the effectiveness of RT, treatment sensitivity should be minimized and irradiations should optimally be adapted to the changing patient anatomy, in order to utilize the superior normal tissue sparing potential of IMPT without degradation.

Last Application Date: April 4 2022

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19. BIOLab PhD Position 4/4 Deep learning and smart super-resolution microscopy

Summary of Doctoral Project:

You will focus on incorporating feedback in decision-making routines and develop new technology for super-resolution microscopy. In the process, you will use inductive priors and domain-specific knowledge to improve and develop algorithms for bio-imaging using state-of-the-art deep neuronal networks (CNNs and transformer models) and classical image analysis tools in order to predict, interpolate and extrapolate biologically-relevant time series from imaging data in a data-efficient way.

Last Application Date: 4 April 2022

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20. PhD position Predicting Extreme Events in Complex Work Environments

Summary of Doctoral Project:

This project is a collaboration between the departments of Cognitive Robotics (COR) and Maritime & Transport Technology (MTT) within the Faculty of 3mE at TU Delft. This interdisciplinary position considers how we may be able to predict extreme events through large-scale data collections in complex working environments, and consequently how designers and operators can potentially prevent such extreme occurrences by means of real-time guidance presentations. Challenges arise first in how to predict such extreme events, how to collect the data needed for such predictions, and how to translate that data to usable information for operators.

Last Application Date: 8 April 2022

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21. PhD Researcher on Responsive Information Exchanges for Infrastructures-in-transitions

Summary of Doctoral Project:

This project is funded by NWO (Principal Investigator: Dr. Daan Schraven), and is a collaboration between the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE), Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences (CITG), Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management (TBM) in TU Delft, as well the Erasmus Initiative on the Dynamics of Inclusive Prosperity at Erasmus University Rotterdam. This PhD position will be supervised by Dr. Daan Schraven (CITG), Dr. Martijn Leijten (TBM) and Prof. dr. Paul W Chan (ABE, Main Promotor).

Last Application Date: March 18, 2022

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22. PhD position on Data-driven optimal operation of smart local energy systems HR ICT Systemen

Summary of Doctoral Project:

The selected candidate will work on developing data-driven models to optimally operate a smart local energy system. The candidate will contribute to the development of machine learning (ML) models that takes advantage of the increasing digitalization pace of the energy sector, enabling the coordination of a large number of energy resources (e.g., PV, EVs, electric heat pump, and smart buildings) in a Dutch context. The algorithms to develop will be based on extending concepts of mathematical optimization and new ideas ranging from physics-informed ML models to reinforcement learning, aiming to enhance observability of the energy system as well as to provide optimal control and coordination of energy assets. You will also be expected to spend time in China developing part of your research activities.

Last Application Date: March 18, 2022

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23. PhD position on artificially intelligent networks

Summary of Doctoral Project:

Modern networked systems are some of the most complex things ever created, composed of vast intertwinings of systems and protocols distributed over wide areas. Unfortunately, the complexity of these systems is increasingly exceeding the ability of humans to effectively reason about and administer them. In this PhD project, we will explore the use of computer-assisted intelligence to build self-managing networked systems.

Last Application Date: March 20, 2022

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24. PhD Position in Computational Modelling of Masonry

Summary of Doctoral Project:

In this project, you will develop, validate and compare detailed brick-to-brick model and analytical-based homogenisation techniques to describe the nonlinear response of masonry. A large set of experimental data is available for validation. However, the possibility to carry out additional experimental tests is foreseen either as direct work or via cooperation with other team members.

Last Application Date: 20 March 2022

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25. BIOLab PhD Position 1/4 Sample efficient reinforcement learning in neuroscience

Summary of Doctoral Project:

Imagine an implant needs to interact with the brain, e.g., to stop an epileptic seizure or to control prosthetics. Deep RL has been at the core of many recent success stories in AI, but is restricted to pattern recognition, and no two brains are the same. We want to develop AI that generalizes over individual characteristics and adapts where generalization is impossible. Developed algorithms will allow control of small systems of neurons, first in simulation and eventually in vitro. This pushes the limits of RL as we understand it today and will have applications far beyond neuroscience. Come, help us move the goalpost!

Last Application Date: March 20, 2022

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26. 2 PhD positions on Nonlinear Networks of Memory Modeling, Analyses and Regulation

Summary of Doctoral Project:

The two PhD projects aim at developing mathematical models, conduct control-theory-based analyses and propose regulatory mechanisms for two topics related to memory functioning. To this aim, we will build upon/ and develop tools from nonlinear dynamical systems, oscillatory networks, learning-based, and data-driven techniques.

Last Application Date: March 14, 2022

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27. PhD position on data-driven green building modeling and energy management

Summary of Doctoral Project:

In your PhD research for the NWO-NSFC- DATALESs project, which is a collaboration between Dutch and Chinese universities, you will work on developing data-driven models to manage building and districts energy demand and supply optimally. You will contribute to the development of the building/building cluster 3D digital twin, modelling the relevant static (building models) and dynamic (sensor) data with focus on the energy related aspects.

Last Application Date: March 25, 2022

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28. PhD Position Utilization of MSWI bottom ash and biomass ashed in concrete by industry-Urban Symbiosis

Summary of Doctoral Project:

The project will be implemented by 28 European partners, including universities, research institutes and enterprises, etc. We seek a PhD candidate to work on pre-treatment methodologies of different incineration ashes, and development of alkali-activated concrete with incineration ashes based on technical requirements for different pilot demonstrations. Reaction kinetics and microstructure development will be investigated to provide fundamental basis for improved mechanical properties and long-term performance of alkali-activated concrete.

Last Application Date: 30 March 2022

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29. PhD Position AshCycle – Turn waste-ashes to resource via structural concrete

Summary of Doctoral Project:

In this project you are expected to work in a large EU consortium AshCycle which deals with integration of underutilized ashes into material cycles by industry-urban symbiosis. The incineration of biomass, municipal solid waste and sewage sludge produces significant quantities of ashes in the EU: approximately 25 million tons annually. These residues have currently no use or they are utilized only in low-value applications. Major problems with the use of incineration residues in the construction, water treatment, and other industries are insufficient public awareness of the safety and environmental acceptability of the final products , the lack of uniform regulations, and readiness of the market to accept incineration residues as a supplementary material.

Last Application Date: 30 March 2022

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30. PhD: 3D Unsteady CFD model for Multi-Rotor Multi-Body Fluid Structure Interaction

Summary of Doctoral Project:

The main objective behind this project is to develop a 3D Hybrid solver implemented in OpenFOAM purposed for lift-driven aerodynamics such as in wind energy and aircraft. More specifically, this PhD project focuses on the addition of fluid-structure interaction capability by introducing a combination of domain deformation and partitioned fluid-structure coupling methods. In a region close to solid boundaries the flow, the full Navier-Stokes equations are solved on a deforming (meshed) domain and coupled to a structure dynamics model (possibly with an arbitrary turbulence model or DNS, the limitations being the computational power and the physical properties of the flow); outside of that region, the flow is solved with a Lagrangian (meshless) vortex particle method.

Last Application Date: 31-3-2022

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31. PhD Position in Piezoelectric Micromachined Ultrasound Transducers (PMUT)

Summary of Doctoral Project:

The main hurdle for ultrasound imaging to conquer these new application niches is the need for high-quality microscaled ultrasound transducers. The critical and desirable characteristics are high power efficiency, low actuation voltages, good noise performance, and scalability to form large arrays. This project focuses on the development of a new type of ultrasound transducer based on high-coupling piezoelectric materials, such as lithium niobate and lithium tantalate.

Last Application Date: March 15, 2022

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32. PhD position in Argumentative Dialogsystem for Human-Robot deliberations

Summary of Doctoral Project:

This PhD positions is dedicated to addressing this gap by developing the underlying data-driven models that enable a robot to engage with humans in a socially aware manner. This position is specifically targeted at the development of an argumentative dialogue system for human-robot interaction. The PhD candidate will explore how to fuse verbal and non-verbal behaviour to infer a person’s perspective. The candidate will use, and further develop, reinforcement learning techniques in order to drive the robot’s argumentative strategy for deliberating topics of current social importance such as global warming or vaccination.

Last Application Date: March 16, 2022

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33. PhD position in Probability Theory

Summary of Doctoral Project:

The PhD position is in the area of Probability Theory and interacting particle systems.The PhD project is a NWO funded “open competition project’” which deals with interacting particle systems in a geometric context. The aim is to study hydrodynamic limits for particle systems on random (geometric) graphs which approximate a limiting geometric structure such as a Riemannian manifold. In a second stage of the project the aim is to understand geometric flows such as Ricci flow as a hydrodynamic limit of random graph evolutions.

Last Application Date: March 17, 2022

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