Confucius Institute Scholarship 2024

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Confucius Institute Scholarships 2024

Grade Level Undergraduates / Postgraduates / Phd.,
Country China
Eligible Nationalities All Countries
Required Language English
Sponsors Confucius Institute
Award Varies
Application Deadline  For programs commencing in July, applicants must complete their applications by April 15.

– For programs commencing in September, applicants must complete their applications by May 15.

– For programs commencing in December, applicants must complete their applications by September 15.

– For programs commencing in March 2024, applicants must complete their applications by November 15.

Are you a student seeking an exciting opportunity or scholarship to support your degree program? Confucius Institute, China inviting online application for Confucius Institute Scholarship 2024.

Don’t let this fantastic chance pass you by by missing the application deadline! In this article, we’ll go over this scholarship program’s features, benefits, and step-by-step application process.

About Confucius Institute Scholarships 2024

Formerly known as the Confucius Institute Scholarship, the International Chinese Language Instructors (Confucius Institute) Scholarship programme offers financial help to students, scholars, and Chinese language instructors who wish to study for a brief time in a Chinese institution.

Please be aware that the application process has changed starting in 2020. Please take your time reading the “application procedure.”

The details listed below outline the requirements for the 2024 prizes. Before starting your application, please carefully read the material. Before contacting us with any inquiries, please visit the FAQs area to see whether we have already addressed your concern. You can get in touch with us for further information if you can’t find what you’re searching for.

There are just a few scholarships offered each year. The following groups are asked to submit proposals for 2024:

University of Manchester students participating in the Confucius Institute

All applications are reviewed annually by the International Chinese Language Teachers (Confucius Institute) Scholarship selection panel annually, which determines which ones are of a high enough calibre to be recommended to the listed Chinese universities. The ultimate decision is determined by the host institutions in China, not by the specific Confucius Institute, after applications are submitted directly to them.

Before submitting your application, please make sure you have thoroughly reviewed the eligibility requirements and application process.

Program of Study

I advise checking the Confucius Institute’s official website or getting in touch with them directly for more information on the scholarship program’s specifics for that year in order to acquire the most current and correct information about the Programme of Study courses for the 2024 Confucius Institute Scholarship. They’ll be able to provide you the precise and pertinent information you want.

About Confucius Institute

The Chinese government founded the Confucius Institute, a nonprofit organisation, to promote Chinese language and culture internationally. Offering Chinese language classes, cultural events, and intellectual exchanges, it collaborates with educational institutions throughout the globe. The institutions promote cross-cultural interaction and collaboration while enhancing mutual understanding and cultural exchange between China and other countries. They offer materials and assistance for studying Mandarin, coordinate cultural gatherings, and facilitate academic partnerships. To develop cultural diversity and international education, the Confucius Institute actively promotes Chinese language and culture across the world.

Scholarship Coverage

  • Full or partial tuition fee coverage for the selected program of study.
  • Accommodation allowance or on-campus housing provided.
  • Monthly stipend or living allowance for the duration of the scholarship.
  • Comprehensive medical insurance for the scholarship duration.
  • One-time settlement subsidy upon arrival to cover initial expenses.
  • Round-trip international airfare or travel subsidy.
  • Opportunities for cultural and academic activities, such as field trips and conferences.
  • Access to Chinese language courses and language learning materials.
  • Academic support and guidance from the host institution.
  • Visa application fee coverage.

Eligibility Criteria 

  • Non-Chinese citizens.
  • Age limits vary depending on the scholarship category (e.g., undergraduate, graduate, non-degree, etc.).
  • Applicants should be in good physical and mental health.For undergraduate programs, a high school diploma or equivalent is typically required.
  • For graduate programs, a bachelor’s degree or equivalent is typically required.
    Language proficiency requirements may vary, but a basic level of Chinese proficiency may be expected.
  • Applicants should meet the specific admission requirements of the chosen host institution in China.
  • Applicants who are currently studying in China are generally not eligible.
  • Applicants should not be recipients of other scholarships.

It’s crucial to keep in mind that these points are based on general qualifying standards and could not accurately represent the exact requirements for the Confucius Institute Scholarship in 2024. It is essential to examine the Confucius Institute’s official website or get in touch with them personally for accurate and complete information regarding the precise qualifying requirements for that year.

Required Documents

  • Completed online application form (available on the Confucius Institute Scholarship website).
  • Passport or identification document.
  • Notarized highest diploma/degree certificate and academic transcripts.
  • Study plan or research proposal (for graduate program applicants).
  • Two recommendation letters from professors or supervisors.
  • HSK (Chinese Proficiency Test) certificate or other language proficiency test scores (if applicable).
  • Physical examination record (issued by a designated hospital or clinic).
  • Non-criminal record certificate.
  • Photocopy of valid visa and residence permit (for applicants already studying in China).
  • Passport-sized photos.
  • Proof of application fee payment (if applicable).

Please be aware that these criteria may not exactly match those for the Confucius Institute Scholarship in 2024 as they are based on generic document specifications. It is preferable to go to the Confucius Institute’s official website or get in touch with them personally for precise and complete information regarding the specific document needs for that year.

How to Apply for Confucius Institute Scholarships 2024?

  1. Research: Gather information about the scholarship program, eligibility criteria, and available study programs.
  2. Choose a Host Institution: Select a Chinese university or institution affiliated with the Confucius Institute that offers programs aligned with your interests and academic goals.
  3. Online Application: Complete the online application form available on the Confucius Institute Scholarship website during the application period.
  4. Required Documents: Prepare the necessary documents, including passport, academic transcripts, diploma, study plan, recommendation letters, language proficiency test scores, physical examination record, non-criminal record certificate, photos, and others as specified in the application guidelines.
  5. Submit Application: Upload or submit all the required documents through the online application portal before the deadline. Make sure to review the application thoroughly for accuracy and completeness.
  6. Application Review: The host institution and/or the Confucius Institute will review the applications and select candidates based on eligibility, academic merit, and other criteria.
  7. Interview (if applicable): Some programs may require an interview as part of the selection process. Prepare for the interview by researching the program and practicing potential interview questions.
  8. Notification: After the selection process, applicants will be notified of the results, either through email or by checking the online application portal.
  9. Acceptance and Visa Process: If selected, follow the instructions provided to accept the scholarship offer and proceed with the visa application process. The host institution or the Confucius Institute will provide guidance and support throughout this stage.
  10. Travel and Enrollment: Make necessary travel arrangements to China, including booking flights and arranging accommodations. Upon arrival, complete the enrollment process at the host institution and begin your studies.

FAQ About Scholarship

What does the scholarship cover?

Scholarship recipients are not required to pay registration fees, tuition fees, textbooks, living expenses on campus, a monthly stipend (RMB3,000 for master’s studies and RMB2,500 for one semester and one year), outpatient medical services, or complete insurance for international students studying in China.

The Chinese host colleges will give scholarship winners their monthly stipend once they arrive.

In order to provide instruction, management, Chinese language competency examinations, and cultural and social events for scholarship holders, host institutions must organise and use their resources strategically.

Accommodation costs are part of the overall planning and use of the host schools, who should offer free dorm rooms (often double rooms) to scholarship recipients. Those who reside off campus with the approval of their host universities are eligible to monthly or quarterly housing allowances from those institutions. The monthly stipend is RMB 700 per person.

How do I enrol?

Timelines for enrollment are depending on the semesters of each host university. The entire grant for that month is due to students who enrol before or on the 15th of the admission month. After this date, students will only be eligible for half of the allowance.

What are the terms of the scholarship?

Winners of Master’s Degree Scholarships with terms longer than one year will be evaluated each year, and those who have completed HSK 6 and received a score of 70 on the HSK (Oral Exam) will be permitted to continue.

We regret that scholarships will not be awarded to individuals who are unable to pass the physical test, which will be required of all successful candidates.

A yearly evaluation of academic achievement will be conducted for all degree scholarship programme candidates. Only students with exceptional academic records and fluency in Chinese will be eligible for full scholarships for the next year; students with mediocre academic records will only be eligible for half grants. Poor test results will prevent the candidate from being eligible for the award. The components of partial scholarships include the cost of tuition, the cost of housing, and complete health insurance.

Before graduating, participants in the one-year academic and one-semester study programmes must take a Chinese language competence exam. The host institution will pay back the test money.

Any student who is away from China for more than 15 days (excluding legal holidays) during the study period (for all scholarships) will have their allowance suspended while away. If a student is expelled from the Scholarship or is suspended, the allowance will likewise expire.

Do I have to organise medical insurance?

In compliance with the rules on internal students set forth by the Ministry of Education of China, host schools obtain comprehensive medical insurance. The annual insurance price is RMB800 per person.

Will the Confucius Institute provide a translation service?

We are unable to assist you with the translation because the information is given in Chinese. You are in charge of fully completing the application.

Do I need to submit the Physical Examination Form before I apply?

When you submit your application before the deadline, you are not required to perform the physical test. However, you must do this before you may enrol at the Chinese university.

Which universities can I apply to?

On the website for the scholarship (, you may find a list of the receiving schools and programmes.

Do I need an offer from a Chinese university before making the application for the scholarship?

Not at all, no. You must decide on two colleges and the courses you want to take. Based on reputation and practical experience, we highly advise attending Beijing Normal University, East China Normal University, Zhejiang University, Nanjing University, Shandong University, and Renmin University. You may, however, submit an application to any university you like, provided that scholarship is available.

Before beginning an application, it is highly advised that you get in touch with the school you are interested in to confirm these data.

I have passed the required HSK and HSKK exams but my certificate will not have arrived before the deadline. Do I have time to apply?

Yes. Instead, send a screen capture of the online results page in your application. The original certificates must subsequently be presented when enrolling at the Chinese university, so make sure you have them in advance of this.

The application form requires contact details for a “business contact in China or guardian”. Who ought to do this?

Use a friend or family you have in China if you have one. If not, you should speak with someone at the host Chinese university’s Overseas Students Department and ask for the necessary information.

What if I am unable to complete registration at the host institution?

The scholarship recipient must provide a written justification to the host university 15 days before registration day if they are unable to register for a specified reason. The scholarship will be cancelled and the recipient won’t be eligible to apply for the award again if they fail to finish registration without providing an explanation.

What if I am under the age of 18?

We encourage applications from people who are over 16 but under 18. Please be aware that candidates who are under the age of 18 must have the necessary legal documentation of trustworthy Chinese guardians.

Official Notification

Disclaimer: This is not the official scholarship website; it is only a one-page description of the scholarship. Despite our best efforts to keep the material up to date and correct, changes might happen at any time without prior notice. The most current, accurate, and complete information may be found on the official scholarship website, which we strongly advise you to verify. Any reliance you put on knowledge received from is totally at your own risk.

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