King Charles Spaniel: Description, Distribution, & Fun Facts

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King Charles Spaniel: All You Need To Know

King Charles Spaniel is a pet dog belonging to the kingdom Animalia, phylum Chordata, family, Canidae and class Mammalia. The genus name of this animal is Canis and the species name is lupus.

The weight of this species is 3-7kg, thus is a small animal and lives for a period of 16 years and at a single time reproduces 5 puppies. It consumes dog food. This dog is considered in the toy category and is also a therapy dog.

King Charles Spaniel 1

It’s assumed that it has originated from east Asia and Europe. These dogs are connected to British kingdom and thus, the name is originated from King Charles 2 of Ireland and Britain, and these dogs were used by royal kingdom.

King Charles Spaniel Appearance

King Charles Spaniel is also known by the name English Toy Spaniel, and have a weight of around 3-7kgs and in height are around 28cm long. Their fur is quite fluffy and shiny, with huge eyes and tiny snout. Their face is compressed and the head is domed shape.

Their ears are hanging, which is the characteristic of spaniel dogs and the body is tightly packed. They resemble the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel dogs, which are huge in comparison to them and a lengthier muzzle.

There are four types of King Charles on the basis of their color and they are Blenheim which was discovered when the Duke of Marlborough gave them the name to accolade his Blenheim Palace and in color these dogs are red and white.

Another variety is the King James, which is black and tan in color. The tricolor or the Prince Charles is white, black and tan in color. Another variant of King Charles is Ruby, which is a red coat color dog.

On the 126th number is this species present and is the most domesticated animal in USA according to the American Kennel Club. Although the Cavalier King Charles is more famous, but is a vulnerable species according to the native club.

King Charles Spaniel 1

King Charles Spaniel History

King Charles Spaniel were previously used by hunters for hunting purpose, but later with larger breeds coming up, their use became quite less and after that became very known, when they were linked with King Charles 2.

Changes in this breed were seen due to mating with other breeds where, their nose was like that of a Pug. The various variants of King Charles, were considered from different breeds due to their color and were further identified belonging to the same breed by the Kennel Club and were named as English Toy Spaniel.

King Charles Spaniel as Pets

These dogs are quite friendly and small in size, thus domesticated by humans. They are extremely humble with kids and if interacted at a smaller age tend to bond very well.

However, these dogs unlike others are attention seekers and can’t stay by themselves alone for longer durations. They guard the house and by barking will make their masters aware about the threat. They live for a period of 10-16 years and at a particular time reproduce 5 babies.

Fun Facts About King Charles Spaniel

King Charles Spaniels has various characteristics and they are:

1. A Gift for the king: The King Charles Spaniels have made their way from Japan and East Asia. It was believed that they have their route from Europe, when Japanese people gifted them to European royals. Thus, having characteristics similar to the Japanese Chin dog and Pekingese dog, which were mated with pugs and Asian roots breed.

2. Me or the Dog: At many places, disputes amongst human have been seen over dogs, but disputes due to breeding many dogs have not been heard of. A similar incident occurred with this breed. The Duchess of Marlborough bred many King Charles species, so as to get rid of it, his husband moved out to dodge the animals. However, as he was not okay with so he took back his property.

3. Calming presence: As these dogs are friendly, loving and humble, they were quite famous and also possess dog therapy, through which they can calm down an individual. Individual with mental, physical trauma or even wounds, recover better under their influence.

King Charles Spaniel Citations
  • Neurological diseases of the Cavalier King Charles spaniel. J Small Anim Pract . 2005 Jun;46(6):265-72.
  • Medical infrared thermal imaging of syringomyelia in the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. BMC Vet Res . 2020 May 14;16(1):137.
  • Pilot study of head conformation changes over time in the Cavalier King Charles spaniel breed. Vet Rec . 2019 Jan 26;184(4):122.
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