Physiological Homeostasis: Definition & Examples

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What is Homeostasis?

To ensure proper functioning of our body, the environment within us must follow certain conditions within the acquired limit. Thus, there is a process called negative feedback control which consist of effectors and receptors which carries a reaction so that the balance is maintained. This is called as the physiological homeostasis, which can also be called as the physical equilibrium.

For instance, in a person when the blood glucose levels fall and thus to complete the ATP requirement, glucose is required, which is detected by the receptor present in the body and the liberation of hormones, will start the feedback mechanism. The hormones will reach the destiny and carry the allotted task. Thus, the right response in this scenario is glucose production in the blood.

Homeostasis Mechanism

As the temperature within the mammals is warm, as they are warm blooded thus the functions taking place within them also require a certain temperature conditions to function normally like the enzymes. The amount of water within the cell and the chemical concentration must be balanced in order for the normal functioning to take place.

Thus, in warm blooded animals, this feedback mechanism which maintains and keeps it working at a particular temperature, thus rectifying temperature changes and balancing them.

Importance of Homeostasis

Homeostasis is very vital because it lets the animal adapt to varying conditions. It helps you to withstand the varying temperature. To obtain homeostasis, body will maintain a particular condition within the limits, however it exceeds it turns off the feedback mechanism and is extremely fatal, requiring medical treatment to bring back to the original working feedback mechanism.

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