Protein synthesis – NotesBard Find Here Funded PhD Programs, Postdoc Positions, Scholarships Mon, 04 Oct 2021 01:10:52 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Protein synthesis – NotesBard 32 32 Protein Synthesis: Definition, Mechanism, and Examples Mon, 04 Oct 2021 01:05:13 +0000

Protein Synthesis Definition

The nucleotides with an X in front of them are an example of a DNA sequence that would be used to code for a specific protein. Only one strand of every DNA molecule is the coding strand, which contains the information for protein sequences. The template strand is the complimentary strand on which the RNA nucleotides line up to create a copy of the DNA coding strand. These nucleotide sequences are utilized to produce amino acids, which are joined together to form proteins.

protein synthesis, protein synthesis Diagram, 1

mRNA and Protein Synthesis

Although most genetic information is stored in the nucleus of eukaryotes, protein synthesis takes place in cytoplasmic ribosomes, either as free ribosomes or on the rough endoplasmic reticulum. The genetic information in the nucleus must be transmitted to these ribosomes in order for protein to be produced. mRNA is responsible for this (messenger ribonucleic acid). It’s extremely similar to DNA, but there are two key differences.

  • In mRNA, the nucleotide uracil replaces the base thymine in DNA.
  • In DNA, the sugar deoxyribose is replaced by mRNA’s sugar ribose.

The double helix shape of DNA uncoils at the start of protein synthesis, much like it does during DNA replication, allowing mRNA to duplicate the genetic sequence responsible for coding a specific protein. The DNA has uncoiled at the start, allowing the enzyme RNA polymerase to enter and transcribe (copy) the genetic material into mRNA.

If the coding strand of DNA is G-G-C-A-T-T, then the template strand would be G-G-C-A-T-T. The mRNA would be G G C A U-U and the codon would be C C G T T A. (remembering that uracil replaces thymine). The mRNA strand travels out of the nucleus and away from the DNA, towards the ribosomes, now that the genetic information required to create substances is available on the mRNA strand.

Protein Synthesis Citations
  • Skeletal muscle and resistance exercise training; the role of protein synthesis in recovery and remodeling. J Appl Physiol (1985) . 2017 Mar 1;122(3):541-548.
  • Protein synthesis and quality control in aging. Aging (Albany NY) . 2018 Dec 18;10(12):4269-4288.
  • Protein Synthesis Initiation in Eukaryotic Cells. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol . 2018 Dec 3;10(12):a033092.
  • Figures are created with
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Role of Golgi Apparatus & Endoplasmic Reticulum in Protein Synthesis Wed, 29 Sep 2021 15:10:23 +0000

mRNA, tRNA, and Protein Synthesis

After the transcription, mRNA from the nucleus moves to the cytoplasm, where the protein synthesis will be carried out by ribosomes. The tRNA anticodons are complementary to the mRNA strand. For example, A-U-A-C-A-U is the sequence of mRNA then tRNA will have the sequence complementary to it which is U-A-U-G-U-A.

Thus, the 3 bases combines in tRNA which are complementary to the mRNA, resulting in 3 bases combinations which codes for a particular amino acid.

  • To make amino acid sequence specific, there are specific criteria which are:
  • As mRNA is generated from DNA, it has a specific sequence.
  • Similarly, the tRNA anticodons also possess a specific sequence.
  • The DNA has a particular specific bases in the start.
  • As each 3 bases codes for a particular amino acid, these combined amino acid sequence further results in the formation of protein.

Thus, huge chains of amino acids forms proteins, which are further used in various forms like the enzymes, hormones and carry out various functions.

Ribosome, ER, and Protein Synthesis

Protein synthesis takes place in the cytosol, where ribosomes are present and are also found on the rough endoplasmic reticulum surface as it possess huge area where ribosomes can occupy position and initiate the synthesis of protein.

Rough endoplasmic reticulum, is more prominent in growing cells as it requires various necessary items for its growth. From the endoplasmic reticulum, the newly formed proteins are moved to the golgi bodies.

Golgi Apparatus and Protein Synthesis

It is a sac, which is uniform and comprises of fluids, which permeates the movement of molecules within the cell. for it to complete its production, it requires carbohydrates. Via the cell membrane vesicle, the glycoprotein is transported from golgi bodies and as it reaches the membrane’s receptor it will bind to it and secrete a protein which will further carry out its task.

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