UBC Four Years Doctoral Fellowship Program (4YF) 2024

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UBC Four Years Doctoral Fellowship Program (4YF) 2024

Grade Level Doctoral 
Country Vancouver, Canada 
Eligible Nationalities All Countries
Required Language English
Sponsors University of British Columbia (UBC)

$18,200 per year plus tuition

Application Deadline 
  • The award start date for 4YF-G recipients will be determined by the recipient’s graduate program. Possible start dates are 1 May, 1 September, and 1 January.
  • The award start date for 4YF-U recipients will be 1 September.
  • The award start date for 4YF-T recipients will be the start date of their doctoral-level Tri-Agency award

Are you a student seeking an exciting opportunity or scholarship to support your degree program? University of British Columbia (UBC), Canada inviting online application for UBC Four Years Doctoral Fellowship Program (4YF) 2023.

Don’t let this fantastic chance pass you by by missing the application deadline! In this article, we’ll go over this scholarship program’s features, benefits, and step-by-step application process.

About UBC Four Years Doctoral Fellowship Program (4YF) 2024

The Four Year Doctoral Fellowship (4YF) programme will make certain that the top PhD, DMA, and MDPhD candidates at UBC get financial support totaling at least $18,200 per year, including tuition, for up to four years while pursuing their doctoral degrees. With the aid of this programme, UBC is able to draw in top-notch domestic and foreign doctorate students and assist them while also giving them dependable, base-level financing for their coursework and research.

For outstanding doctorate candidates at the University of British Columbia, there is a coveted financing option called the UBC Four Years doctorate Fellowship Programme (4YF). Students who have exhibited exceptional academic accomplishment, research potential, and leadership skills are given financial support through the programme.

Selected students in the 4YF programme are given a significant stipend that frees them up to concentrate on their studies and research without having to worry about money. In addition to receiving financial assistance, applicants have access to many professional development opportunities, such as workshops, conferences, and networking events, as well as the benefits of being a member of an active academic community.

Due to the high level of competition for the 4YF programme, candidates are assessed on the basis of their academic record, research projects, letters of reference, and potential for future contributions to their field of study. The ability of the chosen applicants to succeed in their PhD programmes and make important contributions to their respective fields is taken into consideration.

Overall, the UBC Four Years Doctoral Fellowship Programme (4YF) provides doctoral candidates with an unparalleled chance to pursue their research goals at one of Canada’s top universities while getting full financial support and access to a welcoming academic environment.

Program of Study

For master’s and doctoral students who want to focus on coursework or research, Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies provides a variety of possibilities. Through programmes that are global in scope, participatory in process, and multidisciplinary in topic and approach, we provide students with an intellectually rigorous education.

About University of British Columbia (UBC)

In Vancouver, Canada, there is the renowned public research institution known as the institution of British Columbia (UBC). Since its founding in 1908, UBC has earned a reputation as one of the world’s best institutions thanks to its dedication to promoting a diverse and inclusive learning environment and academic success.

Numerous undergraduate and graduate programmes in the arts, sciences, business, engineering, medicine, and other fields are available at UBC. The institution is renowned for placing a significant focus on interdisciplinary studies and team research, encouraging both teachers and students to investigate novel concepts and take on challenging global issues.

UBC supports its academic community with cutting-edge buildings, libraries, labs, and research centres spread throughout a campus that covers more than 400 hectares. The institution offers a wide variety of extracurricular activities, organisations, sports teams, and cultural events, and it has a thriving and multicultural campus life.

UBC is a pioneer in sustainability, actively working to lessen its impact on the environment and promoting sustainable practises across its operations and curriculum.

Overall, UBC is regarded as one of Canada’s most distinguished institutions of higher learning, drawing eminent scholars and lecturers from all over the world. Its dedication to societal impact, innovative research, and academic quality has established it as a top institution of higher learning.

Fellowship Coverage


  • Effective 1 May 2015 award holders with no external scholarship funding will receive a maximum stipend $18,200 per year.
  • Students offered both 4YF funding and internal scholarship funding awarded through a university-wide competition 
  • Students offered both 4YF funding and external scholarship funding


  • Tuition for 4YF recipients is not waived; rather, a tuition award equal to the tuition assessment will be applied against the student’s tuition charges.
  • For students in specialized doctoral programs (e.g., MD/PhD, MPT/PhD) whose tuition assessments differ from those of standard PhD programs, the value of the 4YF tuition award will not exceed the tuition assessment for standard PhD programs.
  • In order to receive the 4YF tuition award, the total of student’s external scholarship funding (excluding research allowance) and 4YF tuition award may not be greater than $35,000. If the total of a student’s external scholarship funding and 4YF tuition award is greater than $35,000, the 4YF tuition award will be reduced accordingly.
  • 4YF stipend payments for all students will be paid through the Student Information System. Stipend payments will be made at the start of each term (September, January, and May). Payments will first be applied against outstanding tuition and fees, and any amount remaining will be issued to the student through Electronic Funds Transfer (if the student has EFT set up in SSC) or as a cheque. Further payment details will be provided in the Notice of Award issued by SISC.
  • Tuition awards will be paid through the Student Information System at the start of each term (September, January, and May)

Eligibility Criteria

Both domestic and foreign students are eligible to apply for four-year fellowships. The fellowships are often given to students who are commencing their first year of full-time PhD, DMA, or MDPhD study, however they may also be given to current students. The length of 4YF financing may be up to four years, although in some cases, it may be shorter (please see the 4YF Guidelines for more information). Funding is always contingent upon adequate academic advancement.

Vanier Scholarships, Doctoral Canada Graduate Scholarships (CGSD), CIHR Doctoral Research Awards, NSERC Doctoral Postgraduate Scholarships (PGSD), and SSHRC Doctoral Fellowships holders immediately qualify as 4YF designates. The 4YF stipend and tuition support will be provided to doctoral students who receive Tri-Agency scholarships until four years after the start date of the external award or until the end of their fifth year in the doctoral programme, whichever comes first, once their external scholarship funding expires.

Other significant external scholarship recipients who are chosen as 4YF designates may be eligible for 4YF tuition coverage and will receive 4YF stipend and tuition support once their external scholarship funding expires, until four years after the 4YF start date or until the end of their fifth year in a doctoral programme, whichever occurs first.

Required Documents

  • Completed application form: Fill out the application form provided by the university, ensuring that all sections are accurately completed.
  • Curriculum vitae (CV): Submit a comprehensive CV detailing your educational background, research experience, publications, academic honors, and any relevant professional experience.
  • Research proposal: Prepare a detailed research proposal outlining the objectives, methodology, and significance of your proposed doctoral research project.
  • Transcripts: Provide official transcripts from all post-secondary institutions attended, including undergraduate and graduate degrees. These transcripts should show your academic performance and course grades.
  • Letters of recommendation: Arrange for three or more letters of recommendation from academic referees who can speak to your research abilities, academic achievements, and potential for doctoral studies.
  • Statement of interest: Write a statement of interest that outlines your motivation for pursuing doctoral studies, research interests, and how the 4YF program aligns with your academic and career goals.
  • English language proficiency test scores: If English is not your first language, you may need to submit official scores from a recognized English language proficiency test, such as TOEFL or IELTS.
  • Other supporting documents: Depending on the program or department, additional documents may be required, such as writing samples, portfolios, or proof of funding.

How to Apply for UBC Four Years Doctoral Fellowship Program (4YF) 2024?

  1. Review eligibility criteria: Ensure that you meet the eligibility requirements for the 4YF program, including academic qualifications, program-specific criteria, and any citizenship or residency requirements.
  2. Research prospective supervisors: Explore UBC’s faculty and departments to identify potential supervisors who align with your research interests. Contact them to discuss your research proposal and gauge their interest in supervising your doctoral studies.
  3. Prepare application materials: Gather all the necessary documents required for the application, which typically include a completed application form, curriculum vitae (CV), research proposal, transcripts, letters of recommendation, statement of interest, and English language proficiency test scores (if applicable).
  4. Submit the online application: Visit UBC’s official website and navigate to the application portal for the 4YF program. Create an account if needed and complete the online application form, ensuring that all sections are accurately filled in and all required documents are uploaded.
  5. Pay the application fee: Pay the required application fee, if applicable, as specified by UBC. The fee amount may vary, so make sure to check the current fee structure.
  6. Submit application by the deadline: Ensure that your application, including all supporting documents, is submitted before the specified deadline. Late applications are typically not accepted, so be mindful of the deadline and plan your submission accordingly.
  7. Follow up and track application status: After submitting your application, keep track of any communications from UBC regarding your application status. You may receive updates or requests for additional information or interviews.

FAQ About Fellowship

Q: What is the eligibility criteria for the UBC Four Years Doctoral Fellowship Program (4YF) 2024?

A: The requirements for eligibility can change, but in general, candidates must be freshly accepted, enrolled full-time in a doctorate programme at UBC, and they must have earned at least a first-class (or equivalent) grade in their undergraduate degree. By the time the fellowship began, they shouldn’t have spent more than 24 months finishing their doctoral programme. Citizenship of Canada, indefinite residency, or enrollment as an international student are possible additional requirements.

Q: Can international students apply for the 4YF program?

A: The UBC Four Years Doctoral Fellowship Programme (4YF) normally accepts applications from overseas students. The particular eligibility requirements for overseas students, including any standards relating to English language competency and visa policies, must be carefully reviewed, nevertheless.

Q: How much funding does the 4YF program provide?

A stipend is a predetermined sum of money that beneficiaries of the 4YF programme normally receive on a monthly basis. The precise sum may vary, but it is usually sizable and intended to assist the recipient’s doctorate research efforts as well as living costs.

Q: Can I apply for the 4YF program before being admitted to a doctoral program at UBC?

A: Typically, before applying for the 4YF programme, you must be admitted to or have received an offer of admission to a UBC doctorate programme. Normally, the 4YF application is filed after getting an admissions offer.

Q: How competitive is the 4YF program?

A: The 4YF programme is extremely competitive, and there are only a few fellowships offered each year. Academic accomplishments, aptitude for original research, letters of recommendation, and the applicant’s compatibility with the programme and research supervisor are all taken into account throughout the selection process. Depending on the particular department and discipline, the competition could be different.

Q: Can I hold other awards or funding while receiving the 4YF fellowship?

A: Rules governing holding additional grants or prizes in addition to the 4YF fellowship may differ. It is advised to check the particular rules and regulations of the 4YF programme and seek advice from the relevant department or the UBC Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies office.

Official Notification

Disclaimer: This is not the official scholarship website; it is only a one-page description of the scholarship. Despite our best efforts to keep the material up to date and correct, changes might happen at any time without prior notice. The most current, accurate, and complete information may be found on the official scholarship website, which we strongly advise you to verify. Any reliance you put on knowledge received from NotesBard.com is totally at your own risk.

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