10 Fully Funded PhD Programs at Aalto University, Finland

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Are you holding Master’s degree and looking for PhD positions – Fully Funded PhD Programs in Europe? Aalto University, Finland inviting application for funded PhD Programs or fully funded PhD Scholarship. Aalto University is one of the largest university in the world with thousands of employees, students, and research scientists are involved in the innovation of science and technology daily.

Aalto University has huge a campus in Finland and widely known as for its contribution in top notch education and research. The contribution of Aalto University is not only limited to natural sciences and engineering but it also offers high quality research as well as higher education in bio-medical sciences, social sciences, humanities, psychology, education, architecture etc.

1. PhD Student in Neuroscience

Summary of Doctoral Project:

Dr Ala-Laurila has two laboratories: one at Aalto University and one at University of Helsinki. Both labs work in integrated collaboration and have state-of-the art approaches to study retinal circuits and visually-guided behavior. They combine cutting-edge electrophysiological recording techniques with precise manipulations of retinal circuit function, mathematical modelling and quantitative behavioral measurements. Aalto University (Aalto) is the largest technology-oriented university in Finland. The Department of Neuroscience and Biomedical Engineering is located in the Otaniemi campus – one of the most important north-european technology hubs, with a high concentration of companies, and research institutes from the high-technology sector, and with a thriving culture of entrepreneurship.

Last Application Date: 31.12.2022

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2. 20 position at Aalto support for scholars from Ukraine

Summary of Doctoral Project:

Aalto University offers scholars fleeing from Ukraine a possibility to continue their academic work at Aalto University during the war in Ukraine. Aalto accepts applications for temporary visiting scholar positions in Aalto’s research fields (ca 20 positions) from researchers working in Ukraine based universities whose work has been interrupted by the war, and who are fleeing from Ukraine. Interested? Please submit your CV and letter presenting your current research work in English through our recruitment system by using the link “Apply now!” below. We work in a hybrid way, and the primary workplace is Otaniemi, Espoo. The Otaniemi campus is a thriving and connected community of 100 nationalities, 12,000 students and 4,500 employees. Life at the transformed campus is vibrant and filled with amazing architecture, calming nature, and a variety of cafes, restaurants, services and good connections along the recently opened metro line. Our scientific research, artistic activities and teaching are carried out at Aalto’s six schools and their departments and units. Take a closer look at our schools and departments, and their research. In the recruitment system, please choose 1 to 2 most suitable departments for you to continue your research.

Last Application Date: 30.12.2022

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3. Doctoral Candidate position in Software Analytics and Testability

Summary of Doctoral Project:

We are searching for a full-time Doctoral Candidate working on engineering analytics for complex software systems. The target software system is Nokia software for mobile networks products and the research focus will be on analytics tools and techniques for software understanding, optimization and testability. This position will be funded in the context of a research project with Nokia for 4 years (based on an initial 2 years contract + 2 years extension). The key idea is to analyze software code, docs, tests, logs etc. to (i) detect problematic code dependencies/patterns, (ii) manage change adaptation given the evolution of underlying dependent software and hardware, and (iii) optimize large scale testing workflows. Big data, dependency analytics, machine learning and testing methods will be employed for the research and development whereas strong skills in large-scale software systems are important. The Doctoral Candidate will have a close collaboration with the Nokia software team.

Last Application Date: 29.9.2022

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4. Doctoral Researcher positions in Computational Physics

Summary of Doctoral Project:

The positions are hosted in the SIN group (www.aalto.fi/physics-sin) at Aalto, led by Prof. Adam Foster. We are focused on theoretical methods for the characterization, assembly and function control of complex molecular systems. Our recent work has been in the context of van der Waals heterostructures, organic frameworks and bio-interfaces, with applications ranging from the development of novel quantum materials and catalysts to efficient use of biomass in biorefineries and imaging of cell membranes. We are looking for PhD researchers to work on the interface between quantum/atomistic simulations of molecular materials and machine learning methodologies. The specific focus can be adjusted according to the experience and interests of the successful candidates. The projects are strongly linked to local and international experimental collaborations.

Last Application Date: 26.9.2022

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5. Doctoral Candidate Positions in Nano/ Microstructured Superhydrophobic Surfaces

Summary of Doctoral Project:

Superhydrophobic surfaces are highly liquid repellent and are intriguing from both the fundamental scientific point of view and for applied technologies such as self-cleaning, anti-biofouling, anti-fogging, and anti-icing. The Soft Matter and Wetting group (Dr. William S. Y. Wong and Prof. Robin Ras, http://physics.aalto.fi/smw) is hiring doctoral students (2 positions) in the field of coating fabrication, wetting characterization and application development at Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland.

Last Application Date: 16.9.2022

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6. Doctoral student

Summary of Doctoral Project:

Are you interested in your research having an impact on engineering practice? Are you interested in contributing to a reduction of material use and CO2 emissions in construction? We are now looking for a doctoral student who would work on an Academy of Finland project developing methods for numerical simulations of soil mixing. The overall goal of the position is to develop a numerical method capable of replicating the soil mixing process. Your research is needed, as we are now in dire need of optimization of soil mixing design, reducing the use of cement and hence reducing its carbon footprint. The developed methods will also help in introducing new soil mixing procedures that can use novel binders investigated at Aalto or even lead to using the soil mixing process for CO2 storage.

Last Application Date: 15.9.2022

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7. Doctoral Student in Optics and Photonics

Summary of Doctoral Project:

We are looking for an outstanding postgraduate student to join the Optics and Photonics group for theoretical and experimental research on nanophotonics. The research will be focused on the development of surface nanostructures and nanomaterials that can control optical fields with unprecedented efficiency and accuracy, allowing one to increase the multifunctionality and simultaneously significantly decrease the dimensions of optical components and devices. Potential applications of the nanostructures to be developed range from novel optical sources and detectors to advanced imaging systems and on-chip optical processors. The appointment is for 4 years with a flexible start in autumn 2022. The research is funded by the Academy of Finland and involves collaboration with researchers from University of Eastern Finland and Tampere University, as well as several international research teams from Germany and USA.

Last Application Date: 15.9.2022

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8. Doctoral candidate position in multiscale modeling of sea ice

Summary of Doctoral Project:

Simulations are often used to predict the future of the ice-covered seas, but simulating sea ice is challenging. Large-scale continuum models are typically used to study ice behavior with a resolution of some tens of kilometers. These models do not accurately describe small-scale processes related to deformation and failure of ice. In such models, the ice properties, such as compressive strength are tuned so that the models to present observed ice behavior. Predictive power of the models suffers from this. Engineering-scale ice mechanics, on the other hand, is performed on scales ranging from one meter to one kilometer, where continuum approach does not suffice, but ice failure processes must be modelled in detail. The aim of this research is to create links between large-scale and engineering-scale sea ice modeling: What can we learn from engineering-scale simulations that can be used to improve the accuracy of large-scale simulations? In your work, you will first further develop Aalto University 3D finite-discrete element (FEM-DEM) code and use it in your research on engineering-scale simulations. Then you will use the results within large-scale sea ice simulation tools. Your research will yield new insight on the behavior of sea ice, a major indicator for the effects of climate change.

Last Application Date: 9.9.2022

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9. Researcher position in AI x Music and Creativity

Summary of Doctoral Project:

We are looking for a master’s / doctoral student or a postdoctoral researcherto work with us on the Co-Creative Artificial Intelligence of Music project. You will be developing AI models for digitally facilitating co-creation processes between human musician and creative AI tool/agent. You will also investigate means for enabling musicians to better understand and interpret the underlying predictions or decisions that the AI model makes in the moment of mutual human-machine cooperation. You should have a firm interest and understanding of deep learning models applied to audio processing and synthesis, as well as advanced skills and knowledge in building deep neural networks (mainly in TensorFlow). The Co-Creative Artificial Intelligence of Music is a joint research project in collaboration with Koray Tahiroglu (DAM, School of ARTS), Nitin Sawhney (CS, School of Science) and Douglas Eck, Anna Huang (Magenta, Google Brain Team). The project is supported by Aalto University’s internal funding based on Ministry of Education and Culture’s (MEC) Global Program Pilots for India & USA.

Last Application Date: 3.9.2022

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10. Doctoral researcher positions in ICT

Summary of Doctoral Project:

The Helsinki Doctoral Education Network in Information and Communications Technology (HICT) is a joint initiative by Aalto University and the University of Helsinki, the two leading universities within this area in Finland. The network involves at present over 80 professors and over 200 doctoral researchers, and the participating units graduate altogether more than 40 new doctors each year. The participating units of HICT have currently funding available for qualified doctoral researchers. We offer an exciting opportunity to join world-class research groups, with 22 research projects to choose from. The activities of HICT and the themes of open positions are structured along five research area specific tracks.

Last Application Date: 28.8.2022

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