10 Fully Funded PhD Programs at Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden

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If you’re a Masters degree holder and seeking Fully Funded PhD Programs, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden has several online applications open for PhD programs. Explore the PhD opportunities across diverse research areas and submit your application soon.

1. Fully Funded PhD Position in landscape planning with a focus on digital twins

Summary of PhD Program:

Are you interested in exploring land-use planning within the context of digital transformation and wish to study the ways in which new technologies and the use of data intersect with, and potentially transform planning practices? We are seeking a motivated PhD candidate ready to embark on research centered on what forms of land-use planning are emerging through digital twins. A digital twin is a digital model of a physical area that can be used for virtually simulating different scenarios for land-use development and monitoring their performance (i.e., a virtual testbed or urban lab) and a tool for managing land-use related operations in, so-called, “near real time“. As a PhD candidate, you will have the unique opportunity to pursue social scientific inquiry of these processes of change to fully interrogate their consequences for land-use planning- for the planning profession as well as for planning at large. The supervisory group is a multi-disciplinary team consisting of senior researchers in land-use planning, political science and spatial data science.

Application Deadline: 2024-06-03

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2. Fully Funded PhD Position in Agricultural and Food Economics

Summary of PhD Program:

This PhD position is part of the research programme Mistra Food Futures, the largest research programme on sustainable and resilient food systems in Sweden. The programme’s vision is to be an established science-based knowledge platform, which actively works to encourage a transformation of the Swedish food system, taking a global perspective, into one that is economically, environmentally and socially sustainable, resilient and that delivers healthy diets. The programme is a collaboration between the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Stockholm Resilience Centre at Stockholm University, Research Institutes of Sweden (RISE), the Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, together other with other universities and partners from the Swedish food value chain, authorities and regions. As one of more than ten PhD students in Mistra Food Futures, you will be an active member in the Mistra Food Futures’ Academy, an inter- and transdisciplinary academy aimed at training the next generation of food system researchers.

Application Deadline: 2024-05-31

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3. Fully Funded PhD Position in Agricultural and Food Economics

Summary of PhD Program:

This PhD position is part of the research programme Mistra Food Futures the largest research programme on sustainable and resilient food systems in Sweden. The programme’s vision is to be an established science-based knowledge platform, which actively works to encourage a transformation of the Swedish food system, taking a global perspective, into one that is economically, environmentally and socially sustainable, resilient and that delivers healthy diets. The programme is a collaboration between the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Stockholm Resilience Centre at Stockholm University, Research Institutes of Sweden (RISE), the Beijer Institute of Ecological Economics at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, together other with other universities and partners from the Swedish food value chain, authorities and regions. As one of more than ten PhD students in Mistra Food Futures, you will be an active member in the Mistra Food Futures’ Academy, an inter- and transdisciplinary academy aimed at training the next generation of food system researchers.

Application Deadline: 2024-05-31

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4. Fully Funded PhD Position in horticultural science

Summary of PhD Program:

Future food security is facing multiple challenges, including climate change and political instability, which require resilient and diversified regional production systems. Heirloom vegetable cultivars offer promising traits that could significantly contribute to food safety, especially within organic crop production systems. These cultivars, adapted to local conditions, often exhibit reduced fertilizer needs, reduced irrigation needs, higher nutritional value, and disease resistance. The possibility of producing domestic seeds also plays a crucial role in ensuring the long-term availability of seeds as a critical commodity. By increasing agrobiodiversity of the whole production system there is potential to enhance ecosystem services and broaden the vegetable market, thus offering consumers greater product differentiation. However, a successful introduction of heirloom vegetables to the production systems and market requires increased knowledge of their agricultural performance, product quality, and societal acceptance.

Application Deadline: 2024-05-30

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5. Fully Funded PhD Position in Technology

Summary of PhD Program:

The project will focus on developing functional models for a better understanding of the interplay between the host building and the RTG, including energy analysis, developing data inventories for embodied energy of building materials and vegetable production systems, and assessing the environmental impact of alternative vegetable production systems. The research aims to form a broadened knowledge base, supporting policy recommendations addressing key questions related to material choices, environmental impact, and productivity of RTGs and thereby contributing to sustainable solutions fostering resilient urban food systems.

Application Deadline: 2024-05-30

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6. Fully Funded PhD Position in Plant Breeding

Summary of PhD Program:

The goal of the PhD thesis is thus to uncover the genetic basis of disease resistance by integrating genetics, ecology and integrated pest management (IPM). The PhD thesis aims to understand what regions of the plant genome promote synergistic effects to defend against the pathogens when grown as cultivar mixtures. Employing cutting-edge molecular techniques and genomic tools, the PhD project seeks to identify specific genes and genomic regions that facilitate plant-plant and plant-pathogen interactions. Ultimately, this PhD project strives to pave the way for the development of resilient plant varieties capable of thriving in diverse environments, promoting biodiversity for sustainable agricultural while mitigating the risks associated with disease outbreaks.

Application Deadline: 2024-05-27

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7. Fully Funded PhD Position in microscopy

Summary of PhD Program:

Despite the importance of implementing bio-adhesives towards more sustainable and circular wood and paper products, there is still a significant gap in our understanding of their imparted adhesive bond performance. This is primarily due to lack of suitable characterization and analytical tools capable of extracting information at different length scale, in particular, visualizing and characterizing adhesive flow and its penetration into the cellular systems of wood and infiltration inside cell walls in all three dimensions down to nano-meter resolution. It is thus needed to develop an advanced analytical methodology for multi-modal, multi-scale and multi-dimensional visualization and analysis of adhesive penetration and distribution within substrates by harnessing the power of correlative microscopy approach utilizing suitable modern 3D imaging technologies involving volume electron microscopy.

Application Deadline: 2024-05-24

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8. Fully Funded PhD Position in bio-adhesives

Summary of PhD Program:

The processes of curing and adhesive bond strength development have a central role in adhesives’ research. This implies the fact that the transition of adhesives from the liquid state through gelation to the formation of the cured and crosslinked adhesive bond is of great importance. During crosslinking and curing of adhesives, both physical and chemical processes are involved in the formation of adhesive bonds. The techniques most commonly used today to monitor the curing of adhesives is the gel time test, differential scanning calorimetry, thermogravimetric analysis, and dielectric analysis. Due to the large variation of chemical groups present in naturally-based polymers that are used in bio-adhesive formulations, the curing reactions can take multiple forms that can be difficult to separate and analyze with the above techniques. 

Application Deadline: 2024-05-24

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9. Fully Funded PhD Position in Plant nitrogen acquisition and responses to organic and mineral nitrogen

Summary of PhD Program:

Boreal forest soils contain large quantities of nitrogen, but mainly organic forms. Plant nutritional physiology traditionally has a strong focus on inorganic nitrogen, and in growth experiments with nitrogen additions, nitrogen is often assumed to be synonymous with ammonium and nitrate. It is therefore an overlooked fact that such tests of ecosystem nitrogen limitation do not only add to a quantity of nitrogen in the soil, but also shift the chemical composition of that N away from organic forms and toward the mineral forms of nitrogen. In other words, N addition experiments in forest ecosystems are manipulating two factors (quantity and quality of soil N), and can therefore not separate their relative importance for the observed outcome. This is the challenge for the announced PhD project. The PhD student will study plant responses to organic and inorganic nitrogen forms, measuring biomass allocation, root anatomy and mycorrhizal interactions.

Application Deadline: May 13 2024

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10. Fully Funded PhD Position

Summary of PhD Program:

Crop production needs to be transformed. Agriculture can be made more sustainable and resilient by relying more on ecosystem services provided by cultivated and wild biodiversity and less on external inputs such as fertilizers and pesticides. These ecosystem services depend on crop traits and climate and soil conditions. Any management practice has inherent tradeoffs. This doctoral project will look at advantages and disadvantages of different management practices for primary production, climate change adaptation, and reduced environmental impacts, via mathematical models based on ecological and physiological mechanisms or data analyses.

Application Deadline: 2024-05-09

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