12 Fully Funded PhD Programs at Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany

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If you’re a Masters degree holder and seeking Fully Funded PhD Programs, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab in California has several online applications open for PhD programs. Explore the PhD opportunities across diverse research areas and submit your application soon.

1. Fully Funded PhD Position in Optics on Biomembranes

Summary of PhD Program:

Amongst our activities, we investigate how particles can be employed for enhanced biosensing, single molecule Raman scattering (SERS) spectroscopy, optical tweezer manipulation, and localized heat generation. Furthermore, we utilize light-sensitive molecules to achieve optical control over essential membrane functions, such as fluidity and permeability in lipid bilayer membranes.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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2. Fully Funded PhD Position in Sustainable Photocatalysis

Summary of PhD Program:

These projects aim to explore new materials for photocatalysis – and possibly extend them to electrocatalysis. The portfolio of materials expand from sustainable materials – including CN-based materials, earth-abundant nanostructures, 2D materials and transition metal dichalcogenide (TMDs) – all the way to single atoms and vacancies/defects. By employing novel characterization techniques, we aim to discover and control new energy conversion pathways in these materials aiming to maximize the light-matter interaction as well as understand and modulate the charge-transfer energy barriers. 

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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3. 02 Fully Funded PhD Position in Prevention and Treatment of Aquatic Animal Diseases

Summary of PhD Program:

At the Chair for Fish Diseases and Fisheries Biology, we encourage independent thinking and support projects related to aquatic animal (vertebrate and invertebrate) medicine, health and disease, including infectious and non-infectious diseases and pathologies. The list of our current and past projects can be found on the Chair’s website. We encourage applicants to offer their research ideas and projects, and strongly suggest to contact Prof. Palić in advance of the application to LMU-CSC to discuss the expectations and feasibility of the student-proposed projects. 

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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4. Fully Funded PhD Position in Polymeric integrated optics

Summary of PhD Program:

Although the use of polymeric platforms in integrated (on-chip) photonic devices is extremely interesting, it is still seldom reported. In fact, there are only a few studies in this direction on structures fabricated by two-photon polymerization, which contrasts to the number of similar studies in semiconductor structures. In this project one aims at fabricating polymeric devices via two-photon polymerization for integrated optics, mainly using the Nanoscribe facility full accessible to the host group. Not only linear optical processes will be exploited, but also nonlinear ones, nevertheless using moderate input/excitation power levels.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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5. Fully Funded PhD Position in Optical thermometry on nanoscale

Summary of PhD Program:

Thermal effects manifest themselves in condensed matter systems in a variety of ways, from the simple deposition of energy in a material due to light absorption, leading to local heating and temperature increase, to the opposite effect, where phonon-assisted light absorption leads to material’s cooling. The first kind of process can be exploited for detecting nanoparticles with sub 10 nm sizes in diffraction limited optical systems, while the second is used for laser cooling of solids.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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6. Fully Funded PhD Position in Efficient generation of coherent surface acoustic waves using single plasmonic nanoparticles and their manipulation

Summary of PhD Program:

Miniaturization and speed of electronic and optical components represent an essential step towards the achievement of high performance, low environmental impact, and lightweight devices. Recently, new approaches to this subject aiming at more compact and fast devices, exploiting the lattice strain created in a solid described by its fundamental excitations are gaining attention in the fast-growing field of phononics. Phonons are particularly interesting due to the possibility of interacting with virtually any excitations observable in the solid-state phase. Acoustic phonons present inspiring analogies with photons.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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7. Fully Funded PhD Position in Active metaoptics

Summary of PhD Program:

Nanophotonics has led to a huge progress in understanding of light-matter interaction many approaches have been paving the way to full control of light at the nanoscale. By nanostructuring diverse materials (metal/plasmonic, dielectric, critical media etc…), one aims at nanoscale controlling of amplitude, phase and polarization of the electromagnetic field, possibly leading to diverse application possibilities, like in biosensing, quantum and nonlinear optics, wavefront shaping, data storage and displays.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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8. Fully Funded PhD Position in Disordered cavity for lasing, bio-sensing and fluorescence enhancement

Summary of PhD Program:

Photonic cavities play a paramount role in the whole field of optics, ranging from sensing, lasing, harmonic generation or even quantum optics. A variety of configuration is proposed and realized with continuous progressing to improve the light condiment. However, better performance always accompanied with more sophisticated fabrication techniques, which hinders the application at industrial level. On the other hand, the development in disordered photonics may shed light on realizing a cavity with greatly reduced fabrication tolerance. 

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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9. Fully Funded PhD Position in Motion of Atoms in THz fields

Summary of PhD Program:

Changes and reactions of matter require the motion of atoms and electrons from initial to final positions. This happens within femtoseconds for atoms and within attoseconds for electron densities. The method of ultrafast electron diffraction allows to visualize such processes in all four dimensions of space and time. This is made possible by the picometer-sized de Broglie wavelength of keV-electrons, resulting in a ‘4D-movie’ of atoms/electrons in motion (see Figures).

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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10. Fully Funded PhD Position in AI-enabled metasurfaces for enhanced biospectroscopy

Summary of PhD Program:

Nanophotonics has revolutionized optics by controlling light propagation on length scales far below the optical diffraction limit, enabling breakthrough applications in energy harvesting, beam shaping, and few-molecule biodetection. To push the limits of light-matter coupling, the project will combine an emerging class of all-dielectric optical metasurfaces [Science 360, 1105 (2018)] with artificial intelligence (AI) methods for nanophotonic design and data analysis [Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 58, 14810 (2019)]. 

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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11. Fully Funded PhD Position in Air quality monitoring using MAX DOAS

Summary of PhD Program:

The goal of this PhD projectis to analyze the MAX DOAS data in combination with the additional sensor data from the other instruments in order to analyze the distribution of NO2 in Munich. Additionally, the mobile MAX DOAS will be used on measurement campaigns. Part of the thesis will be organizing new measurement campaign, but also to analyze the data from past campaigns. This includes mobile measurements on the highway, monitoring locations in the outskirts of Munich for comparison with the city center measurements, but also a campaign where we installed the MAX DOAS on a zeppelin.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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12. Fully Funded PhD Position in Functional Nanosystems

Summary of PhD Program:

In our research program we strive to achieve synthetic control over the creation of functional nanostructures and investigate their physical properties. Periodic porous materials such as templated mesoporous materials, metalorganic frameworks and covalent organic frameworks offer a multitude of opportunities to create such nanostructures. This is based on their compositional and topological diversity, the well-defined dimensions of their nanoscale pore systems, and the great variety of possible interface design within the pore system and on the external surface.

Application Deadline: Open Until Filled

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