14 Fully Funded PhD Programs at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden

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Are you holding Master’s degree and looking for PhD positions – Fully Funded PhD Programs in Europe? KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden inviting application for funded PhD Programs or fully funded PhD Scholarship. KTH Royal Institute of Technology is one of the largest university in the world with thousands of employees, students, and research scientists are involved in the innovation of science and technology daily.

KTH Royal Institute of Technology has huge a campus in Sweden and widely known as for its contribution in top notch education and research. The contribution of KTH Royal Institute of Technology is not only limited to natural sciences and engineering but it also offers high quality research as well as higher education in bio-medical sciences, social sciences, humanities, psychology, education, architecture etc.

1. Doctoral student in large-scale distributed machine learning

Summary of Doctoral Project:

With the development of computing and communication technologies, and emerging data-driven applications, e.g., IoT based intelligent systems, social network analysis and vehicular networks, the volume of data for various learning systems increases explosively along with the number of involving computing nodes. Thus, large-scale distributed machine learning (e.g., federated learning, and alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM)) has been pervasive in our societies and industries. However, the practical performance of DML is often limited by various bottlenecks and is still far from theoretical upper limits. Thus, this project will develop efficient algorithms and schemes to achieve reliable, secure and low-complexity large-scale DML.

Last Application Date: 23.Jun.2022

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2. Doctoral student (licentiate) in IoT and AI for monitoring of bridges

Summary of Doctoral Project:

The PhD project will focus on degradation modelling of bridge structures and the prediction of their service life. This typically involve complex modelling of material properties and behaviour. The research will be aimed at establishing data driven models that can be updated with information from, e.g., inspections, testing, and expert knowledge. The project will combine physics knowledge of structures with machine learning knowledge, aiming at exploiting recent breakthrough in machine learning (ML). The candidate will be employed at the division of Structural Engineering and Bridges. The project is a cooperation with the division of Network and Systems Engineering.

Last Application Date: 30.Jun.2022

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3. Doctoral student in robotics

Summary of Doctoral Project:

We look for a PhD student to work on multi-agent planning with applications to underwater and space robotics. These two environments share the common feature of unconventional gravity conditions with respect to traditional ground and aerial robots. Underwater environments induce buoyance, while space induces zero gravity. We call this common feature weightlessness. The project will focus on two main topics: First, defining new notions of safety and robustness specific to weightless environments, using semantically rich specifications, such as parametrized temporal logics. Second, designing safe and robust planning algorithms enables new ways to explore and understand these environments.

Last Application Date: 15.Jun.2022

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4. Ph.D. Student in information theory for cyber physical systems and 6G

Summary of Doctoral Project:

The interdisciplinary research project SUCCESS will develop software-defined solutions for the digitalization of society, with focus on creating tight integration of 6G wireless connectivity and society-wide 6G applications. The project has received funding from the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research and is spearheaded by five distinguished KTH professors: Emil Bjornson, Karl H. Johansson, Mikael Skoglund, Elena Troubitsyna, and Elena Fersman. This is the first project that approaches 6G challenges by combining world-leading expertise on wireless communications, information theory, autonomous systems, computer science, and machine learning. We are now looking for ambitious doctoral students who want to work at KTH with different aspects of the project.

Last Application Date: 09.Jun.2022

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5. Doctoral student in high-performance machine-learning

Summary of Doctoral Project:

This research project aims at developing the principles behind the next generation of computing systems optimized for modern data-intensive workloads. We believe that these systems will make a disruptive departure from the classic Von Neumann architecture, with its decoupling of memory and computing, and embrace the principle of processing-near-memory. In this way, it is possible to shortcut the main limitations of current hardware systems. Your role will be to explore how ML algorithms and computer architectures can be enhanced and radically re-designed for unprecedented efficiency and scalability.

Last Application Date: 30.Jun.2022

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6. Doctoral student in robust future electricity networks

Summary of Doctoral Project:

Future electric power systems are expected to have a high impact on renewable energy, energy storage, producers and consumers with electric cars, smart homes and household appliances. As the complexity and sectoral coupling of the energy system increases, the frequency of unexpected events will increase at the same time as the momentum in the system is decreasing. In addition, increased digitization leads to the energy system being highly exposed to cyber attacks. The security and resistance of the energy infrastructure is crucial for a well-functioning society.

Last Application Date: 2022-06-14

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7. Doctoral student in robust digitized future electricity networks

Summary of Doctoral Project:

Future electric power systems are expected to have a high impact on renewable energy, energy storage, producers and consumers with electric cars, smart homes and household appliances. As the complexity and sectoral coupling of the energy system increases, the frequency of unexpected events will increase at the same time as the momentum in the system is decreasing. In addition, increased digitization leads to the energy system being highly exposed to cyber attacks. The security and resistance of the energy infrastructure is crucial for a well-functioning society.

Last Application Date: 2022-06-14

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8. Doctoral student in Safe Autonomy

Summary of Doctoral Project:

The Division of Decision and Control Systems are currently looking for one doctoral student with a very strong background and interest in control systems and mathematics. The successful candidate will join an interdisciplinary project on developing software-defined solutions for the digitalization of society (see https://ebjornson.com/success/). The candidate will develop novel decision and control mechanisms to enable cooperation between devices for resilient autonomy with explicit consideration to reducing the energy consumption.

Last Application Date: 20.Jun.2022

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9. Doctoral students in Networked Systems for Machine Learning

Summary of Doctoral Project:

The advertised doctoral student positions are within an ambitious, 5-year European Research Council (ERC) Consolidator Project titled “ULTRA”. In this 2 Million EUR project, we want to dramatically change the way Internet Services are constructed. In detail: Your work will entail design, implementation, and evaluation of distributed systems and networks for building ultra-low latency Internet services. Special emphasis will be paid to low latency, resilient frameworks for machine learning (including distributed and federated learning). Examples of other services to be built include advanced highly streamlined server software, Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) chains at the true speed of the underlying hardware, intra datacenter loadbalancing, agile and efficient geo-distributed data storage systems that.

Last Application Date: 13.Jun.2022

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10. Doctoral student Deep Learning for sequential and graph data

Summary of Doctoral Project:

The PhD thesis will focus on state of the art Graph Neural Network Methods and search for advancements in the areas of explainability, interpretability and other fundamental aspects. It will also deal with application of the above methods to real world problems in NLP, sequences, time series, images and social network data. The prior work of the supervisor will support further achievements in this field.

Last Application Date: 09.Jun.2022

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11. Doctoral student in integrated formal methods

Summary of Doctoral Project:

The doctoral study aims at integrating formal specification methods, simulation, constraint solving and learning in a holistic multi-view modelling framework for developing sustainable and trustworthy future CPS. The framework should support the development of correct and efficient self-managing systems running over 6G networks and span development phase and run-time via continual learning. Our goal is to develop a modular network-aware formal specification language that will allow us to express, learn and verify functional and resource-related characteristics of future CPS.

Last Application Date: 15.Aug.2022

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12. Ph.D. Student in Security and Privacy of IoT applications

Summary of Doctoral Project:

The doctoral student will contribute to the project WASP NEST CyberSecIT, a framework project conducted jointly with Chalmers University of Technology and Umeå University to explore the security and privacy of IoT applications, with the emphasis on software and automation. NESTs are flagship projects of the Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Program (WASP). CyberSecIT’s ambition is to develop a practical, secure and privacy-enhancing solution for IoT applications. The doctoral student will conduct research in developing a novel decentralized platform for automated validation and secure deployment of IoT applications based on technologies such as fine-grained access control, code analysis, multi-party computation, and confidential computing.

Last Application Date: 13.Jun.2022

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13. Doctoral students in micro- and nanotechnology

Summary of Doctoral Project:

Photonic integrated circuit (PIC) technology is rapidly evolving, and two dimensional (2D) materials are emerging for novel optical and mechanical devices on the micro-and nanoscale. Silicon PICs bring increased performance and scalability, however, the modest integration level achieved to date is far from its full potential. A major bottleneck for scaling up is the power consumption of active components. By leveraging mechanics at the nanoscale we aim to reduce power consumption and improve existing components and introduce novel functionalities in PICs. The experimental work will be conducted in the KTH micro and nano fabrication cleanrooms in Stockholm (Kista and Alba Nova), as well as in the characterization labs at KTH main campus.

Last Application Date: 09.Jun.2022

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14. Doctoral student in compressible fluid mechanics

Summary of Doctoral Project:

The project aims at developing robust, reliable and effective techniques for generation of extreme conditions. Having developed an experimental facility based on electrical wire explosion huge pressures in fluids are to be produced with limited resources available in everyday research environment. A unique integration of approaches and resources in high voltage engineering and plasma physics applications will be applied towards classical problems of compressible fluid mechanics. The project investigates by experiment, computation and theory the major physical properties of imploding shock waves in liquids, offers approaches to enhance efficiency of the focal energy concentration, and studies the behavior of matter at such extreme states.

Last Application Date: 15.Jun.2022

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This Post Has One Comment

  1. Ahmed

    I am looking for doctoral programs in Economics please
    Appreciate if you could suggest
    Best Regards

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