18 Fully Funded PhD Programs at University of Copenhagen, Denmark

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If you’re a Masters degree holder and seeking Fully Funded PhD Programs, University of Copenhagen, Denmark has several online applications open for PhD programs. Explore the PhD opportunities across diverse research areas and submit your application soon.

1. Fully Funded PhD Position in Translational Neuroscience

Summary of PhD Program:

Our research team works on synaptic plasticity and neuroinflammation in the human brain and in animal and cellular models. We use tissues and cells from the human brain and from animal models of epilepsy to examine biomarkers that change in response to seizures. We have strong collaboration with clinical epilepsy (Professor, Lars Pinborg) and other academic groups and pharmaceutical industry. The research team consists of post- and predoctoral researchers, as well as master students.

Application Deadline: 05-08-2024

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2. Fully Funded PhD Position in Cell Biology of DNA repair and Genome Integrity Maintenance

Summary of PhD Program:

With the proposed project, we will study the role of liquid-liquid phase separation in facilitating DNA repair processes in the cell nucleus as a model to establish a fundamental biological understanding of how biomolecular droplets allow the cell to orchestrate its biochemical processes. We will achieve this through a cross-disciplinary effort that combines molecular genetics and state-of-the-art microscopy with biophysical modelling and computational simulations.

Application Deadline: 05-08-2024

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3. Fully Funded PhD Position in Nutrition and Gut Microbiome Research

Summary of PhD Program:

In your role as PhD student, you will be in charge of writing the study protocol for approval to the Ethical Committee. Following approval, you will be responsible with the recruitment of study participants and for conducting the controlled dietary intervention study, which includes examination visits and handling of biological samples. Furthermore, you will conduct liquid chromatography mass spectrometry-based metabolomics, bomb calorimetry, and microbiome analyses on collected biological samples. Finally, you will integrate microbiome, metabolomics, and faecal energy data, and write scientific publications.

Application Deadline: 04-08-2024

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4. Fully Funded PhD Position in Physics-Informed Data Analysis for Biosciences

Summary of PhD Program:

This project revolves around improving data analysis of biophysical/biomedical data by combining physical modelling and deep learning. There is freedom to shape the precise problem by the candidates themselves, and the formulation of new avenues of research is encouraged. Research areas could include computer vision, development of differentiable physical models, synthetic/differentiable image generation, regularization of simulation-to-reality gap, probabilistic modelling, expert knowledge in neural networks, etc.

Application Deadline: 04-08-2024

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5. Fully Funded PhD Position in understanding sensory palatability of rapeseed proteins

Summary of PhD Program:

The PhD position is part of ‘SEEDFOOD: Functional and palatable plant seed storage proteins for sustainable foods’ project funded by the Novo Nordisk Foundation. The primary partners in SEEDFOOD are University of Copenhagen (UCPH), Technical University of Denmark (DTU) and University of Le Mans in France (ULM). The project coordinator is Professor Marianne Nissen Lund, Department of Food Science, UCPH.

Application Deadline: 02-08-2024

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6. Fully Funded PhD Position in Theology and ethics of domesticated animals

Summary of PhD Program:

The central objective of the research project is to develop new conceptualizations of the relation between humanity and nature in times of ecological crises. CARNAL expands the ethical tradition of self-care and care for other humans into an ecologized ethics of care. We focus on everyday dilemmas and options for change in the areas of consumption, biodiversity, and conceptions of everyday human interactions with the corporeality of ecological networks. CARNAL is placed at the Faculty of Theology, and its methodology aims to coordinate the fields of Anthropology and Theology.

Application Deadline: 02-08-2024

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7. Fully Funded PhD Position in newborn infectious diseases and therapeutics

Summary of PhD Program:

The research group in Cellular and Molecular Pediatrics is one among three interconnected research groups in Section of Comparative Pediatrics and Nutrition. The section offers a highly international, diverse and interdisciplinary environment, performing translational research and teaching related to physiology, immunology, microbiology, nutrition and diseases in both laboratory animals and human infants and children. The work extends from basic in vitro studies in cells and tissues (gut cell lines, primary blood and immune cells, and tissues) with various analytical techniques and omics technologies, to animal model studies (mainly in piglets) and intervention and cohort studies in infants at hospitals (exploring growth, gut, brain, immunity and microbiome).

Application Deadline: 31-07-2024

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8. Fully Funded PhD Position in sleep circuits

Summary of PhD Program:

You will be joining the Kjaerby lab that studies the impact of sleep on memory performance. Sleep is essential for cognitive performance, and it is well established that impaired sleep reduces cognition. Sleep is not a homogeneous brain state but composed of several micro-structures regulated by many regions within the brain. In recent years, short arousals have been recognized as an integral part of normal sleep adding to the complexity of sleep. In the Kjaerby group, we are interested in determining the impact of these frequent sleep-arousal transitions on shaping restorative sleep processes related to memory consolidation. Sleep disturbances are a large component of many neurodegenerative and neuropsychiatric disorders and exploring novel therapeutic strategies related to regulation of sleep-arousal transitions can potentially arrest cognitive decline for these disorders. We are driven by curiosity and shared excitement for scientific collaboration and discovery, and we value a diverse, international and inclusive scientific environment that fosters creativity.

Application Deadline: 28-07-2024

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9. Fully Funded PhD Position in Cytosolic axonal glymphatic transport of Rodents in Health and Disease

Summary of PhD Program:

The optimal functioning of the brain relies on the precise regulation of interstitial ions, crucial for neuronal excitability. At the forefront of this regulation is the glymphatic system, a complex network overseeing cerebrospinal fluid flow, waste clearance, and ion balance. So far, the glymphatic system mainly focuses on extracellular fluid and uses tracers that cannot be taken up by cells as tools. For some tracers, like Amyloid-b and Cadaverine that would enter all cells, they are transported much faster by the brain glymphatic than the traditional extracellular tracers. In the eye, only tracers (Amyloid-b and cadaverine) that are taken up by retinal ganglion cells can be transported across the lamina cribrosa that hinder extracellular solutes leaves the eye. 

Application Deadline: 21-07-2024

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10. Fully Funded PhD Position in organoid modelling of the post-acute phase of COVID

Summary of PhD Program:

The Desler Group are a newly started research group counting 10 group members. We investigate aging at the molecular level and its link to age-related diseases. This is done using 2D and advanced 3D cell culture models alongside biopsies collected from human cohorts. Our goal is to unveil novel molecular mechanisms in aging, discover robust biomarkers for age-related diseases, and identify potential therapeutic targets. This PhD project is part of an EU Horizon funded highly interdisciplinary and multifaceted research project between 10 different groups across Europe and lead by the Desler Group.

Application Deadline: 21-07-2024

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11. Fully Funded PhD Position in reNEW Copenhagen Node

Summary of PhD Program:

We are looking for positions that will focus on different aspects enhancer function and regulation, the interface with signaling and how they are influenced by the cell cycle. As a research assistant in the Brickman lab, you will be working in a field of stem cell and molecular biology. You will be part of an international interdisciplinary team of scientists focusing on understanding enhancer regulation, gene regulatory networks and exploiting these networks to develop new technologies for cell type specification in vitro. We work with in vivo and in vitro systems in both mouse and human. For this project, you will work with either mouse embryos, mouse and human embryonic stem cell (ESCs), human Ventral Foregut stem cells, human hypoblast stem cells and three-dimensional synthetic models for human and mouse development. 

Application Deadline: 21-07-2024

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12. Fully Funded PhD Position in Bioinformatics/Data Science/Machine Learning

Summary of PhD Program:

The “Data Science for Drug Design” (DSDD) research group is dedicated to the development and application of cutting-edge and data-driven technologies to advance network medicine. The DSDD group has a broad expertise encompassing structural bioinformatics, cheminformatics, computer-aided drug discovery & design, research tool/database development and applying machine learning/AI approaches.

Application Deadline: 21-07-2024

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13. Fully Funded PhD Position in experimental brain tumor research and bioinformatics 

Summary of PhD Program:

The main tasks in the experimental PhD project will be establishment of 3D patient-like brain cancer models to be used for drug testing followed by validation in orthotopic patient-derived models. The candidate is required to have documented experience with cell culturing and different in vitro assays, histology, immunohistochemistry and imaging techniques as well as molecular techniques. Experience in handling iPSC-derived microglia and cerebral organoids is a plus.

Application Deadline: 19-07-2024

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14. Fully Funded PhD Position in Algorithms

Summary of PhD Program:

The PhD students will be part of a world-class research environment in theoretical computer science with a strong presence at top-tier conferences like STOC, FOCS, and SODA, and also with publications in premier AI conferences like AAAI, IJCAI, and NeurIPS. We are home to the Basic Algorithms Research Copenhagen (BARC) centre joint with the IT University of Copenhagen, and have extensive collaborations with the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) and with Lund University on the Swedish side of the Oresund Bridge, as well as with our many visitors.

Application Deadline: 15-07-2024

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15. Fully Funded PhD Position in Social Data Science 

Summary of PhD Program:

The PhD projects will focus on A. extending those ideas by identifying strategies for how to use network data to connect the individuals in the data and B. understanding how biases in the data can be detected in the underlying embeddings. In addition to these key objectives, the selected candidates are expected to collaborate with researchers from both computational and social sciences in an interdisciplinary environment, co-author scientific papers aimed at high-impact journals, and participate in international conferences. For the selected candidates, there will be possibilities to influence the project and develop new project ideas within the project frame. In addition, the chosen candidates will also be asked to fulfill other work obligations (typically teaching or supervising thesis students) to a small degree in the overall period.

Application Deadline: 14-07-2024

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