23 Fully Funded PhD Programs at Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands

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If you’re a Masters degree holder and seeking Fully Funded PhD Programs, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands has several online applications open for PhD programs. Explore the PhD opportunities across diverse research areas and submit your application soon.

1. Fully Funded PhD Position in Auxiliary Power Supplies for Gate Drivers using Physics-Informed M.

Summary of PhD Program:

The presence of power electronics converters in medium-voltage (MV) and high-voltage (HV) power grids has been increasing and is expected to become predominant in the coming years due to the growing penetration of high-power renewable energy sources and electrified loads. Considering that available semiconductor devices have limited blocking voltage capabilities, modular multilevel converter (MMC) topologies are typically employed in MV and HV grid-connected converter applications. Thereby, the power supply design of the gate-driving units controlling the active semiconductor devices is not trivial. For instance, the differential control voltage applied to the switches is generally between -5V and 20V. 

Application Deadline: 31/07/2024

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2. Fully Funded PhD Position in Designing Advanced Materials for Interaction

Summary of PhD Program:

Imagine a world where the materials and objects we interact with can adapt and transform, as if they were alive. Advanced materials present compelling opportunities and challenges for Design and Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). By integrating sensors, actuators, and control systems, we can develop robotic material interfaces in various forms, such as coatings and structures, suitable for everyday use. Applications include interactive surfaces, wearables, smart textiles and shape-changing interfaces.

Application Deadline: 01/09/2024

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3. Fully Funded PhD Position in terahertz Imaging transmitter based on photonic integrated circuits

Summary of PhD Program:

THz imaging systems, after many years of research and technology advancements are moving from research facilities closer to companies for proper industrial applications. In combination with millimetre-wave frequencies, computational-based imaging at THz can allow for 3D imaging with both high lateral and depth resolution. A similar evolution in the neighbouring spectra, e.g., infrared and optical frequencies, is becoming a critical sensing tool in autonomous vehicles and systems. Similar advancements can occur at THz however the challenge is to create widely reconfigurable sources with the capability of beam focusing and steering for faster and higher resolution image acquisitions. The generation of THz radiation is fulfilled in the nearby electromagnetic spectrum, i.e., electronics, optoelectronic emitters, or optics-based source.

Application Deadline: 01/09/2024

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4. Fully Funded PhD Position in Probabilistic Model Checking for Safety-Critical Systems

Summary of PhD Program:

We are looking for a highly motivated candidate to develop new analysis techniques to ensure safe and reliable operation of complex systems. Within the PhD position, you will develop new analysis techniques for reliability models and create and improve algorithms for probabilistic model checking. You will implement these techniques in tools such as the Storm model checker, and apply and evaluate them in industrial context. The specific research topic can be influenced by your personal interests.

Application Deadline: 31/08/2024

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5. Fully Funded PhD Position in Advanced Materials for Regenerative Spinal Disorders Treatment

Summary of PhD Program:

Back pain is among the top ten diseases causing the greatest burden on society in terms of years lived with disability. It is estimated that 30 to 40% of these cases are attributed to intervertebral disc (IVD) degeneration. Currently, there are no satisfactory treatments for IVD degeneration. If analgesics and physical therapy fail to control the pain, operative treatment can be considered in some cases, where the involved spinal segments are fused using metal/polymer cages. Such spinal fusion operations are very effective in relieving patients’ pain, but they are not always successful, sometimes leading to delayed fusions or non-unions. Our goal is to develop an innovative solution for spinal fusion using a 3D printed bioresorbable ceramic-based cage that is osteoinductive, load-bearing, and can counteract local inflammation. 

Application Deadline: 31/08/2024

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6. Fully Funded PhD Position in neuromorphic computing & engineering: algorithms & hardware architectures

Summary of PhD Program:

Despite significant advances in AI, current systems must catch up to the animal kingdom’s efficiency in processing complex, real-time tasks with minimal energy in uncertain conditions. This limitation stems from a fundamental difference in design philosophy; while nature leverages distributed processing and inherent noise tolerance, modern computing relies on deterministic, bit-perfect operations with a clear separation between memory and computation. To bridge this gap, the NECS Lab is pioneering research into brain-inspired computing models that mimic the natural neural system’s computational physics. Our research entails the development of novel brain-inspired computing theories, learning systems, and the design of ultra-low-power circuits, systems, and computing architectures.

Application Deadline: 01/09/2024

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7. Fully Funded PhD Position in Quantum Circuit Design and Simulation with Neutral Atoms

Summary of PhD Program:

The NanoComputing Research Lab in Integrated Circuits (IC) group within the Department of Electrical Engineering of the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) is seeking to hire an excellent and motivated PhD candidate. In recent years, neutral atom quantum computing architectures have emerged as promising candidates for implementing quantum information processing due to their long coherence times, relaxed cooling environment and flexible arrangement of qubits to perform multi-qubit operations for enabling parallelism in quantum operations. However, controlling these quantum architectures through pulses is a challenge due to the presence of noise, hardware, or experimental limitations.

Application Deadline: 02/09/2024

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8. Fully Funded PhD Position in Co-simulation tools for Integrated Energy Systems

Summary of PhD Program:

The envisioned research is part of the research program Intelligent Energy Systems (IES) performed within the Electrical Energy Systems (EES) group of TU/e. Within the IES program, research is conducted into operation and planning of future sustainable energy systems, with an emphasis on electricity systems, markets and systems integration. This research is performed in two research labs: the Digital power and energy systems lab (EES DigiPES lab) and the Electricity markets and power system optimization lab (EES EMPDO lab). The former focuses on intelligent energy network research, including: demand management and flexibility, digital twinning, data analytics, smart grid ICT architectures and systems integration in multi energy systems.

Application Deadline: 02/09/2024

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9. 03 Fully Funded PhD Position in computational illumination optics design

Summary of PhD Program:

The Computational Illumination Optics group is one of the few mathematics groups worldwide working on mathematical models of optical systems. They develop and analyze numerical methods to solve the resulting differential equations. The team has a healthy portfolio of PhD positions and close collaborations with industrial partners. It consists of four full FTEs at Eindhoven University of Technology and one part-time professor.

Application Deadline: 30/08/2024

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10. Fully Funded PhD Position in alkaline water electrolysis

Summary of PhD Program:

The PhD position will focus on the flexibility and durability improvement of alkaline water electrolysis. This is especially relevant for electrolyzers that are coupled to variable renewable electricity supply, such as sun and wind. An important aspect of flexibility is the tolerance to frequent shutdowns, which can lead to reverse currents and potentially damage electrodes. Goal of the PhD position is to elucidate the shutdown process and its potentially detrimental effects on the electrodes. The generated insights can then be used to develop an accelerated stress test protocol that can be used to screen new electrode materials on their robustness.

Application Deadline: 11/08/2024

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11. Fully Funded PhD Position in AI-Assisted Surrogate Modeling for Complex Systems

Summary of PhD Program:

Your role will involve creating efficient, reusable and accurate surrogate models from diverse data sources. The aim is to improve the understanding and optimization of complex industrial systems, where the current common practice is to employ very complex simulations in the design process for tuning and evaluating different design parameters. Surrogate models are simple and efficient models that could in principle replace complex and heavy simulation models. Our goal is to develop and evaluate surrogate models in an industrial setting. 

Application Deadline: 07/09/2024

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12. Fully Funded PhD Position

Summary of PhD Program:

In this project, we aim at investigating novel visualization techniques for large event-based graphs, bridging the gap with the research topic of event sequence analysis, offering you the opportunity of building a robust expertise in diverse research topics. As a PhD, you will obtain a profound knowledge of the theory and algorithms operating on event-based networks and apply it to cutting-edge visualizations and visual analytics tools. Confront and work with process mining experts to build prototypes that address real-world needs, following a rigorous yet creative research methodology. Collaborate closely with renowned experts from all Europe, working your way to impactful research both in industry and academia.

Application Deadline: 16/08/2024

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13. Fully Funded PhD Position in Carbon Membranes Development

Summary of PhD Program:

The Partnership Sustainable Process Engineering consists of the four groups Chemical Reactor Engineering headed by Prof.dr.ir. John van der Schaaf, the group on biomass processing of Dr. Neira d’Angelo, the group Energy Intensified Chemical Reaction Engineering of Prof. Dr. Evgeny Rebrov and the Inorganic Membranes & Membrane Reactors group of Prof.dr.Eng. Fausto Gallucci. The SPE partnership consists of 3 Professors and 1UD, (all acting as PIs), 15 postdocs, more than 55 PhD students and 7 support staff.

Application Deadline: 01/09/2024

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14. Fully Funded PhD Position in Multiscale Multiphysics Modeling Of Instability&Fracture in Canvas Paintings

Summary of PhD Program:

Traditional canvas paintings represent an inestimable cultural legacy. At the same time, however, from an engineering perspective, canvas paintings are heterogeneous, multiscale systems subjected to complex loading conditions triggered by the interaction between multiple physical fields. This complicated scenario may result in different degradation mechanisms, including wrinkling of the painting surface, cracking, delamination, and paint flaking, which crucially affect the appearance, integrity, and longevity of the artwork.

Application Deadline: 15/09/2024

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15. Fully Funded PhD Position in Patterning of 2D materials by EUV light and area-selective processing

Summary of PhD Program:

The goal of this PhD project is to work towards a new paradigm of resist-free patterning of 2D materials such as MoS2 and WS2. 2D transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) will play a central role in scaling nanoelectronics beyond silicon limits. In order to integrate 2D TMDs in ultra-scaled CMOS devices, developing a patterning technology via state-of-the-art extreme ultraviolet (EUV) lithography is essential, however this comes with a new set of challenges related to the ultra-thin body of these layers.

Application Deadline: 10/09/2024

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16. Fully Funded PhD Position in Sensor-Based Simulations for Adaptive Lighting Systems

Summary of PhD Program:

Are you an engineer who wants to develop an office environment that effortlessly provides the right lighting for the user in the most sustainable way? Are you eager to develop models that can facilitate the user’s need by a smart lighting control system? Do you want to work in an exciting multidisciplinary team? We are looking for a talented and enthusiastic PhD candidate who can help to develop the insights needed for the office lighting of the future. The Building Lighting (BL) group is seeking one enthusiastic, ambitious young researcher to work in our team as PhD candidate.

Application Deadline: 18/08/2024

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17. Fully Funded PhD Position in Modeling the role of microstructure in short fatigue crack growth

Summary of PhD Program:

The central question for this PhD study is: Can we understand and model the role of the microstructure in microstructurally short fatigue crack growth in metals? Specifically, how do the characteristics of the microstructure (texture, morphology) influence the short crack growth? Can we model the transition between a microstructurally short crack and a physically small crack? Under which circumstances do fatigue cracks grow transgranular and/or intergranular (i.e., through grains or in between grains)? How does the microstructure influence the occurrence of crack arrest due to microstructural thresholds?

Application Deadline: 15/09/2024

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18. Fully Funded PhD Position in Multi-Objective Optimization in Imaging Optics

Summary of PhD Program:

Imaging optics involves the design and optimization of imaging systems (cameras, telescopes, …) to most accurately capture and reproduce an image. This is especially relevant for high-interest research topics like optical metrology in chip production. The design process in imaging optics is inherently multi-objective, involving different competing performance measures. This could be on a more systematic level the interplay of quality, cost and manufacturability but also image quality itself can be described by competing performance measures.

Application Deadline: 25/08/2024

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