Muhammad Bin Zaid University Scholarships 2024

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Muhammad Bin Zaid University Scholarships 2024 

Grade Level Postgraduates / Phd.,
Country Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates,
Eligible Nationalities All Countries
Required Language English
Sponsors Muhammad Bin Zaid University (MBZUAI)
  • International and UAE resident students
    • MSc: AED 8,000
    • PhD: AED 10,000 (Married PhD students may request to live off-campus and receive an additional AED 5,000 housing allowance subject to approval and submission of official documents.)
  • UAE national students
    • MSc: AED 30,000 (single) or AED 33,000 (married; will require the submission of official documents)
    • PhD: AED 36,000 (single) or AED 39,000 (married; will require the submission of official documents)
Application Deadline  Please refer official website.

Are you a student seeking an exciting opportunity or scholarship to support your degree program? Muhammad Bin Zaid University (MBZUAI), Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, inviting online application for Muhammad Bin Zaid University Scholarships 2024.

Don’t let this fantastic chance pass you by by missing the application deadline! In this article, we’ll go over this scholarship program’s features, benefits, and step-by-step application process.

About Muhammad Bin Zaid University Scholarships 2024 

In a cutting-edge academic environment, MBZUAI provides students with a variety of graduate programmes in the bustling capital of the UAE. MBZUAI offers a unique educational experience by fusing Abu Dhabi’s rich culture and tradition with a cutting-edge educational system and comprehensive curriculum.

All full-time applicants are given the opportunity to finish their studies with a full scholarship. However, in order to keep their scholarships, stipends, and other advantages, students must maintain a high GPA, abide by the university’s code of conduct, and meet specific criteria during their year of study.

Program of Study

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Machine Learning
  • Deep Learning
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Computer Vision
  • Robotics
  • Data Science
  • Data Analytics
  • Big Data
  • Neural Networks
  • Reinforcement Learning
  • Computer Science
  • Statistics
  • Mathematics
  • Algorithm Design and Analysis
  • Ethical and Responsible AI

Please note that these are broad categories of AI-related study, and they could not exactly correspond to the course offerings at MBZUAI in 2024. The university’s official paperwork is always the greatest source for the most precise details on the programmes and courses they offer.

About Muhammad Bin Zaid University

In Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, there is a prominent research institution called Muhammad Bin Zaid institution (MBZUAI). It focuses on machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI). MBZUAI was created to give a top-notch platform for education and research, and it provides extensive academic programmes, cutting-edge research possibilities, and cutting-edge infrastructure. The institution cultivates a varied and inclusive atmosphere by luring outstanding talent from all around the world. Through multidisciplinary cooperation, innovation, and ethical practises, MBZUAI is dedicated to developing AI and ML. The mission of MBZUAI is to enhance society and foster revolutionary technical developments by fostering the next generation of AI leaders and researchers.

Scholarship Coverage

The scholarship includes:

    • 100% free tuition fee
    • On-campus student accommodation
    • Health insurance and UAE visa sponsorship for non-UAE nationals
    • Monthly stipend (subject to the University’s rules and regulations, as mentioned in the University Catalogue)
      • International and UAE resident students
        • MSc: AED 8,000
        • PhD: AED 10,000 (Married PhD students may request to live off-campus and receive an additional AED 5,000 housing allowance subject to approval and submission of official documents.)
      • UAE national students
        • MSc: AED 30,000 (single) or AED 33,000 (married; will require the submission of official documents)
        • PhD: AED 36,000 (single) or AED 39,000 (married; will require the submission of official documents)

Eligibility Criteria 

  • Academic achievement: Scholarships often require a strong academic background, including a high GPA or equivalent academic performance.
  • Field of study: Scholarships may be specific to certain fields of study or programs, such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), or related disciplines.
  • Nationality or residency: Some scholarships may have restrictions or preferences based on nationality or residency, while others may be open to students from any country.
  • Admission to the university: Applicants may need to be accepted or admitted to Muhammad Bin Zaid University for their desired program of study in order to be eligible for scholarships.
  • Language proficiency: Proficiency in the language of instruction, such as English, may be required.
  • Letters of recommendation: Scholarships may require one or more letters of recommendation from professors, teachers, or other professional references.
  • Personal statement or essay: Applicants may be asked to submit a personal statement or essay that demonstrates their motivation, goals, and suitability for the scholarship.
  • Other criteria: Additional criteria such as leadership skills, extracurricular activities, community involvement, or research experience may also be considered.

It’s crucial to keep in mind that these are only basic qualifying requirements and that the specifics of the Muhammad Bin Zaid University Scholarships in 2024 may vary. It is advised to check Muhammad Bin Zaid University’s official website or get in touch with the school directly if you want precise and complete information on the qualifying requirements.

Required Documents

All applicants

  • Online application form
  • CV (with academic background, work experience, research publications, and programming/coding skills)
  • Valid passport copy
  • Photograph with white background
  • Valid Pakistan national identity card copy (only for Pakistan nationals)

UAE Nationals

  • Emirates ID
  • Passport copy with unified ID number.
  • Family book
  • UAE National Service completion/exemption letter (for UAE National male only)

UAE residents (living in the UAE)

  • UAE visa
  • Emirates ID

How to Apply for Muhammad Bin Zaid University Scholarships 2024?

  • Research scholarships: Gather information about the available scholarships, their eligibility criteria, application deadlines, and required documents.
  • Review application requirements: Understand the specific requirements for each scholarship, including the documents, essays, or other materials that need to be submitted.
  • Prepare necessary documents: Collect and prepare all the required documents, such as academic transcripts, letters of recommendation, a personal statement or essay, and any other materials specified.
  • Complete the application form: Fill out the scholarship application form accurately and completely, ensuring that all requested information is provided.
  • Submit the application: Submit your completed application form and all supporting documents through the designated application portal or method specified by Muhammad Bin Zaid University.
  • Follow up: After submitting your application, monitor your email or any communication channels for any updates or requests for additional information.
  • Adhere to deadlines: Make sure to submit your application before the specified deadline. Late applications are typically not considered.

It’s crucial to remember that these stages are broad recommendations and may not accurately reflect the 2024 application procedure for the Muhammad Bin Zaid University Scholarships. Visit Muhammad Bin Zaid University’s official website or get in touch with the school directly for the most up-to-date information and comprehensive guidelines on how to apply for the scholarships.

FAQ About Scholarship

Does MBZUAI offer scholarships?

Upon admission, all admitted students are given the opportunity to finish their studies on a full scholarship, which covers all fees in full, as well as other perks like a monthly stipend. Students are expected to maintain a high academic standing, adhere to the university code of conduct, and meet specific standards during their study period in order to preserve their scholarships, stipends, and other perks. For additional information, see the homepage for the application procedure.

What are the requirements to apply?

On our admissions process homepage, you may see the list of entrance criteria. Ph.D. programmes have different prerequisites than master’s programmes do.

What are the minimum English language requirements (e.g. TOEFL/IELTS test scores)?

Each candidate must provide a certified copy of one of the following certificates as proof of their English language proficiency:

  • TOEFL iBT with a minimum total score of 90
  • IELTS Academic with a minimum overall score of 6.5
  • EmSAT English with a minimum score of 1550

The validity of TOEFL iBT and IELTS Academic certifications is two (2) years from the exam date, whereas the validity of EmSAT results is eighteen (18) months. The recognised English language proficiency tests’ standard versions—those administered in actual testing facilities—will only be taken into consideration.

Requests for waivers from qualifying candidates who are nationals (by passport or nationality) of the United Kingdom, the United States of America, Australia, and New Zealand and who finished their K–12 education there before earning a bachelor’s degree and, if appropriate, a master’s degree will be processed. When applying, they must provide copies of their documents that have been notarized, and once admitted, attested copies. After obtaining all prerequisites, waiver decisions will be made within seven days.

Official Notification

Disclaimer: This is not the official scholarship website; it is only a one-page description of the scholarship. Despite our best efforts to keep the material up to date and correct, changes might happen at any time without prior notice. The most current, accurate, and complete information may be found on the official scholarship website, which we strongly advise you to verify. Any reliance you put on knowledge received from is totally at your own risk.

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