AAUW International Fellowship Program 2024

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AAUW International Fellowship Program 2024 

Grade Level Graduates / Postgraduates / Phd.,
Country United States
Eligible Nationalities All countries
Required Language English
Sponsors AAUW
Award Master’s/first professional degree: $20,000
Doctoral: $25,000
Postdoctoral: $50,000
Application Deadline  November 15 every year, Please check the University’s official website.

Are you a student seeking an exciting opportunity or scholarship to support your degree program? AAUW, United States inviting online application for AAUW International Fellowship Program 2024.

Don’t let this fantastic chance pass you by by missing the application deadline! In this article, we’ll go over this scholarship program’s features, benefits, and step-by-step application process.

About AAUW International Fellowship Program 2024 

Since 1917, there have been international fellowships. Women who are not U.S. citizens or permanent residents and who want to return to their native country to pursue a professional career are given funding for their full-time graduate or postdoctoral education under this programme. Women who are members of Graduate Women International (see the list of GWI affiliates) may be eligible for a small number of prizes for study abroad (excluding the applicant’s native country). Graduate and postgraduate study at authorised institutions in the United States is funded.

By the application deadline, applicants must have completed coursework equal to a U.S. bachelor’s degree and submitted applications to the schools they want to attend. Academic excellence and a clear commitment to supporting women and girls are considered when choosing recipients.

Recipients go back to their native nations and rise to positions of leadership in industry, politics, academics, community action, the arts, and the sciences.

Program of Study

Women seeking graduate and doctoral degrees in the US are supported through the AAUW International Fellowship Programme. The programme supports a variety of academic disciplines, including but not limited to:

  • Architecture, urban planning, and design
  • Biological sciences
  • Business administration
  • Chemistry
  • Computer science and information technology
  • Education, including curriculum development and teacher training
  • Engineering
  • Environmental sciences
  • Health sciences
  • Journalism and mass communication
  • Law
  • Mathematics
  • Music, dance, and performing arts
  • Nursing
  • Physics and astronomy
  • Political science
  • Psychology
  • Social work
  • Sociology
  • Women’s studies and feminist research

Please keep in mind that this is not a complete list and that additional disciplines of study may be taken into consideration. The programme also prioritises assisting women from nations that have historically had lower representation in American higher education.

About AAUW

Over 138 years ago, the American Association of University Women (AAUW), a nonprofit organisation, began promoting gender parity. In order to assist women and girls in pursuing higher education, jobs, and leadership positions, the organisation offers money, information, and advocacy. AAUW supports a range of projects and programmes, such as scholarships and fellowships for women seeking higher education, research on gender equity-related topics, and community-based activities that cater to the needs of women and girls. AAUW seeks to remove obstacles in the way of women realising their full potential and making a positive contribution to a more fair and equitable society. air and equitable society.

Scholarship Coverage

Women who want to pursue graduate and postgraduate degrees in the US can get financial aid through the AAUW International Fellowship Programme. The fellowship is covered by:

  • Living expenses: The program provides a stipend to cover living expenses such as rent, utilities, food, and transportation.
  • Tuition: The fellowship covers tuition and fees for the academic program the recipient is enrolled in.
  • Travel: The program provides a travel allowance to cover transportation costs to and from the recipient’s home country.
  • Health insurance: The program provides health insurance coverage for the recipient.
  • Research and professional development: The program provides funding for research and professional development opportunities related to the recipient’s field of study.

Please be aware that the programme’s funding amount changes based on the recipient’s financial need, the cost of living in the town where they are staying, and the length of their academic programme.

Eligibility Criteria 

  • Women, including those who identify as women, are eligible for international fellowships in all disciplines of study at approved institutions of higher learning or, for postdoctoral fellows, in research. The final determination of what institutions qualify as eligible institutions rests with AAUW.
  • Reapplicants who are rejected are welcome.
  • possess a nonimmigrant visa if residing in the US or have citizenship in a nation other than the US. Women who presently have the status of U.S. citizen, permanent resident, or dual citizen of the U.S. and another nation, or who anticipate doing so during the fellowship year, are ineligible.
  • possess an academic degree (obtained in the US or overseas) that, when finished by November 15, 2023, would be comparable to a US bachelor’s degree.
  • want to spend their whole fellowship year according to the suggested academic schedule.
  • intend to finish their education in their native country and seek a professional career there.
  • Be able to communicate well in English and demonstrate this ability by providing one of the required components (see below), which may include specific English proficiency tests, transcripts from institutions that speak English, or a written declaration stating that English is the applicant’s first language.
    Candidates should prepare for and take the exam as soon as possible if they intend to take one of the recognised English proficiency tests. Please contact the exam provider with any inquiries you may have.
  • Fellowships for master’s or first professional degrees are available for J.D., M.F.A., L.L.M., M.Arch., and other professional degrees, as well as medical degrees like M.D. and D.D.S. Undergraduate degrees, associate degrees, and certificates are not acceptable.
  • Doctoral degrees, such as the Ph.D. or Ed.D., that are classified as research degrees are eligible for doctoral scholarships.
  • By November 15, 2022, postdoctoral candidates must have a doctorate that is classified as a research degree, such as a Ph.D., Ed.D., D.B.A., or M.F.A., and they must also state the location of their study.
  • Doctoral and master’s applicants must be enrolled at an American institution that is accredited by the U.S. throughout the fellowship year.
  • Graduate Women International members may be eligible for a small number of prizes for study or research abroad in any nation. Keep in mind that international divisions of American institutions are regarded as being located abroad.
  • Although candidates must be pursuing a full year of study or research, they may apply for the fellowship in any programme year. No partial year of study or research is financially supported by an international fellowship. Programmes that wrap up before April of next year are not eligible.
  • Master’s, first professional degree, and doctorate fellowships support conventional classroom-based education at colleges or universities through distance learning or online programmes. Financing for online or distance learning programmes, as well as degrees that mainly rely on remote learning, is not available under this fellowship programme. AAUW will have the last say on what qualifies as “distance learning for the purposes of these fellowships. Applications from candidates who are momentarily studying remotely because of COVID-19 safeguards at their institution will be accepted by AAUW.

Required Documents

  • All applicants must complete the online application form, which asks for basic details about themselves, their academic history, and their chosen graduate or postgraduate course of study.
  • Candidates must send a CV or resume outlining their academic and professional accomplishments.
  • Academic transcripts: All undergraduate and graduate records from all universities attended must be submitted by the applicants. Transcripts must be in English or include an official translation into English.
  • Three letters of recommendation: Applicants must provide three letters of support from someone who can attest to their academic prowess and likelihood of success in the subject of study of their choice.
  • Proof of English competence: Candidates whose mother tongue is not English are required to provide TOEFL or IELTS test results as evidence of English proficiency.
  • Application cost: A $50 USD non-refundable application fee is requested of all applicants.

Please be aware that certain academic programmes and institutions that the candidate is applying to may require some extra documentation.

How to Apply for AAUW International Fellowship Program 2024

  • Review the eligibility criteria to ensure that you meet all requirements.
  • Gather all required documents, including the online application form, CV/resume, academic transcripts, letters of recommendation, proof of English proficiency, and application fee.
  • Complete and submit the online application form, ensuring that all required fields are completed and that all required documents are uploaded.
  • Submit the application fee payment via the online payment portal.
  • Review and confirm all application details, and then submit the application.
  • Wait for notification of your application status. If you are selected as a finalist, you may be invited for an interview with the selection committee.
  • If selected, complete all necessary paperwork and prepare for travel and study in the United States.

It is vital to start the application procedure long before any deadlines because the process might take many months. Before submitting your application, it is advised that you thoroughly check all of the requirements and guidelines to make sure it is correct and comprehensive.

FAQ About Fellowship

Q: Who is eligible to apply for the AAUW International Fellowship Program?

A: Women who have received a bachelor’s degree by September 30, 2023 and are not citizens or permanent residents of the United States are eligible to apply. Additionally, candidates must be registered full-time in an American graduate or postgraduate programme between July 1, 2024, and June 30, 2025, to be eligible.

Q: Can I apply for the AAUW International Fellowship Program if I am already enrolled in a graduate or postgraduate program in the United States?

A: If you are currently enrolled in a graduate or postgraduate programme in the United States, you are eligible to apply for the AAUW International Fellowship Programme. You must still fulfil all other requirements for qualifying, though.

Q: What is the selection process for the AAUW International Fellowship Program?

A team of specialists from the appropriate academic disciplines reviews each application in-depth as part of the AAUW International Fellowship Program’s extremely competitive selection process. A finalist interview with the selection committee may also be requested.

Q: How much funding does the AAUW International Fellowship Program provide?

A: The AAUW International Fellowship Programme offers varying amounts of money, based on the recipient’s financial need, the cost of living in their host town, and the duration of their academic programme. However, the fellowship often includes chances for research and professional growth in addition to living allowances, education costs, travel expenses, and health insurance.

Q: Can I apply for other funding sources while receiving the AAUW International Fellowship?

A: While earning the AAUW International Fellowship, you are still eligible to apply for other forms of financial aid. However, you must let AAUW know about any additional funds you get and make sure it doesn’t violate the fellowship’s rules.

Q: What is the duration of the AAUW International Fellowship?

A: The AAUW International Fellowship offers financing from July 1, 2024, to June 30, 2025, for one academic year.

Official Notification

Disclaimer: This is not the official scholarship website; it is only a one-page description of the scholarship. Despite our best efforts to keep the material up to date and correct, changes might happen at any time without prior notice. The most current, accurate, and complete information may be found on the official scholarship website, which we strongly advise you to verify. Any reliance you put on knowledge received from NotesBard.com is totally at your own risk.

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