OWSD PhD Fellowships 2024

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OWSD PhD Fellowships 2024

Grade Level PhD.,

Trieste, Italy

Eligible Nationalities All Countries only for Women
Required Language English, 

The Organization for Women in Science for the Developing World (OWSD) 

Award Fully Funded
Application Deadline 

OWSD deeply regrets to inform all our members and followers that there will be no call for PhD applications in 2024. This is due to global circumstances affecting our funding sources. We are doing our best to secure funding for PhDs in the future, but have no guarantees that the call will be launched next year either.


Are you a student seeking an exciting opportunity or scholarship to support your degree program? The Organization for Women in Science for the Developing World (OWSD), Italy inviting online application for OWSD PhD Fellowships.

Don’t let this fantastic chance pass you by by missing the application deadline! In this article, we’ll go over this scholarship program’s features, benefits, and step-by-step application process.

About OWSD PhD Fellowships 2024

The renowned OWSD (Organisation for Women in Science for the Developing World) PhD Fellowships for 2024 are intended to aid female scientists from developing nations who are pursuing doctoral studies in STEM subjects. These scholarships provide women the chance to do research in prestigious institutions throughout the world, advancing their scientific careers and helping them to significantly improve their home nations.

The OWSD PhD Fellowships provide funding to pay different expenditures associated with the doctorate programme, including as tuition, living expenses, and research costs. The programme invites candidates to conduct studies that address significant problems faced by poor countries and are in line with the sustainable development goals (SDGs).

Women scientists from qualifying poor nations who have been accepted into a PhD programme at a reputable institution are eligible to apply for the grants. The selection procedure is extremely competitive, with a focus on academic achievement, research potential, and the proposed project’s ability to have an influence on society.

In order to advance gender equality and give women in science more authority, the OWSD PhD Fellowships are extremely important. This programme seeks to narrow the gender gap in STEM areas and support global scientific progress as well as the socioeconomic development of underdeveloped nations by making investments in brilliant female scientists.

Program of Study

  • Agricultural Sciences
  • Astronomy, Space and Earth Sciences
  • Biological Systems and Organisms
  • Chemical Sciences
  • Computing and Information Technology
  • Engineering Sciences
  • Mathematical Sciences
  • Medical and Health Sciences
  • Neurosciences
  • Physics
  • Structural, Cell and Molecular Biology

For PhD programmes in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), the OWSD PhD Fellowships are offered. Applications for PhD programmes in the humanities, social sciences, arts, or other fields are not acceptable.


The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) headquarters in Trieste, Italy are home to the worldwide organisation The Organisation for Women in Science for the Developing World (OWSD), which was established in 1987. It is a UNESCO programming unit.

The goal of OWSD is to promote the role of distinguished women scientists in the development process and to increase their representation in scientific and technology leadership. It is the first worldwide conference to bring together women scientists from both developing and developed nations.

Women scientists in the poor countries are given access to OWSD for networking, career growth, and research training possibilities.

Fellowship Coverage

Candidates may select one of two study plans:

a full-time fellowship with a maximum financing period of four years, where the research is carried out fully at a host institute in another underdeveloped South Asian nation.

a sandwich fellowship, in which the applicant must be a PhD student in good standing in her own nation and complete a portion of her coursework in a host institution in another developing nation.
A minimum of one and a maximum of three research trips at the host institute are covered by the sandwich fellowship. The initial visit must last at least six months. A maximum of 20 months may not be spent at the host institute in total. The maximum financing duration is four years.

The OWSD fellowship covers:

  • A monthly allowance to cover basic living expenses such as accommodation and meals while in the host country
  • A modest support allowance to be used at the student’s discretion to support their research environment (i.e. personal or family expenses and/or research-related costs)
  • A return ticket from the home country to the host institute for the agreed research period
  • Visa expenses
  • Annual medical insurance contribution
  • The opportunity to attend regional science communications workshops, on a competitive basis
  • Study fees (including tuition and registration fees) in agreement with the chosen host institute which is also expected to contribute

Eligibility Criteria

The OWSD PhD Fellowship is solely available to female applicants.

Candidates must certify that they intend to leave the fellowship as soon as feasible and return to their native country.

An MSc in one of the study disciplines mentioned above is required as a minimum.

  • Host institutes must be located in a developing country in the South (not the candidate’s home country).
  • A list of recommended institutes is available here.
  • Other institutes, not included in the link above, will also be considered if they demonstrate appropriate resources and expertise.
  • Candidates should identify a host institute outside their home country. They can identify a further two host institutes if desired.
  • Candidates who are already on site in the host country will not usually be considered eligible.

A candidate must not be currently holding a research grant or fellowship from The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) at the time of application, nor may they have already applied for a TWAS programme within the same calendar year. For each TWAS and OWSD project, a single application is allowed every calendar year. Only the head of an institution who asks an outside expert to share their knowledge under the TWAS Visiting Professor programmes is granted an exemption; she may still apply for another programme.

Required Documents

  • Candidates must submit a PhD research proposal outline (max 2.000 words) which should be a summarized description of the PhD research proposal.
  • Guidelines for writing a good research proposal outline are available here.
  • Candidates are invited to study carefully these guidelines and ensure that their proposal is well structured and clear. The project proposal is given particular attention at selection.
  • all university degree certificates; and
  • all university-issued transcripts, indicating all courses and grades.
  • Candidates must submit their complete CV (including a list of publications, if available).
  • The letter must be signed by the head of department or by the postgraduate studies coordinator.
  • The study starting date on the preliminary acceptance letter must be the year following the application (e.g. if you apply for a fellowship in 2018 the acceptance letter should indicate the starting date as 2019).
  • The sample available here must be used for the preparation of this document.
  • The letter should also describe why the host institute is appropriate for the subject of study and confirm the supervisor’s interest in working with the candidate.
  • Guidelines for letter drafting are available here.
  • Guidelines for reference letter drafting are available here.
  • For SANDWICH candidates only: please note that the home PhD supervisor cannot be one of the two referees.
  • Candidates must submit a scanned copy of the passport page, which contains personal details (photo, document number etc.).
  • Sandwich candidates must submit the Registration and No objection certificate prepared by the home institute confirming that the candidate is a PhD registered student and that there is no objection to her studying at the chosen host institute abroad.
  • The certificate template can be downloaded here and must be completed and signed by the head/director of the home institute.
  • state that he/she is willing to support the candidate undertaking part of her studies at the host institute abroad; and
  • describe how the research visit abroad will impact/benefit the candidate’s research project.

How to Apply for OWSD PhD Fellowships 2024?

  1. Eligibility Check: Ensure you meet the eligibility criteria for the fellowship. Applicants must be women scientists from eligible developing countries and have been accepted into a PhD program at a recognized institution.
  2. Research Proposal: Develop a well-structured research proposal aligned with the sustainable development goals (SDGs). Your proposal should outline the objectives, methodology, and potential impact of your research.
  3. Gather Required Documents: Collect all the necessary documents, which may include academic transcripts, proof of acceptance into a PhD program, curriculum vitae (CV), recommendation letters, and a motivation letter. Ensure that these documents are up to date and accurately reflect your qualifications and achievements.
  4. Online Application: Visit the OWSD website and navigate to the fellowships section. Look for the application portal or online application form. Fill in all the required information, upload your documents, and submit your application before the specified deadline. Be thorough and double-check for any errors or missing information.
  5. Review and Selection: After the application deadline, the selection committee will review the submitted applications. They will assess candidates based on their academic record, research potential, the quality of the research proposal, and the potential impact of the research on development.
  6. Notification: If your application is successful, you will be notified of your selection as an OWSD PhD Fellow. The specific details regarding the fellowship, including the financial support and any additional requirements, will be communicated to you.

FAQ About Fellowship

Q: What is the deadline for applying for OWSD PhD Fellowships 2024?

A: The precise application deadline for the OWSD PhD Fellowships 2024 will likely be made public on the OWSD website. The webpage should be often checked for the most recent information.

Q: Are only women eligible to apply for the OWSD PhD Fellowships?

A: The OWSD PhD Fellowships are intended primarily to encourage female scientists from underdeveloped nations. The only candidates accepted for this fellowship programme must be female.

Q: Can I apply if I haven’t been accepted into a PhD program yet?

A: No, in order to be eligible for the OWSD PhD Fellowships, candidates must show proof of acceptance into a PhD programme at an accredited university. Prior to submitting an application for the fellowship, you must be admitted.

Q: Are there any age restrictions for applying?

A: The eligibility requirements for the OWSD PhD Fellowships normally do not include any age restrictions. You may apply regardless of your age as long as you satisfy the other qualifying conditions and have been accepted into a PhD programme.

Q: Can I apply if I am pursuing a PhD in a non-STEM field?

A: STEM fields—Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics—are the focus of the OWSD PhD Fellowships. In order to qualify, candidates must be enrolled in a PhD programme in a STEM field.

Q: Is there any obligation to return to my home country after completing the PhD?

A: You are not required under the OWSD PhD Fellowships to move back home once you complete your PhD. However, the programme seeks to assist female scientists from underdeveloped nations so they may promote the socioeconomic and scientific advancement of their home nations. After finishing their studies, fellows may be expected or given the chance to make a contribution to the scientific community in their home countries.

Official Notification

Disclaimer: This is not the official scholarship website; it is only a one-page description of the scholarship. Despite our best efforts to keep the material up to date and correct, changes might happen at any time without prior notice. The most current, accurate, and complete information may be found on the official scholarship website, which we strongly advise you to verify. Any reliance you put on knowledge received from NotesBard.com is totally at your own risk.

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