12 Fully Funded PhD Programs at Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden

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Are you holding Master’s degree and looking for PhD positions – Fully Funded PhD Programs in Europe? Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden inviting application for funded PhD Programs or fully funded PhD Scholarship. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden is one of the largest university in the world with thousands of employees, students, and research scientists are involved in the innovation of science and technology daily.

Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences has huge a campus in Sweden and widely known as for its contribution in top notch education and research. The contribution of Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences is not only limited to natural sciences and engineering but it also offers high quality research as well as higher education in bio-medical sciences, social sciences, humanities, psychology, education, architecture etc.

1. PhD student, research subject Biology with specialization in Ecology

Summary of Doctoral Project:

The goal of this project is to produce a comprehensive overview of the ecological immunity of honeybees by combining phenotypic and genomic measurements. The successful candidate is expected to carry out supervised research leading to a PhD thesis within this topic as well as taking PhD courses to the equivalent of 45 credits. This will involve characterize individual immunity across various life stages; setting up field experiments to examine and evaluate different behavioural and physiological traits of honeybees in relation to their biological performance specifically relating to disease resistance and tolerance; exploring immunity trade-offs that may potentially result from resistance in order to develop mitigation strategies to improve honeybee health and the resilience of beekeeping. RNA-seq will also be used to look at gene expression variation between phenotypes.

Last Application Date: April 30th, 2022

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2. Phd student, artificial regeneration

Summary of Doctoral Project:

The goal of the position is a doctoral degree in forest science. The main task for the doctoral student is to develop knowledge about planted plants and how they interact with their environment. In the project, effects of, among other things, plant type, tree species, planting spot and nutrient supply will be studied and evaluated. The purpose of the project is to find regeneration methods that work in a future climate and where different types of pests, both biotic and abiotic, are taken into account while ensuring a rapid plant establishment. The doctoral student will receive postgraduate education in forest management with a special focus on plant production, regeneration, ecophysiology and sustainable forestry. The doctoral student will use already established field trials for the studies, but there will also be possibilities to establish new experiments. The doctoral student will be part of our research group in forest management, where we use both empirical data and mechanistic models in our research. We conduct research on all management systems and a variety of forestry goals, including nature conservation management.

Last Application Date: 2022-05-04

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3. PhD student position in silviculture with focus on regeneration of birch

Summary of Doctoral Project:

The aim of the PhD student position is a doctoral degree. In this 4-year project the student will primarily do research in plant production and regeneration of planted birch. The PhD studies include establishment and analysis of nursery- and field-based experiments with the overall aim to improve our knowledge in birch regeneration. The PhD student will get a research education in silviculture with training in plant production, regeneration, silviculture, ecophysiology and sustainable forest management. The PhD student will be included in our research team which focuses on forest management using empirical data and mechanistic modelling. We do research on all types of forest management systems and a wide range of forestry, including forest conservation management. Our team is responsible for the teaching in silviculture on two masters- and one bachelor program.

Last Application Date: 2022-05-31

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4. PhD student position in silviculture with focus on planted birch

Summary of Doctoral Project:

The aim of the PhD student position is a doctoral degree. In this 4-year project the student will primarily do research in silviculture and modelling of growth and yield of planted birch. The PhD studies include establishment and analysis of field based experiments with the overall aim to improve our knowledge in birch management. The PhD student will get a research education in silviculture with training in forest growth & yield modelling, ecophysiology and sustainable forest management. The PhD student will be included in our research team with focus on forest management using empirical data and mechanistic modelling. We do research on all types of forest management systems and a wide range of forestry use, including forest conservation management. Our team are responsible for the teaching in silviculture on two masters- and one bachelor program.

Last Application Date: 2022-05-31

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5. Phd student position in forest pathology

Summary of Doctoral Project:

The aim of the PhD student position is a doctoral degree. In this 4-year project the student will primarily do research on biotic threats affecting the growth and survival of poplar, aspen hybrid aspen and birch. The PhD studies include studies on both current threats caused by pathogenic fungi and new invasive pests on-the-horizon for Sweden. The PhD student will get a research education in forest pathology with training in microbiology and molecular ecology. The PhD student will be included in our research team with focus on forest pathology using empirical data from field studies, and modern molecular techniques used in detection and monitoring. The research group in Forest Pathology at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in Alnarp studies the biology, ecology and epidemiology of endemic and exotic invasive forest pathogens. Our work focuses on aspects of disease control and the interactions of trees with fungi and fungal-like (oomycete) organisms, including host symbioses and tree defense mechanisms.

Last Application Date: 2022-05-31

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How to Write Cover Letter for PhD Program?

6. PhD student position in Agricultural and Food Economics

Summary of Doctoral Project:

The production of agricultural crops needs to be transformed in order to achieve several of the UN’s goals for sustainable development and to mitigate and adapt to climate change. There is a growing interest in more resilient crop production based on agro-ecological principles, i.e., exploiting the ecosystem services that cultivated and wild biodiversity contribute. However, the uptake of crop production based on agro-ecological principles is low, partly due to a lack of knowledge about ecological and economic resource efficiencies and tradeoffs. This doctoral project is part of an interdisciplinary research project where we investigate these efficiencies and tradeoffs and together with actors in the entire food value chain develop and test business concepts for food value chain organization that can realize sustainability values ​​benefitting farmer and stimulating further uptake. We evaluate the preconditions for upscaling of the business concepts by examining the motivation for participation in those among larger group of actors in the food value chain. The project is a close interdisciplinary collaboration including the Departments of Ecology, Crop Production Ecology, and Economics. The PhD student will work closely with another PhD student in the subject ecology, placed at the Department of Ecology (SLU), who will track ecological resource use efficiencies.

Last Application Date: 2022-04-30

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7. PhD student in the research education subject: Chemistry

Summary of Doctoral Project:

The project aims at the development of new materials for encapsulation of living cells and tissues with applications in biomedicine and agriculture. Purpose of the project is to develop nanostructured oxide materials bearing specific organic or biomolecular functions for selected purposes. It will involve the synthesis of new organic-inorganic hybrid materials, their characterization by a variety of techniques such as electron microscopy, AFM, X-ray spectroscopy and diffraction and NMR, and verification of their functional characteristics. The project will be carried out in an inspiring international environment and will involve active participation in international project meetings. One or several short research exchanges with partners abroad are foreseen.

Last Application Date: 2022-04-22

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8. Phd student in research subject Tehnology

Summary of Doctoral Project:

Do you want to work in a dynamic research group with several ongoing collaborations within as well as outside our academic discipline? Do you feel strongly motivated to pursue a doctoral degree? We are looking for a doctoral student who wants to work with how agriculture can move to fossil-free production, which fuel choices and systems are most advantageous and which environmental-related improvements can be achieved. Life cycle assessment (LCA) will be the basic methodology in the work. A transition to fossil-free agriculture is probably the most important measure of all to achieve long-term sustainable food supply. But even if this is supported by a number of national and international target documents and agreements, there is today very little knowledge about how the process of achieving fossil freedom should actually be carried out in reality. The work is part of a larger interdisciplinary project that studies the transition to fossil-free agriculture from an environmental as well as economic and social perspective. You will work, among other things, with a doctoral student in the area of economics who studies economic and behavioral drivers for the transition to fossil-free.

Last Application Date: May 2th 2022

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9. Phd student in research subject Technology

Summary of Doctoral Project:

We are searching for a doctoral student who will study how the climate impact from wood-based products is affected by an increased cultivation of fast-growing broadleaves, and how the climate effect can be minimized through various measures. To assess the overall climate impact of a forest-based production chain, a system perspective is required where forest carbon stock changes, temporary carbon storage in wood products, value chain emissions, and avoided emissions from substitution are considered. Time dependent Life Cycle assessment (LCA) will be the basic methodology in the work. The project is part of the activities in the competence center “TREES FOR ME”. The Department of Energy and Technology (ET) at the Soil, Water and Environmental Center (MVM) at SLU offers a stimulating and interdisciplinary research environment with both national and international focus. We have very extensive and recognized expertise in the analysis of systems for the production of food, biomaterials and bioenergy with LCA. This research group currently comprises more than 35 people. The department and the researchers involved also have very extensive experience of postgraduate education and supervision.

Last Application Date: May 2th 2022

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10. PhD position in forest policy

Summary of Doctoral Project:

The aim of this PhD student position is a doctoral degree. Drawing from the field of system innovation and applying the theoretical lenses of multi-level perspective, the 4-year PhD project will examine the potential for system innovations to promote fast growing broadleaves in Sweden. Special attention will be given to innovations incited at the niche level, e.g. social networks and entrepreneurship to promote alternative silvicultural regimes; or favouring fast growing broadleaves in forest regeneration and silvicultural treatments by private forest owners. Based on documentary analyses and interviews, the project will investigate such research questions as: (i) What are the key hinders and drivers for the innovations? (ii) Who are the innovators, what are their rationales? (iii) What could be a potent mix of forest policy instruments, to promote (fast growing) broadleaves? The PhD student will be included in our research team with focus on forest policy and planning. We do research ranging from planning at estate and landscape level to comparative forest policy studies at national level, with focus on European countries.

Last Application Date: 2022-05-20

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How to Write Motivation Letter for PhD Program?

11. PhD position in ecology

Summary of Doctoral Project:

The production of agricultural crops needs to be transformed to achieve several of the UN’s goals for sustainable development and to mitigate and adapt to climate change. There is a growing interest in more resilient and sustainable crop production relying more on the ecosystem services that cultivated and wild biodiversity contribute. However, the uptake of crop production based on such agroecological practices is low. This is partly due to a lack of knowledge about the ecological and economic resource use efficiencies and trade-offs. This doctoral project is part of an interdisciplinary research project where we investigate these efficiencies and trade-offs together with farmers and actors in the entire food chain. We will investigate how resource use efficiencies change across farms implementing practices such as diverse crop rotations, cover crops, reduced tillage and reduced nitrogen and pesticide use. The successful candidate will track ecological resource use efficiencies and how ecological processes, such as biological pest and weed regulation and nutrient cycling, drive input-output relations across farms with contrasting practices. The candidate will work closely with a PhD-student in economics placed at the Department of Economics (SLU), who in parallel tracks economic efficiencies on the same farms. This project provides the opportunity to work with actors in the entire food value chain from farmer to consumer, including process industry and retail in the effort to extract added value from sustainable farming and assess capacity for upscaling.

Last Application Date: 2022-05-06

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12. PhD position in ecology

Summary of Doctoral Project:

In this 4-year PhD project the successful applicant will complete their doctoral degree conducting research into ways to optimize the benefits to forest biodiversity, from the increased use of short-rotation broadleaf (SRB) production forests. Primary research questions will focus on deciphering the biodiversity contribution of SRB stands, and identifying management alternatives that enhance the contribution of SRBs to Sweden’s forest biodiversity. This will be achieved via a combination of field based measurements and experiments in production forests and pre-established experimental sites. Whereas the taxonomic focus may be adjusted to reflect the applicant’s interests (e.g. saproxylic insects, bird communities), we expect understory vascular plants, epiphytic lichens and mosses to be study organisms. The knowledge generated will enable forest owners and society to make more informed decisions regarding the biodiversity implications of SRB production forestry alternatives. Upon completion the doctoral student will have expertise in forest and conservation ecology, experimental design, and sustainable forest management, within the context of climate change adaptation and mitigation efforts. The PhD student will be part of our research team that focuses on research and teaching programs addressing biodiversity conservation in forest landscapes, ecosystem services, plant animal interactions, and climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies.

Last Application Date: 2022-05-31

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This Post Has One Comment

  1. Detamo Tumore

    Very well,but I didin’t get any field of specialization in animal science to join any universities .So,do you have any information on this regard?

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