27 Postdoctoral Fellowships at University of Copenhagen, Denmark

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Are you holding PhD degree and looking for Postdoctoral Fellowships? University of Copenhagen, Denmark inviting application for multiple Postdoctoral Fellowships. University of Copenhagen is one of the largest university in the world with thousands of employees, students, and research scientists are involved in the innovation of science and technology daily.

University of Copenhagen has huge a campus in Copenhagen, Denmark and widely known as for its contribution in top notch education and research. The contribution of University of Copenhagen is not only limited to natural sciences and engineering but it also offers high quality research as well as higher education in bio-medical sciences, social sciences, humanities, psychology, education, architecture etc..

1. Postdoctoral fellowship in experimental superconducting qubit development at the Niels Bohr Institute

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

We seek an outstanding candidate for a Postdoctoral Fellowship in the field of experimental superconducting qubit development, with a focus on protected qubit encodings and demonstrating novel qubit-qubit coupling mechanisms. The project is sponsored by the US Army Research Office and will take place at the Center for Quantum Devices, located at the Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, and is part of a new international collaboration between University of Copenhagen (Denmark), University of Colorado Boulder (USA) and Universite de Sherbrooke (Canada). Applicants should hold a PhD degree in Physics or Applied Physics with relevant experimental experience and a track record within their fields. Experience with superconducting circuits and/or superconductor-semiconductor hybrid devices will be considered a plus.

Last Application Date: 01-07-2022

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2. Postdoc in computational RNA structure-based probe design in the Gorodkin lab

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

Fast detection of multiple pathogens in one go is critical in many regards ranging from infections to food. In this project, the collaborative teams aim to develop a next-generation pathogen detection platform for massively parallel multiplex screening. This will be accomplished by using the non-enzymatic amplification technology (NISDA) in which RNA based probes are designed to capture the respective pathogens. The postdoc will be involved in RNA structure-based design while taking potential off-targets into account in the design process. This will involve not only employing RNA/DNA folding algorithms in the context of evolutionary conservation, but also to employ efficient algorithms to search for DNA-RNA interactions.

Last Application Date: 30-06-2022

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3. Postdoc in CRISPR Bioinformatics in the Gorodkin lab

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The CRISPR technology has become a key tool for genome editing with all the applications that follows. However, unintended edits elsewhere in the genome, off-targets, can have detrimental effects, resulting in additional and irrelevant gene activity not related to intended target. In this project, off-targets will be addressed systematically by developing a computational framework, with outset in energy-based and deep learning models recently published by the lab. In the project, DNA modifications will be considered in the gRNA design using data generated explicitly in the project.

Last Application Date: 30-06-2022

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4. Postdoctoral positions in Theoretical Computer Science and/or Combinatorial Optimization

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The MIAO research group has a unique profile in that we are doing cutting-edge research both on the mathematical foundations of efficient computation and on state-of-the-art practical algorithms for real-world problems. This creates a very special environment, where we do not only conduct in-depth research on different theoretical and applied topics, but where different lines of research cross-fertilise each other and unexpected and exciting synergies often arise. Much of the activities of the group revolve around powerful algorithmic paradigms such as, e.g., Boolean satisfiability (SAT) solving, Gröbner basis computations, integer linear programming, and constraint programming. This leads to classical questions in computational complexity theory—though often with new, fascinating twists—but also involves work on designing and coding up clever algorithms that can exploit the power of such paradigms in practice.

Last Application Date: 29-06-2022

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5. Postdoctoral fellow in physics of life

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

We are looking for a talented, highly motivated and creative scientist who is interested in exploring questions at the interface between physics and biology. The project is part of the research project “Universal Growth Laws of Viruses of Bacteria”, led by Associate Professor Namiko Mitarai and financed by NERD Program, Novo Nordisk Foundation (for more information on the grant, see https://novonordiskfonden.dk/en/news/nerd-programme-provides-opportunities-for-creative-scientists-to-carry-out-original-research/). The project is focused on the viruses infecting bacteria, an ideal in-vivo model system to study the interplay between a virus and its host. At the same time, bacterial phages are drivers of microbial ecology, gene transfer and microbial evolution.

Last Application Date: 26-06-2022

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6. Postdoctoral position in International Investment Law

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The project combines perspectives of international investment law (IIL), EU law and institutional economics and seeks to develop tools for effective protection of environmental common goods in the energy sector in the context of energy security considerations. Based on the planned legal study and empirical research ENERGIZE will develop a new theory of public interest, incorporating the economic concept of common goods. The project will also examine possibilities for creating new substantive, procedural and institutional solutions within the regulatory framework of IIL and formulate recommendations for regulatory action.

Last Application Date: 24-06-2022

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7. Postdoc positions in Quantum Optics at the Niels Bohr Institute

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

One or two postdoc positions will be available at the QUANTOP center at NBI. The positions will strengthen the research within quantum state generation and control of optomechanical and hybrid systems. The successful candidates will have substantial experience in either experimental quantum optomechanics or in experimental quantum state generation and control in atomic systems. Experience in both areas is a plus. Knowledge of and experience in quantum noise characterization, quantum communication protocols and quantum control is required.

Last Application Date: 22-06-2022

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8. Postdoctoral fellow in systems motor neuroscience – Kiehn Lab

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

A 3-year postdoctoral fellowship is available in the laboratory of Professor Ole Kiehn at the Department of Neuroscience, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark. The lab focus is to understand the mechanisms by which neurons and neuronal circuits operate and integrate to generate and control movements. The aim of the project is to investigate and understand the contribution of distinct supraspinal neuronal circuits to movement in mammals.

Last Application Date: 19-06-2022

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9. PhD fellowship/Postdoc/Assistant Professor within the Complexity and Big Data Group

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

We offer a creative and stimulating working environment in an international and interdisciplinary research group. Health is a complex phenomenon, and we study the social, environmental, and biological factors determining health and disease. We also aim to elucidate the underlying biological and social mechanisms that might explain these effects. To embrace complexity in health, we actively explore new sources (e.g. smartphones) of ‘big data’, incorporate complexity theory and system methods, leverage insights across disciplines, and explore the opportunities in citizen science aimed at a direct societal engagement and impact.

Last Application Date: 19-06-2022

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10. Postdoc of Exolife Science as part of the synergy project: “Effects of bacteria on atmospheres of Earth, Mars, and exoplanets”

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

This postdoctoral position is under the interdisciplinary project “Effects of bacteria on atmospheres of Earth, Mars, and exoplanets” supported by the Novo Nordisk Foundation, and which involves research groups at University of Copenhagen from the Niels Bohr Institute, the Department of Chemistry and the Department of Biology. The candidate will be based at the Section of Microbiology, Department of Biology, and will work in a team of post docs and PhD students at the Centre for ExoLife Sciences (CELS) with the common goal of deepening our understanding of how microbial life interact with its surroundings in terrestrial and extraterrestrial environments and how microorganisms affect the atmospheres of Earth and other planets, including the effects of microorganisms on cloud formation and properties.

Last Application Date: 15-06-2022

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11. Postdoctoral position in Natural Language Processing and Digital Literary Studies

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics (NorS), Faculty of Humanities and the Department of Computer Science (DIKU), Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen (UCPH), Denmark, invite applications for a joint postdoctoral position in Natural Language Processing and Digital Literary Studies. The position is available by October 1, 2022 or as soon as possible thereafter. The position is for 3 years and the place of employment is NorS. At NorS we are concerned with research and teaching within Nordic literary and linguistic culture from Nordic antiquity to the present as well as natural language processing and digital humanities, see https://nors.ku.dk

Last Application Date: 01-07-2022

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12. Postdoc in Single photon quantum technologies

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The successful candidate will be joining the Innovation Fund Denmark’s FIRE-Q project. FIRE-Q is an international project between industry and academia involving three major Danish universities (University of Copenhagen, Technical University of Denmark, and Aarhus University) and four companies in photonic technology. FIRE-Q’s vision is to bring single-photon quantum technology to the market, enabling unbreakable secure communication and ultimately parallel quantum computing [1]. The key building block is a source of single photons [2] that can be transmitted over long distances in existing optical fiber networks.

Last Application Date: 10-06-2022

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13. Postdoctoral fellowship in Information Retrieval using photonic neural network architectures

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The postdoctoral fellow will join the Machine Learning Section at DIKU. The Machine Learning section is among the leading research environments in Artificial Intelligence and Web & Information Retrieval in Europe (in the top 5 for 2020, according to csrankings.org), with a strong presence at top-tier conferences, continuous collaboration in international & national research networks, and solid synergies with big tech, small tech, and industry. The Machine Learning section consists of a vibrant selection of approximately 65 talented researchers (40 of whom are PhD and postdoctoral fellows) from around the world with a diverse set of backgrounds and a common incessant scientific curiosity and openness to innovation.

Last Application Date: 09-06-2022

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14. Postdoc position in cryo-electron microscopy in the Montoya group at Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Protein Research (CPR)

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The Danish Cryo-EM Facility offers access to state-of-the-art equipment to collect data in single particle and tomography. The Facility has two nodes, one at University of Copenhagen and one at Aarhus University. The Copenhagen node is hosted at Core Facility for Integrated Microscopy (CFIM, cfim.ku.dk/) at the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen. The facility gives users access to a Titan Krios and a Glacios, powerful and flexible high resolution electron microscopes for 3D characterization of biological samples.

Last Application Date: 08-06-2022

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15. Postdoc/Assistant professor position in kidney bioengineering research at reNEW Copenhagen

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

A postdoctoral/assistant professor position is available in the group of Professor Melissa Little at reNEW Copenhagen. The team will focus on the fundamental processes of morphogenesis during stem cell patterning to kidney tissue in vitro in order to develop novel approaches to disease modelling and tissue engineering. The application of gene edited stem cells to recapitulate disease phenotypes in vitro as accurate models of inherited kidney disease is hoped to drive the development of novel treatments for genetic forms of kidney disease.

Last Application Date: 07-06-2022

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16. Postdoc in Equitable Science Education

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The postdoc position will be part of the research project GATE (Gender Aware Teaching for Equity in Science and Engineering), funded by The Grundfos foundation. The project strives to understand why the majority of young women who in upper secondary have selected a science study program refrain from continuing into post-secondary science and engineering. Science teaching has been pointed out as a key medium for understanding the gendered in- and exclusions of young women and how these mechanisms set the scene for their higher education choices. GATE thus aim to understand the gendered in- and exclusions within the disciplins (content, teaching, participation) with a specific focus on physics A, chemistry A and technology A.

Last Application Date: 06-06-2022

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17. Postdoc position at the Center for Applied Ecological Thinking 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The postdoc is expected to develop and conduct an individual research project with an emphasis on concepts, frameworks and/or empirical cases that help to address ecological crises and transgressions of planetary boundaries. The proposed project must be relevant for the aims and activities of the center, specifically in terms of providing new applied approaches for ecological transformations in Danish and International contexts (see center description in link above). The postdoc can employ concepts and methodologies from the environmental humanities and other related fields of research. Insights from both the conceptual and empirical work will be actively used in selected activities of the centre, in which the permanent staff will collaborate with the postdoc on experiments in applied ecological thinking developed from the research project.

Last Application Date: 27-05-2022

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18. Postdoc in Molecular and Cellular mechanisms of P. falciparum Malaria Pathogenesis and Immunity

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

We are looking for a highly motivated postdoc interested in investigating the cellular and molecular mechanisms of P. falciparum malaria pathogenesis and immunity. The employment period is 2 years to commence on 1st of July 2022 or as per agreement. The postdoctoral research project aims to elucidate and model how malaria parasite-infected erythrocytes attach and modulate host cells in order to avert immune recognition and attack, as well as to study mechanisms of natural acquired immunity to malaria and conduct tests of novel vaccine strategies designed to prevent malaria pathogenesis.

Last Application Date: 22-05-2022

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19. Postdoc in the social aspects of stem cell research at Department of Public Health

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The postdoc will be placed within reNEW – the Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Stem Cell Medicine. reNEW is a high-profile consortium of world-leading stem cell scientists collaborating to promote effective, safe and socially robust stem cell-based therapies. There are three participating partner nodes, namely University of Copenhagen (in Denmark), Leiden University (in the Netherlands) and Murdoch Children’s Research Institute (in Melbourne, Australia). This position is placed in Copenhagen, but will collaborate with the other nodes within reNEW, as part of the PREPARE cluster of activities that will combine ethical, economic, societal, and STS approaches to facilitate a socially robust delivery of stem cell outcomes to the community.

Last Application Date: 20-05-2022

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20. Postdoc in modelling carbon fixation in plants

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

Photosynthesis, the biochemical process that converts carbon dioxide and water into oxygen and sugars in plant leaves, is the vital process to life on Earth. The intricate network of airspaces formed by the cells inside the leaf is critical for supporting photosynthesis as it allows for efficient exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen. The aim of the project is to build biophysical reaction-diffusion and network-based models to investigate how the architecture of the airspace network impacts the efficiency of photosynthesis. The project relies on a tight collaboration with experimental plant-scientists and computational biologists with the goal to bridge machine learning and biophysical modeling with biology to optimize the leaf cell architecture. The models built in this Postdoctoral project will be based on experimentally sampled airspace networks and will output the architectural characteristics important for photosynthesis efficiency.

Last Application Date: Open Until Filled

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21. Postdoc in Nanomechanical quantum photonic circuits

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The Niels Bohr Institute (NBI), University of Copenhagen, is seeking an enthusiastic researcher for a postdoc in the quantum photonics group (www.quantum-photonics.dk). The group is developing a new set of nano-scale devices for controlling and manipulating light-matter interaction in a quantum photonic integrated circuit. The activity will involve a combination of experimental optics, device simulation, and will be based in a well-equipped quantum optics lab at the NBI. The position will be part of the Center for Hybrid Quantum Neworks (Hy-Q, https://hy-q.nbi.ku.dk/). The center is a collaboration between the quantum nanophotonics group and the groups of Prof. Anders Sørensen (www.tqo.dk) and Prof. Albert Schliesser (www.nbi.dk/~aschlies/research.html).

Last Application Date: 20-05-2022

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22. Postdoc in food biotechnology

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The vision of the PROFERMENT project is to build the scientific foundation for future development of a new category of proteinaceous, plant-based foods as clean-label alternatives for meat consumption. Using solid-state fermentation, the proteins in legumes and cereals will be nutritionally optimized and appealing structures and flavours created. By 2050, about 50% more food is needed to feed the world. Increasing the amount of plant based foods in the diet and thereby reducing meat consumption is one way to secure sufficient food availability in the future and at the same time combat climate change. One-third of global arable land is now being used to grow feed for livestock production and the calories used by feeding the animals could theoretically feed 4 billion people more.

Last Application Date: 20-05-2022

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23. Postdoc in Plant Molecular Biology

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

We are looking for an enthusiastic and dedicated person to undertake studies of autoimmunity in plants. We focus on innate immunity and how specific mutations leads to the inappropriate activation of cytoplasmic immune receptors. We study why specific host proteins are under surveillance and if they function in immunity or plant development and why these host proteins are also targeted and manipulated by microbial effectors. Based on a grant from the Novo Nordisk Foundation, we have designed a project, which involves suppression of autoimmune mutants in Arabidopsis using mutated immune receptors. You will perform molecular studies to understand how and why certain immune receptors surveil specific host proteins to uncover their regulatory role in adaptive responses and development. You will be part of our highly experienced research team of about 8 people working on related topics.

Last Application Date: 19-05-2022

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24. Postdoctoral fellowship in Metabolic Signaling 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

Cellular adaption to nutrient and metabolic stresses such as starvation and exercise are critical for the maintenance of organismal homeostasis. AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) is an evolutionarily conserved regulator of energy homeostasis and a promising drug target for treatment of metabolic disorders. We have recently identified that Transcription Factor EB (TFEB), a master regulator of lysosomal biogenesis and autophagy, is a downstream target of AMPK in various cells/tissues including muscle and liver. The successful candidate will conduct experiments to elucidate 1) the molecular mechanism by which AMPK regulates TFEB, and 2) investigate functional roles that AMPK-TFEB axis play in the context of cellular metabolism and adaptation using genetic and pharmacological tools in both cellular and tissue/whole-body levels.

Last Application Date: 18-05-2022

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25. Postdoc position in “Remote Sensing of Vegetation”

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

Department of Geosciences and Natural Resources Management, Faculty of Science at University of Copenhagen is offering a Postdoc position in “Remote Sensing of Vegetation” commencing 1 July 2022 or as soon as possible thereafter. The position is available for 2 years. Mitigating climate change while securing livelihoods is a major societal challenge in the 21 st century. In this context, trees and shrubs (hereafter collectively referred to as trees) play a key role, as trees constitute a stable carbon sink while providing ecosystem services to the local population. Quantifying and monitoring the world’s trees is thus of highest importance, however, current assessments and statistics focus on trees within forests, overlooking trees outside forests.

Last Application Date: 17-05-2022

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26. 1-2 Postdoc positions in human T cell immunology at the LEO Foundation Skin Immunology Research Center

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The postdoctoral studies will be performed in the Translational Skin Immunology laboratory at SIC, under the supervision of executive director of SIC, Professor Liv Eidsmo. Research in the Eidsmo lab focuses on the role of resident T cells during homeostasis and immunopathology in the human skin. The group has defined functional subsets of resident T cells and investigates how these cells interact within their natural microenvironment in health and disease (Cheuk, Immunity 2017 and Gallais-Serezal, JACI 2019). Our technical platform includes in vitro propagation and single cell sequencing of small skin derived populations, spatial transcriptomics, in vivo imaging, xenotransplant models and flow-based techniques.

Last Application Date: 16-05-2022

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27. Postdoc in Animal Genetics & Breeding

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

Your work will focus on studies of genetic and epigenetic mechanisms underlying growth, feed efficiency and lean meat content in pigs. The work will comprise sampling of phenotypic data in a large cohort of pigs. Furthermore, you will be involved in laboratory work on DNA and RNA extraction for characterization of the pig genome, the epigenome / methylome and the transcriptome. Subsequently, you will perform integrated analyses on the obtained omics datasets. The goal of this work is to identify genetic and epigenetic determinant for the above-mentioned traits of importance for efficiency, product quality, and sustainability.

Last Application Date: 16-05-2022

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