30 Fully Funded PhD Programs at University of Zurich, Switzerland

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Are you holding Master’s degree and looking for PhD positions – Fully Funded PhD Programs in Europe? University of Zurich, Switzerland inviting application for funded PhD Programs or fully funded PhD Scholarship. University of Zurich is one of the largest university in the world with thousands of employees, students, and research scientists are involved in the innovation of science and technology daily.

University of Zurich has huge a campus in Switzerland and widely known as for its contribution in top notch education and research. The contribution of University of Zurich is not only limited to natural sciences and engineering but it also offers high quality research as well as higher education in bio-medical sciences, social sciences, humanities, psychology, education, architecture etc.

1. PhD Student Position: “Astrocytes: a cornerstone in the control of food intake and energy homeostasis by hypothalamic fatty acid sensing neurons”

Summary of Doctoral Project:

The focus of this PhD will be the understanding of the neuronal control of food intake by dietary fatty acids and how astrocytes can interfere with this mechanism. Dysfunction in the homeostatic control of food intake is a key contributor to the pathogenesis of obesity. As such, an improved understanding of how food intake is controlled, particularly in response to highly-palatable calorically dense foods, is necessary for the development of effective therapeutic interventions. The experimental work of this PhD thesis will include behavioural, metabolic and imaging studies in rodents using state-of-the-art technology.

Last Application Date: 30.04.2022

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2. PhD Position in neurodegeneration

Summary of Doctoral Project:

Interested in a PhD position combining basic RNA biology and phase separation with translational research on neurodegenerative diseases? Join us to work in a young dynamic group focusing on motor neuron degeneration and frontotemporal dementia. Our research group at the Department of Quantitative Biomedicine of the University of Zurich aims to understand the pathogenic mechanisms leading to two major neurodegenerative diseases: amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and frontotemporal dementia (FTD). ALS affects motor neurons and leads to progressive paralysis, while FTD leads to language and behavioral dysfunction. Both diseases are devastating and cause death within a few years from diagnosis. The two diseases are genetically and pathologically linked, perhaps caused by the same molecular mechanism that harms neurons and causes them to progressively malfunction and die.

Last Application Date: Open Until Filled

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3. PhD Position in Data-driven Computational Marketing

Summary of Doctoral Project:

The University Research Priority Program (URPP) on Social Networks is one of the University of Zurich’s current excellent research priority programs. The SNSF project that supports the position will use empirical data, experiments, and numeric simulations to understand the link between individual-level choices with the collective success of new products and their creators in social systems. Within this overarching goal, the candidate is expected to focus on one among two objectives: (1) identify drivers of success along the lifecycle of influencers and product creators in online environments; (2) develop and validate new data-driven models of innovation diffusion on social networks. The candidate’s research will not only advance theoretical understanding but also derive its implications for influencer marketing and seeding policies adopted by firms. The outcomes of this project will target leading management and interdisciplinary journals, which will position the candidate ideally to apply for post-doctoral and assistant professorship positions after the PhD.

Last Application Date: Open Until Filled

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4. Doctoral position (SNSF project MULTICAST) linguistics/ syntax/ pragmatics/ Swiss German

Summary of Doctoral Project:

In the specifically linguistic part of the project, headed by Guido Seiler, the focus is on language, especially grammatical/syntactic features. In addition to lexical markers, you will mainly analyze syntactic means of information structure and listener guidance as well as the extent of syntactic complexity. They thus contribute to answering the question of how suicidal risk and resilience are reflected in the syntactic form of patient utterances, and whether the development of mental health status over a longer period of time is reflected in changes in the patient’s language production . The advertised doctoral position evaluates voice recordings of patients, most of whom speak Swiss German, based on such criteria.

Last Application Date: May 1st, 2022

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5. Doctoral student in educational science

Summary of Doctoral Project:

The appointment is part of the RATINGS project (Optimizing the Selection and Training of Raters: How do Rater Characteristics and Training Features Affect the Quality of Ratings of Teaching Quality?). Ratings of instructional quality are of great importance for instructional research and practice. The SNF-DFG project examines how characteristics of observers (professional requirements, interdisciplinary characteristics) and of the training (duration, design of the exercise phases) affect the quality of lesson observations. Four experimental studies and qualitative supplementary studies are planned for this purpose. The findings should contribute to a better understanding of the quality of teaching assessments and provide clues for their optimization. The project is being carried out in cooperation with the Department of School Pedagogy at the University of Kiel (Prof. Dr. Thilo Kleickmann), the Professorship for Educational Science Didactics of Chemistry at the University of Hamburg (Prof. Dr. Mirjam Steffensky) and the Department of Didactics of Mathematics (Prof . Dr. Aiso Heinze). The preparation of a dissertation as part of the position is expressly desired.

Last Application Date: April 24, 2022

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6. Doctoral student in a research project of the Swiss National Science Foundation

Summary of Doctoral Project:

Integrative teaching poses great challenges for teachers and has not yet been sufficiently researched, especially at secondary level I. The Swiss National Science Foundation-funded project “Separative and inclusive context, teaching quality and characteristics of teachers: Effects on students at lower secondary level” is investigating what support measures are available in schools, how integrative teaching is designed and how these are changing Factors affecting learners’ social integration and achievement development. We are looking for a doctoral student who feels addressed by these research questions and our research project.

Last Application Date: August 1, 2022

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7. Two PhD positions in Swiss NSF project on the functions of Oxytocin in a small-scale human society

Summary of Doctoral Project:

The first PhD project will relate daily fluctuations in OT levels to social and behavioral context as well as to physiological arousal to better understand the evolved design and functions of OT biology. The second PhD project will relate stable individual differences in OT levels to personality, life history and health to reveal the fundamental tradeoffs that this hormone mediates. Both PhD students will spend a total of at least one year in the field to collect sufficient ethnographic experience, behavioral data, questionnaires, and urine samples.

Last Application Date: Open Until Filled

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8. Predoctoral Fellow in Economics

Summary of Doctoral Project:

The position offers an opportunity to gain first-hand experience in developing cutting-edge empirical research. It will support research projects on labor markets, globalization, technological change, and political economy. Specific responsibilities include obtaining, organizing and cleaning data, analyzing data using statistical software, presenting results, and writing documentations and reports. See www.ddorn.net for past research projects and data outputs.

Last Application Date: April 20, 2022

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9. PhD Student Position: “Amylin – centrally mediated actions on metabolism and memory”

Summary of Doctoral Project:

The massive rise in obesity rates is mainly due to changes in lifestyle, in particular increased caloric intake. To pursue important questions regarding amylin physiology and pathophysiology, we will continue our research project looking at the metabolic effects of amylin, and identify the exact and specific subtypes of neurons in various parts of the brain that are critically involved in amylin action. Further, we will investigate amylin action in respect to the control of glucose metabolism. The experimental work of this PhD thesis will combine in vivo approaches with analyses at the cellular and subcellular level to resolve the mechanisms mediating amylin’s actions. This project will use state-of-the-art technology such as single cell sequencing, fiber photometry, chemogenetics and brain imaging ex vivo (including brain clearing iDisco) and in vivo imaging studies in animal models.

Last Application Date: 31.05.2022

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10. Doctoral candidate Subject area: Legal registration of artificial intelligence (AI)

Summary of Doctoral Project:

The Center for Information Technology, Society and Law (ITSL) at the University of Zurich is looking for a doctoral candidate with immediate effect or by appointment. The workload is generally 50%, but can be reduced or increased by agreement. The ITSL is the competence center of the University of Zurich for interdisciplinary research on the interaction of information technology, society and law. At the ITSL, doctoral students, post-docs and international guest researchers are investigating under the direction of Prof. Dr. Florent Thouvenin and Prof. Dr. Rolf H. Weber, how technical and social developments challenge today’s legal system and how it has to evolve in order to meet these challenges. An ongoing project is the legal registration of artificial intelligence (AI).

Last Application Date: Open Until Filled

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11. Doctoral position “Developmental Psychology: Adulthood”

Summary of Doctoral Project:

At the chair “Developmental Psychology: Adulthood” at the Psychological Institute of the University of Zurich, we are looking for a doctoral student to start as soon as possible.

Last Application Date: Open Until Filled

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12. Two PhD Positions

Summary of Doctoral Project:

The two Ph.D. students will work in the context of a new SNSF interdisciplinary project that will address the topics of democratic issue identification, deliberation, and democratic proposal co-creation. The Ph.D. students will investigate hybrid human-machine systems that cultivate, coordinate, and support participants using coordination technology and artificial intelligence (AI) in the context of real-world democratic processes. The two Ph.D. students will work in close collaboration with other Ph.D. students from the disciplines of computer science, political science, and law. In the tradition of our research group to explore both the technical and the behavioral dimension of computer science, we are seeking interested Ph.D. students to investigate the traditional computer science approach, as well as human behavior, specifically in the realm of computer-supported cooperative work (CSCW).

Last Application Date: Open Until Filled

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13. Two PhD positions

Summary of Doctoral Project:

Our research deals with the topic of human cooperation. Using interactive group experiments, computer simulations, and mathematical models, we investigate how social norms emerge in groups, how this influences individual decision-making processes, and under what conditions groups manage to solve social dilemmas. Our goal is to better understand how (1) groups overcome social dilemmas (e.g., the prisoner’s dilemma or the tragedy of the commons), (2) how individuals form groups to address common problems, building relationships based on trust and collaboration develop, (3) how economic inequality influences group relations, (4) how norms (including antisocial norms,)

Last Application Date: April 30, 2022

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14. Two PhD positions

Summary of Doctoral Project:

Our lab investigates human cooperation and how social norms develop and influence decision making in groups. To that end, we combine interactive group experiments, computer simulations, and formal mathematical models. Ultimately, our research is aimed at a better understanding of (1) how groups can overcome social dilemmas (think of the Prisoner’s Dilemma or the Public Goods problem), (2) how individuals develop relationships based on trust, reciprocity, and cooperation, (3) how inequality influences group relations, (4) how norms (also anti-social norms, such as dishonesty) develop in groups, and (5) what makes intergroup relations turn hostile or cooperative.

Last Application Date: 30th, 2022

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15. PhD Student Position in Theoretical Chemistry

Summary of Doctoral Project:

The PhD project will deal with development and application of novel, accurate approaches for spectroscopy and/or study of functional compounds (e.g. for environmentally friendly hydrogen production). Possible directions for the project are the development of novel spectroscopic tools by means of forefront dynamic methods, and highly accurate (wavefunction-based) methods for complex systems such as catalysts in the framework of sustainable energy research. The projects may be carried out in close collaboration with experimental or other computational groups.

Last Application Date: Open Until Filled

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16. PhD Student Positions in Bioinorganic Chemistry

Summary of Doctoral Project:

Your research will span the entire area from identifying new and exciting protein sequences, cloning and recombinant protein production, purification and initial spectroscopic and spectrometric characterisation (UV, CD, AAS, ESI-MS, MALDI, etc), followed by structural studies with NMR and X-ray or functional analyses in collaboration with groups from the biological field.

Last Application Date: Open Until Filled

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17. PhD student medical AR and computer vision

Summary of Doctoral Project:

PROFICIENCY is an InnoSuisse funded large research flagship project targeting the data-driven transformation of surgical education for proficiency-based performance. For the development of an Augmented Reality Surgery Training the Research in Orthopedic Computer Science at the University of Zurich is now opening the application process for complementing our highly motivated consortium.

Last Application Date: Open Until Filled

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18. PhD student in surgical data science and computer vision

Summary of Doctoral Project:

PhD student interested in surgical data science and computer vision. The task: Development of deep learning methods for automatic activity recognition and training performance evaluation. Your profile Msc in computer science including lectures in computer vision and machine learning. Hand-on experience in deep learning. Strong programming skills are mandatory. Experience in hardware setups (cameras) is beneficial.

Last Application Date: Open Until Filled

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19. Open PhD position in the Integrative Spinal Research (ISR) group

Summary of Doctoral Project:

This PhD position is embedded within the Clinical Research Priority Program CRPP PAIN, an interdisciplinary endeavour of the University of Zurich investigating pain mechanisms in a variety of chronic pain cohorts, including low back pain. In a large number of chronic low back pain patients, pathophysiological mechanisms are currently insufficiently understood. Sensitization mechanisms along the neuraxis presumably play in important role in the generation and maintenance of chronic low back pain. In the first funding period of the CRPP PAIN, we investigated peripheral and central sensitization mechanisms in chronic low back pain patients with the aim to sub-categorise patients. The main goal of the advertised PhD project will be to take this work further and to investigate to which degree these peripheral and central sensitization mechanisms are pathophysiologically relevant. This will be achieved by longitudinal studies in patients with chronic low back pain and in healthy control subjects. Methods that will be used might include clinical pain characterization, neurophysiology, pain modulation paradigms, quantitative sensory testing and brain imaging (functional magnetic resonance imaging and magnetic resonance spectroscopy). The final choice of methods depends on the final results of the first funding period of the CRPP PAIN.

Last Application Date: Open Until Filled

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20. PhD Position “Informing the management of the pandemic through large-scale epidemiologic research”

Summary of Doctoral Project:

You will have the opportunity to work on both running and new studies. Running studies include the twin cohort studies Zurich Coronavirus Cohort and Zurich Coronavirus Vaccination Cohort that study the evolution and maintenance of the immune response after an infection or vaccination, respectively, and all combinations thereof over time. The cohort studies focus on additional aspects of the pandemic including Long Covid, (re-) infection etc and contribute to the Immunosurveillance in Switzerland and to the EU project CoVICIS https://covicis.eu. You will contribute to the analysis of data, be involved in the daily running of the studies and get insight into science to policy transfer of knowledge as part of the Swiss Learning Health Systems. Also, you will be involved in setting up new studies, for example in randomized trials of treatments for Long Covid.

Last Application Date: Open Until Filled

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21. Ph.D. Student position in Structural RNA Biology

Summary of Doctoral Project:

The successful applicant will apply nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy as a powerful tool to determine the precise 3D structure of a small hepatitis delta virus (HDV)-like ribozyme and to shed light on the role of metal ion cofactors within the assembly process of the catalytic core and the impact of metal ions on catalysis. This project will be carried out in close collaboration with a group member applying single-molecule Förster resonance energy transfer (smFRET), elucidating the dynamics of the molecule. The combination of these two sophisticated biophysical methods allows for obtaining comprehensive insights into its structure, folding dynamics, and metal ion dependency contributing to an improved understanding of RNA catalysis in general.

Last Application Date: Open Until Filled

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Summary of Doctoral Project:

The University of Zurich is the largest research university in Switzerland. IKMZ is one of the leading communication departments in Europe. The University of Zurich is interested in the equality of men and women in scientific positions and encourages applications from women.

Last Application Date: May 10, 2022

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23. Doctoral student position in behavioral neuroscience / neuroeconomics

Summary of Doctoral Project:

The Zurich Center for Neuroeconomics (ZNE) is a research center and home to the Marlene Porsche Graduate School of Neuroeconomics. The Laboratory for Social and Neural Systems research (SNS Lab) is the heart of the ZNE. In this interdisciplinary laboratory, researchers explore the biological and neural mechanisms that underlie decision making. The SNS Lab is in a custom-built section of the MR Centre at the University Hospital Zurich and equipped with research-dedicated facilities for fMRI, brain stimulation, behavioral measurements, EEG, and pharmacological manipulations.

Last Application Date: Open Until Filled

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24. PhD Student or Postdoc in neuroscience

Summary of Doctoral Project:

We use signal-processing techniques and machine learning to develop biomarkers that can quickly and reliably detect epileptogenic brain tissue in intracranial EEG (iEEG) recordings of epilepsy patients. In particular, High-Frequency Oscillations (HFO) have been recently established as promising biomarkers to guide epilepsy surgery. The research group offers advanced, interdisciplinary PhD training and participation in cutting-edge clinical neuroscience and neuroinformatics research projects together with Prof. Giacomo Indiveri and Prof. Johannes Sarnthein. We have broad expertise in acquiring and analyzing human electrophysiology recordings (Boran et al. 2019 Science Advances, Dimakopoulos et al. 2021 Brain Communications, Sharifshazileh et al. 2021 Nature Communications)..

Last Application Date: Open Until Filled

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