43 Fully Funded PhD Programs at Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Denmark

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Are you holding Master’s degree and looking for PhD positions – Fully Funded PhD Programs in Europe? Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Denmark inviting application for funded PhD Programs or fully funded PhD Scholarship. Technical University of Denmark (DTU) is one of the largest university in the world with thousands of employees, students, and research scientists are involved in the innovation of science and technology daily.

Technical University of Denmark (DTU) has huge a campus in Denmark and widely known as for its contribution in top notch education and research. The contribution of Technical University of Denmark (DTU) is not only limited to natural sciences and engineering but it also offers high quality research as well as higher education in bio-medical sciences, social sciences, humanities, psychology, education, architecture etc.

1. PhD scholarship in novel network structures for soft wearables

Summary of Doctoral Project:

If you plan to establish yourself as a scientist or get an excellent background for continuing in industry, and you are looking for the best possible foundation for fulfilling your dreams and ambitions, it is right here in front of you. At DTU Chemical engineering you will break new ground at the absolute forefront of what is possible within soft wearables in the Grand Challenge project. The PhD student will be included in a large project group entailing research groups at EPFL (Neuchatel, CH) and NorthEastern (Boston, US). External stays in the respective research groups will be conducted. Responsibilities and qualifications Your overall focus will be to strengthen the department’s competences within materials for soft robotics. You will work with nearby colleagues, and with both academic and industrial partners in Denmark as well as abroad.

Last Application Date: 15 September 2022

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2. PhD scholarship in Modelling and Simulation of Demand Responsive Electrified Multimodal Transit Systems

Summary of Doctoral Project:

DTU Management’s Transport Division would like to invite applications for a 3-year PhD position starting no later than 1 January 2023. The successful candidate will join the Machine Learning for Smart Mobility Group and will work under the supervision of Associate Professors Carlos Lima Azevedo and Filipe Rodrigues. The successful applicant will work on research which is focused on the development of next-generation large-scale mobility simulation and the use of new machine-learning techniques in the design of combined energy-transportation demand management schemes. We are looking for excellent applicants with MSc background in Computer Science, Transportation, Applied Mathematics, Environmental or Electric Engineering and Operations Research with the interest and ambition to pursue PhD studies in the field of applied simulation and machine learning. This position is funded under the DTU-KTH Alliance and a collaboration with Professors Erik Jenelius and Zhenliang Ma, from the Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering of KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden, is planned including a 6 month stay at KTH.

Last Application Date: 15 September 2022

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3. PhD scholarship in Dynamic Traffic Assignment with Integrated Behavioural Modelling

Summary of Doctoral Project:

DTU Management at the Technical University of Denmark invites applications for a 3-year PhD position in the Network modelling group of the Division of Transport. If you are interested in urban transportation systems, have a background in transportation, logistics, mathematical modelling, behavioral modelling or operations research and wish to establish a scientific career within this field, this PhD position is the right one for you. In the project you will push the frontier by developing Dynamic Traffic Assignment (DTA) models that embed realistic and consistent behavioural modelling incorporating considerations of travel time reliability. Urban transportation networks are plagued by traffic congestion and contribute to a significant share of societal energy consumption and emissions. Addressing this critical challenge through sustainable solutions for future urban mobility requires the development of robust, realistic, and accurate models of the transportation network. DTA models area a promising approach for this, by combining behavioural models of route and departure time choice (demand) with models that capture the temporal dynamics of congestion (supply). However, the critical issue of variability in the transportation system (due to weather, incidents, special events, etc.) has not yet been addressed, and this will be the purpose of your project.

Last Application Date: 15 September 2022

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4. PhD scholarship in Broadband MRI Radiofrequency Coil Development

Summary of Doctoral Project:

The Electromagnetic Systems group at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) seeks a qualified candidate for a Ph.D. position in broadband MRI radiofrequency coil development. The project will be conducted in collaboration between DTU and the University of Queensland (UQ), Australia. A standard clinical MRI scanner consists of a strong electromagnet where radiofrequency transceiver with coils is used to image water molecules. Different biological tissues have different water content, therefore MRI is particularly suitable for medical diagnostics, though other applications also exist. MRI is a versatile technique and can image nuclei and molecules other than water, which opens up completely new possibilities. For example, by imaging carbon nuclei it is possible to follow metabolic processes, which can tell so much more about the function of the human body. Imaging other nuclei, however, requires additional new radio frequency coils.

Last Application Date: 15 September 2022

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5. PhD scholarship(s) in Model-based control and operation of large-scale water electrolyser plants for power system integration

Summary of Doctoral Project:

Would you like to take part in the green energy transition? Do you wish to contribute to the development of Power-to-X (PtX) and are you looking for a career in R&D, then here is the opportunity! The Department of Wind and Energy Systems at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) opens a position for a highly motivated and ambitious PhD candidate who would strive in a multi-disciplinary research field related to electrolyser plant modeling and control. Activities would be closely coordinated between our section for Power-to-X and Storage (PTX) at DTU and the partner group at the department of chemical engineering at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). Both universities are members of the Nordic Five Tech Alliance. Accordingly, it will be expected that you conduct a short-term research stay (approx. 6 months) at NTNU. You will be enrolled in the PTX research section at DTU Wind, where our research is dedicated to investigating and optimizing storage and PtX technologies as well as their interactions with the energy system. This PhD study will be conducted in close collaboration with several ongoing projects regarding the electrolyser design, integration and operation, such as GreenHyScale and Offshore Energy hub.

Last Application Date: 15 September 2022

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6. PhD Scholarship in Development of an Integrated Optimisation Model for Operating Urban Transit System (SmoothTrip)

Summary of Doctoral Project:

DTU Management’s Transport Division would like to invite applications for a 3-year PhD position starting on 1 March 2023 or earlier. The successful candidate will join the Network Modelling group of the Division of Transport under the supervision of Associate Professors Yu Jiang and Professor Otto Anker Nielsen. We are looking for excellent applicants with a strong background in Operations Research, Transportation, Applied Mathematics, or Computer Science and with an ambition for excellence. This position is funded by the Independent Research Fund Denmark. The candidate is expected to stay 6 months at Lancaster University Management School (LUMS), England.

Last Application Date: 1 October 2022

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7. PhD scholarship in silicone polymer synthesis

Summary of Doctoral Project:

If you plan to establish yourself as a scientist or get an excellent background for continuing in industry, and you are looking for the best possible foundation for fulfilling your dreams and ambitions, it is right here in front of you. At DTU Chemical engineering you will break new ground at the absolute forefront of what is possible within soft wearables in the Grand Challenge project. The PhD student will be included in a large project group entailing research groups at EPFL (Neuchatel, CH) and NorthEastern (Boston, US). External stays in the respective research groups will be conducted. Responsibilities and qualifications Your overall focus will be to strengthen the department’s competences within materials for soft robotics and silicone materials. You will work with nearby colleagues, and with both academic and industrial partners in Denmark as well as abroad.

Last Application Date: 15 September 2022

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8. PhD scholarship in Generative Methods for Synthesis of Brain Tissue Phantoms

Summary of Doctoral Project:

This PhD position is ideal for an aspiring scientist with a strong interest in how the human brain can be modelled at the microscopic scale using modern geometric modeling techniques from computer graphics and computer aided design. The motivation for the project is the constraint that no imaging validation techniques for MRI can resolve all anatomical length scales from the nano-structure of axon morphology to whole brain network organization formed by bundles of axons. However, shapes at all length scales contribute to the signal detected by an MR scanner. The ambitious goal of this project is to model very large substrates at extremely fine scale.

Last Application Date: 15 September 2022

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9. PhD project on epitaxial growth for application in nanophotonics and quantum technology

Summary of Doctoral Project:

Research Center NanoPhoton – Center for Nanophotonics (https://nanophoton.dtu.dk/) at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) invites applications for a PhD position on epitaxial growth of III-V semiconductor heterostructures for application in nanophotonics and quantum technology. The purpose of NanoPhoton is to explore the phenomenon of sub-wavelength localization of light in semiconductor nanocavities. This leads to an extreme enhancement of the optical energy density and thereby opens new possibilities for studying light-matter interaction in hitherto unexplored regimes. Important applications include new devices for quantum technology, like lasers with reduced quantum noise and nonlinear devices working at the level of a few photons. Moreover, the extreme enhancement and small footprint of the nanocavities offer the means to establish on-chip interfacing between electronics and photonics, which would lead to substantial energy-savings. Progress, however, is required in several research disciplines, including epitaxial growth, nanofabrication, and device characterization.

Last Application Date: 15 September 2022

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10. PhD Scholarship in Organic Chemistry and Homogeneous Catalysis

Summary of Doctoral Project:

A 3-year PhD fellowship in organic chemistry, photocatalysis, and homogeneous asymmetric metal catalysis under the supervision of Associate Professor Søren Kramer is available at the Technical University of Denmark. The project will be performed in the Organic and Inorganic Chemistry Section at DTU Chemistry. The start date of the position February 1, 2023. Research in the Kramer group is focused on development of novel methods involving organic chemistry, transition-metal catalysis, photocatalysis, asymmetric catalysis, and C-H functionalization as well as reaction mechanism elucidation. The research group is young and highly ambitious.

Last Application Date: 10 September 2022

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11. PhD student in antibody discovery technologies and machine learning

Summary of Doctoral Project:

Do you want to be part of revolutionising antibody discovery and solving snakebite? In this 3-year PhD project within the fields of antibody technology, next generation sequencing, and machine learning you will be part of an extraordinarily ambitious antibody development project with (1) the technological aim of developing a machine-learning guided drug discovery pipeline using display technologies and next generation sequencing and (2) the humanitarian aim of saving lives by developing a recombinant antivenom for the severely neglected tropical disease that is snakebite.

Last Application Date: 10 September 2022

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12. PhD scholarship in the Design, Characterization and Implementation of Adaptive Phase Plates for Electron Optics

Summary of Doctoral Project:

If you aim at scientific excellence and want to establish a career as a scientist within the fields of electron optics and nanotechnology, then we have the ideal opportunity for you! Join us and be a part of the new “ADaptive optics for ELEctron beams (ADELE)” project supported by the Danish Research Counsel (Project DFF-2). The main objective of ADELE is to implement adaptive optics ideas from classical (light) optics for electron beams by developing reconfigurable phase plates (PPs). These are devices that we can use to control precisely the phase of the electron beam, which is crucial to the advancement of electron imaging and spectroscopy techniques for the characterization of nanostructured materials, and of electron beam lithography for nanofabrication. Inspired by the well-established field of light optics, adaptive optics in the context of this project means real-time beam-shaping of the electron beam used as a probe in transmission electron microscopy.

Last Application Date: 10 September 2022

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13. Three PhD positions in Digital Twins for Automated, Safe and Sustainable Construction Production

Summary of Doctoral Project:

The general theme for the positions is the utilization of smart technologies for monitoring construction resources (i.e., personnel, equipment, temporary assets) and integration of data to its real-time status in a Digital Twin (DT) platform. The purpose is to demonstrate construction site performance measurement and connect the gained knowledge, among other reasons, to the environmental (e.g., emissions from equipment and other sources), productivity, and safety impact. The “Future Green Construction Sites” project is funded by the Danish Environmental Technology Development Program. This project targets, among other sources, a reduction of emissions from construction equipment operations. Several major industrial partners, incl. heavy equipment manufacturers, are participating. Data from sensor equipment deployed on large construction machines is integrated into a DT to measure and reduce emissions by simulating possible construction site production and logistics improvements.

Last Application Date: 9 September 2022

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14. PhD scholarship: Computer Vision and Road Safety

Summary of Doctoral Project:

DTU Management’s Transport Division invites applications for a 3-year PhD position in the field of computer vision, edge computing, federated learning, and road safety. The successful candidate will join the Transport Psychology Group and will work under the supervision of Assistant Professor Felix Siebert, Senior Researcher Mette Møller, and Professor Francisco Pereira. The PhD project will investigate privacy-preserving detection of safety-related behaviour of road users in the road environment, with computer vision and federated learning. Relevant data will be collected in road environments in Denmark and Singapore. State-of-the-art object detection approaches will be applied on the collected data. Detection robustness and privacy-preserving features, including edge computing and federated learning, will be developed. Collected behavioural data will be used to identify patterns of safe and unsafe behaviour of road users, within the scopes of short- and long-term trends.

Last Application Date: 7 September 2022

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15. PhD scholarship in Socially Aware Artificial Intelligence for Future Transportation

Summary of Doctoral Project:

We offer one PhD scholarship in socially aware artificial intelligence for future transportation. The PhD project aims to develop and test a new generation of mathematical models for explaining and predicting human behavior in urban environments in interactions with autonomous future transportation technologies such as self-driving cars and last-mile delivery robots. In the project, you will first formulate new mathematical models for explaining and predicting the choices of pedestrians and cyclists during interactions with autonomous transportation technologies by integrating methods from econometrics and cognitive psychology. Then, you will design, implement and conduct virtual reality experiments to apply the proposed models. The project is a strategic collaboration between the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) and its alliance partner, the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU).

Last Application Date: 7 September 2022

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16. PhD position on bio-chemical & physical clogging in geothermal reservoirs

Summary of Doctoral Project:

The main objective of this project is to develop a predictive tool that can address the important injectivity challenge (e.g., clogging) encountered in many geothermal systems, which is triggered by the combined contribution of physical and bio(chemical) effects. The project aims to describe these effects and quantify their relevance considering factors such at different operational conditons and specific reservoir characteristics. To achieve this, the PhD project entails both advanced laboratory experiments and numerical simulations ranging from pore-scale to well-scale. The project is carried out in collaboration with Utrecht University and geothermal companies in Denmark and the Netherlands.

Last Application Date: 5 September 2022

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17. PhD scholarship in novel routes to ammonia

Summary of Doctoral Project:

The Department of Energy Conversion and Storage, Technical University of Denmark (DTU), invites applications for a PhD scholarship in characterisation of new electro-catalysts enabling electrochemically driven ammonia synthesis. The research project is part of the project “Progress” recently funded by the Independent Research Fund Denmark. The project involves collaboration with Copenhagen University, Max Planck Institute in Germany and University of Lund, Sweden. Transforming our society to rely only on sustainable energy sources is a massive challenge. Key to success will be development of cost competitive routes to produce hydrogen via electrolysis of water/steam driven by green electricity. The hydrogen has value in itself but may, importantly, also serve as a reactant for production of ammonia. Ammonia has great importance as a fertilizer, but can also be an “energy vector” enabling emission reduction from “hard to electrify” sectors like global shipping. Hence, cost competitive routes to “green hydrogen” and “green ammonia”, not relying on use of natural gas, is in high demand.

Last Application Date: 2 September 2022

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18. PhD scholarship in novel electrode materials for SOEC anodes

Summary of Doctoral Project:

The Department of Energy Conversion and Storage, Technical University of Denmark (DTU), invites applications for a PhD scholarship in characterisation of new electro-catalysts and development of new electrodes for SOEC anodes. The research project is part of the project “Faster” recently funded by the Independent Research Fund Denmark. The project involves collaboration with Max Planck Institute in Germany and University of Lund, Sweden. Transforming our society to rely only on sustainable energy sources is a formidable engineering challenge. Key to success will be development of cost competitive and reliable routes to produce hydrogen via electrolysis of water/steam driven by green electricity. The hydrogen can be used as a fuel itself or serve as a reactant for production of fuels like methanol, kerosene or ammonia. Solid oxide electrolysis is one of several electrolysis technologies, which holds merits in terms of high efficiency and potential to reach low cost.

Last Application Date: September 2022

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19. PhD scholarship in Characterizing Listener Behaviour in Complex Dynamic Scenes

Summary of Doctoral Project:

The Hearing Systems Section at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) seeks a qualified candidate for a 3-year PhD position. Hearing Systems is part of the department of Health Technology. Our research is concerned with auditory signal processing and perception, speech communication, audiology, behavioural and objective measures of auditory function, computational auditory neuroscience, environmental acoustics, and hearing-instrument signal processing. The goal of this research is to understand the functioning of the human auditory system and to provide insights that are useful for technical applications, such as speech recognition systems, hearing aids, cochlear implants, and hearing diagnostics. The current project will explore listener behavior in environments with varying degrees of complexity and dynamics. Specifically, listeners will be monitored continuously using various sensors, such as motion and eye trackers, to record body and head-movement trajectories, as well as eye-gaze throughout the experimental tasks. The underlying hypothesis is that difficulties in analyzing and processing a scene will be reflected in the tracked measures and that comparing behavior across different scenes will help pinpoint which aspects of the scenes pose challenges for the listener.

Last Application Date: 1 September 2022

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20. PhD scholarship in Reinforcement Learning for Intelligent Traffic Signal Control

Summary of Doctoral Project:

Reinforcement learning (RL) constitutes a promising solution for alleviating the problem of traffic congestion and associated greenhouse gas emissions by producing adaptive traffic signal controllers that outperform conventional systems. However, the existing solutions are merely reactive. This project aims at developing a new generation of proactive traffic control approaches by integrating into a RL framework a novel fully-Bayesian context-aware traffic prediction model that can forecast the future evolution of traffic and provide uncertainty estimates for its predictions, while accounting for contextual information (e.g. about planned events, incidents and weather), traffic network flow theory and the traffic signal control actions. The core idea is that, by accounting for the effects of external factors on future traffic conditions, the RL agent can learn to be proactive and take preemptive measures to alleviate (or even mitigate) future congestion scenarios and reduce emissions.

Last Application Date: 1 September 2022

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21. PhD scholarship in Micro-Mobility Safety

Summary of Doctoral Project:

DTU Management’s Transport Division would like to invite applications for a 3-year PhD position starting on 1 January 2023 or earlier. The successful candidate will join the Transport Demand Modelling Group and will work under the supervision of Professor Jeppe Rich. We are looking for excellent applicants with an MSc background from Computer Science, Transportation, Applied Mathematics, Statistics or related, and with the interest and ambition to carry out a PhD study. The successful applicant will work on research focused on investigating perceived and actual safety of micro-mobility transport modes and the influence of safety on the demand for micro-mobility modes. This position is funded under DTU’s strategic alliance with the five Nordic technical Universities (Nordic Five Tech) about funding and exchange of PhD students. This study will be carried out in collaboration with Professor Marco Dozza from the Chalmers University, Sweden, who will co-supervise and host the PhD student’s six month stay at Chalmers University.

Last Application Date: 1 September 2022

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22. PhD scholarship in Silicone Materials for Soft Wearables

Summary of Doctoral Project:

If you plan to establish yourself as a scientist or get an excellent background for continuing in industry, and you are looking for the best possible foundation for fulfilling your dreams and ambitions, it is right here in front of you. At DTU Chemical engineering you will break new ground at the absolute forefront of what is possible within soft wearables. As a PhD student fellow you will be a member of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Doctoral Network SOFTWEAR. The network will comprise 12 PhD students from 10 European Universities. SOFTWEAR is a highly interdisciplinary Doctoral Network in the emerging and rapidly growing field of wearables, with a unique focus on soft actuators for wearables and exoskeletons. The primary objective of SOFTWEAR is to train young researchers in the multidisciplinary science of soft actuators for integration in wearables and augmenting textiles. This will be achieved by merging chemistry, physics, mechanics, electronics, textile technology, design, human-technology interaction and ethics in a truly interdisciplinary manner, while teaching essential skills in ethics, product development, IPR and industrial realisation, thus providing a unique added value to the careers of the Researchers.

Last Application Date: 1 September 2022

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23. PhD scholarship in Photonic Crystal based Sensor for Measurements of Mechanical Forces within Tissues

Summary of Doctoral Project:

We seek an enthusiastic and motivated PhD student to develop a novel nanosensor based on a photonic crystal for the measurement of mechanical properties of tissue. You will be part of a highly interdisciplinary and novel project, with several European partners, in a productive scientific environment. You will join the FET EU project “StretchBio” (www.stretchbio.eu) as a PhD student and the majority of the work will be carried out in the group of Nano Bio Integrated Systems (NaBIS) headed by Professor Winnie E. Svendsen at DTU Bioengineering. Furthermore, you will collaborate with the Plasmonics and Metamaterials group at DTU Fotonik headed by Assoc. Prof. Andrei Laurynenka and out international partners in Freiburg and Barcelona.

Last Application Date: 1 September 2022

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24. PhD scholarship(s) – within “Electrification and operation of the clay activation process in the cement industry using renewable energy sources”

Summary of Doctoral Project:

The global cement industry needs new technologies to reduce CO2 emissions by 30 % in 2030 and to achieve full carbon-neutrality in 2050. The use of up to 30–40% activated clay as supplementary cementitious material can reduce the CO2 emissions of cement production by up to 40%. Today’s clay activation process relies on fossil fuels that release significant amounts of CO2 and thus missing the economic opportunity and sustainability potential of using renewable energy. The Department of Wind and Energy Systems invites applications for a 3-year PhD position in the research area of renewable grid integration and flexibility maximization within the Division for Power and Energy Systems (PES). The scholarship(s) is funded by the Danish Energy Technology Development and Demonstration Program (EUDP) through the project ECoClay (New cement partnership to eliminate fossil fuels by electrifying clay calcination (flsmidth.com)) which aims integrating of a calciner pilot plant into an electrical power grid with high penetration of renewables.

Last Application Date: 31 August 2022

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25. PhD scholarship in Verification of Concurrent and Distributed Applications

Summary of Doctoral Project:

We are looking for a bright and motivated PhD student for a 3-year PhD position starting October 1st, 2022 (negotiable). The project is financed by the Independent Research Fund Denmark, and it is a collaboration between DTU, Motorola Solutions Danmark A/S, the University of Malta, and Imperial College London. It is an excellent opportunity to be involved in advanced research on concurrent and distributed systems, with important practical applications. The project goal is to develop new methods and tools to verify the correctness of distributed applications, by combining static verification (e.g. type-checking) and runtime verification (monitoring). We will tackle scenarios where heterogeneous software components are expected to interact correctly but cannot be fully verified before deployment: this is a common scenario in microservices, IoT, and edge computing. The main research questions are: how can we model these heterogeneous systems? How can we combine static and runtime verification, and what guarantees can we achieve? Can we implement these research results as prototype tools to aid software development?

Last Application Date: 31 August 2022

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26. PhD scholarship in Fabrication and characterization of adaptive phase plates for electron optics

Summary of Doctoral Project:

If you aim at scientific excellence and want to establish a career as a scientist within the fields of electron optics and nanotechnology, then we have the ideal opportunity for you! Join us and be a part of the new “ADaptive optics for ELEctron beams (ADELE)” project supported by the Danish Research Counsel (Project DFF-2). The main objective of ADELE is to implement adaptive optics ideas from the classical (light) optics for electron beams by developing reconfigurable phase plates. These are devices that we can use to control precisely the phase of the electron beam, which is crucial to the advancement of electron imaging and spectroscopy techniques for the characterization of nanostructured materials, and of electron beam lithography for nanofabrication. Inspired by the well-established field of light optics, adaptive optics in the context of this project means real-time beam-shaping of the electron beam used as a probe in transmission electron microscopy.

Last Application Date: 31 August 2022

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27. DTU PhD scholarship: Innovative Strategies for Managing Corporate Growth within the Planetary Boundaries

Summary of Doctoral Project:

The PhD position is part of the Technical University of Denmark (DTU’s) current activities in establishing the foundation for the newly opened Centre for Absolute Sustainability. A common methodological platform for technology research is under development, to which this PhD position will provide important contributions with particular focus on strategic sustainability implementation, joining efforts with the other ongoing PhD projects under the same umbrella. The Science-Based Targets Initiatives (SBTi) recently emerged as one of most promising approaches for strategic sustainability management at the corporate level. It supports companies to set carbon reduction goals across their entire value chains, on the basis of absolute sustainability within the planetary boundaries. Nevertheless, in addition to increasingly committing to ambitious carbon reduction goals, companies are also striving for significant business growth which poses a major paradox.

Last Application Date: 30 August 2022

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28. PhD scholarship on insitu corrosion fatigue tests for offshore steel structures

Summary of Doctoral Project:

The PhD project aims at advancing the state of the art in the area of insitu corrosion fatigue (CF) testing of low to medium carbon steel under realistic marine conditions. The main objective of this project is to develop an advanced insitu corrosion fatigue test facility in which a steel specimen is subject to mechanical cycling loading while fully immersed in an electrolyte mimicking offshore conditions. The system will be accommodated in an existing uniaxial servohydraulic test machine and capable of measuring the crack propagation under controlled frequency, electrolyte temperature, chemical composition and impressed electrical current from cathodic protection. The experimental results will be validated against test data from the literature.

Last Application Date: 29 August 2022

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29. PhD scholarship in fracture mechanics and solid mechanics: Element test specimens for the study on damage evolution in composites structures

Summary of Doctoral Project:

Modern wind turbine rotor blades are very large composite structures that can experience damage in the form of delamination of laminates and debonding of bondlines. There is a need for “element test” specimens for the study of damage at structural details. “Elements test” specimens are purposely-designed structures with the aim of checking the accuracy of model predictions of damage evolution in composite structures subjected to static and cyclic loading. For wind turbines blades, there is a need for such element test specimens for the study of damage at structural details. The project involves both design and simulation of damage growth in 2-4 different types of element specimens, and subsequently manufacturing and testing of the element specimens. The design and simulation of damage evolution of the element specimens will be made by the use of finite element modelling and cohesive zone modelling. Input to the simulations will be fracture mechanics properties of interfaces (e.g. mixed mode cohesive laws and fatigue crack growth rates) that are determined independently from mixed mode fracture experiments.

Last Application Date: 25 August 2022

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30. PhD scholarship in Topology optimization of cellular materials for heat pipes

Summary of Doctoral Project:

Applications are invited for a 3-year PhD position starting in the fall of 2022 within the field of topology optimization of materials and structures for extreme heat transfer, which is a part of the “Towards extreme heat transfer – combining multiphysics-multi scale modelling, topology optimization as well as superconductive materials” project financed by the Independent Research Fund Denmark and carried out at the Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering at the Technical University of Denmark with collaborators such as The Frauenhofer Institute, Germany. The project considers the multi-scale improvement of extreme heat transfer devices by optimizing material composition, material microstructure and meso-structure for applications such as wicked heat pipes. This, among other, includes topology optimization of fluid flow and heat transfer problems subject to phase change conditions.

Last Application Date: 25 August 2022

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31. PhD Scholarships (2) in Chemical Food Safety of Plant-based Food

Summary of Doctoral Project:

If you are interested in chemical food analysis of plant-based materials, one of these PhD positions are the perfect opportunity for your development as a researcher. DTU Food invites applications for two PhD scholarships within chemical food safety of plant-based food. We seek two candidates capable of working independently, being curious and yet able to collaborate as team players in our research group. Both should have interest and competences within analytical chemistry, food processing, food safety and exposure evaluation. The successful candidates will become part of the Research Group for Analytical Food Chemistry. Our Group holds an extensive analytical platform based on mass spectrometry and the group aims at providing comprehensive chemical insight to understand the formation and prevalence of unwanted chemical components in the food chain. We therefore work on e.g. novel and renewable resources, food contact materials (packaging) and food models for processing.

Last Application Date: 19 August 2022

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32. PhD scholarship in Atomic Scale Insight into Catalysis with Nanochannels and Microscopy

Summary of Doctoral Project:

In this PhD project, you will work with two leading research groups to combine their knowhow in nanochannel fluidic systems for electron and optical microscopy, and use such systems to study catalytic processes at the single nanoparticle level. You will design, fabricate, and use new microchip systems and develop microscopy methods that will make it possible to obtain structure-activity correlations with atomic resolution at single nanoparticle level in catalysis. You will be employed at DTU Nanolab working with Prof. Kristian S. Mølhave in the Molecular Windows group, using DTU Nanolabs world class cleanroom microfabrication and electron microscopy facilities. We have developed unique nanochannel Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) systems that allow atomic level resolution electron microscopy of liquid and gas processes inside the system.

Last Application Date: 19 August 2022

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33. PhD scholarship in experimental quantum optomechanics

Summary of Doctoral Project:

At the Center for Macroscopic Quantum States (bigQ) at DTU Physics, we seek an excellent, ambitious, and proactive experimentalist to take on a PhD project in the highly topical field of quantum optomechanics with the vision of testing the theory of quantum mechanics in a new domain and developing a new efficient quantum memory for quantum information processing. You will work together with our established optomech team of Phd students, postdocs and engineers to develop a unique cavity opto-mechanical system at ultra-low temperatures. The aim is to bring the mechanical modes of a centimeter-long crystal into the true quantum domain; producing highly exotic, never-seen-before, states of the macroscopic mechanical systems, controlled by an optical light beam. Such as system can then be used for testing quantum mechanics in a new domain and for developing new quantum information processing applications such as quantum memory and quantum transduction.

Last Application Date: 19 August 2022

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34. PhD scholarship in Novel Separators for Alkaline Electrolysis

Summary of Doctoral Project:

Electrolysis and power-to-X are becoming key energy technologies in the time to come. In particular alkaline technology has the potential for the first wave of large scale implementation due to moderate cost and high scalability. We at DTU Energy develop next generation advanced alkaline electrolyzers in close collaboration with industries and other universities. We are looking for a PhD scholarships within development of cheap highly stable separators for alkaline electrolyzers. The project is a collaboration with Stiesdal Hydrogen a well-reputed Danish energy company with a strong focus on trying new ideas in order to make the technology more cost competitive while at the same time strive for high performance. The specific task is to develop a new porous membrane from organic and inorganic materials. You join a working group, which sets on from an existing concept of plate-based electrodes and expects to revolutionize it. A short time to market is anticipated.

Last Application Date: 16 August 2022

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35. PhD scholarship in Circular construction materials

Summary of Doctoral Project:

Your research tasks include accounting for embodied carbon for the main construction materials used in the construction sector and developing existing databases and models. We expect you to disseminate and publish your results in high-level academic publications on an internationally leading level, as well as you will be required to develop your teaching skills. The candidate is expected to participate in the departments teaching activities. In order to help data gathering and include in the existing research environment, we will provide you with access to network associations, industrial partners contact, consortium meetings, and other early stage researchers in our Materials and Durability section of DTU Sustain. You should be highly motivated and self-driven, as well as have strong work ethics, team spirit and excellent collaboration skills. You take responsibility for your work in an organized and structured manner.

Last Application Date: 15 August 2022

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36. PhD scholarship – Large-scale electric vehicle grid integration – harmonized and smart charging across Europe

Summary of Doctoral Project:

We invite applications for a 3-year PhD position as part of an exciting new Horizon Europe research project focusing on electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure rollout and its integration with the power system. DTU Wind and Energy Systems is a world-leading wind energy department that puts knowledge to work through cutting-edge research, innovation and development of technology. We have internationally leading research environments, and we prioritize strong cross-disciplinary collaborations within DTU, with leading international universities and facilities, and with private companies. We have a strong focus on the development of wind energy as the backbone of the future energy system and collaborate with the full sector.

Last Application Date: 15 August 2022

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37. PhD project on the design, synthesis and properties of large scale nanowire lattices

Summary of Doctoral Project:

The lattices are grown using molecular beam epitaxy and the project involves preparation of substrates for crystal growth, close interactions with the growers of the team (but not crystal growth), structural characterization using electron microscopy and scanning probe techniques, as well as device fabrication and electrical characterization at low temperatures. The project thus has a significant component of clean-room processing and electrical characterization which will be performed from room- to ultra-low temperatures in a dilution cryostat. Experiments will be analysed using modelling developed in collaboration with the theory group of Prof. B. Andersen, Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, and the student will participate actively in building and improving the models and connecting to experimental developments.

Last Application Date: 15 August 2022

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38. PhD in Immune Receptor Immunoinformatics

Summary of Doctoral Project:

The Section of Bioinformatics, DTU Health Tech is world leading within Immunoinformatics and Machine-Learning. Currently, we are seeking a highly talented and motivated PhD student within the field of Immune receptor Immunoinformatics. Identification of T and B cell epitopes plays a major role in several biotechnological and clinical tasks and is central to our understanding of the immune system. T cells scrutinize the surface of cells for foreign peptides presented in complex with MHC (Major histocompatibility complex) molecules. MHC merely presents a minor proportion of the peptides produced within a cell on the cell surface, and only a minor proportion of these (termed epitopes) are recognized by T cells. Likewise, antibodies (or B cell receptors) recognize their molecular targets, termed antigens, in a highly specific manner via interactions between their binding site (paratope) and a specific region of the antigen (the epitope). Identifying the rules underlying the properties of these epitopes and their interaction with the target immune receptors is thus at the foundation for our basic understanding of adaptive immunity.

Last Application Date: 14 August 2022

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39. PhD scholarship in advanced terahertz spectroscopy of perovskite solar cells

Summary of Doctoral Project:

If you are on your way to establish a career as scientist in the field of ultrafast spectroscopy and you are looking for the best possible foundation for fulfilling your dreams and ambitions, it is right here. At the Ultrafast Infrared and Terahertz Science Group, DTU Electro, you will break new ground at the absolute forefront of what is possible within advanced spectroscopic techniques for development of next-generation photovoltaic devices that will help towards the green transition of our energy supply chain. We are looking for a strong PhD scholarship candidate in applying advance ultrafast spectroscopic techniques for characterization and optimization of novel perovskite films and PV devices. The research project will be a close collaboration between our group in DTU and the partner group in EPFL, within the EuroTech Universities Alliance framework.

Last Application Date: 12 August 2022

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40. PhD position in advanced material synthesis for next-generation bio-magnetometers

Summary of Doctoral Project:

Do you want to contribute to a future where we can potentially understand diseases in the human brain by measuring the tiny magnetic fields created by neurons? Or use magnetometry to visualize the inner processes in energy devices such as solid-state batteries during (dis)charging? At DTU Energy, our research is targeting exactly this, and to reach these goals, we are looking for a new PhD student to 1) synthesize novel oxide materials through combinatorial material synthesis, 2) shape these into exotic devices geometrically designed with machine learning and 3) test the magnetoresistive performance. The ultimate goal of the project is to realize a new class of magnetoresistance that is superior to, e.g., the giant magnetoresistance (Nobel price in 2007) as well as assessing its potential for magnetoresistive sensors.

Last Application Date: 10 August 2022

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  1. Adrija Bala

    Share the information related to PHD in Biological science & bioinformatics.

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