34 Fully Funded PhD Programs at ETH Zürich, Switzerland

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Are you holding Master’s degree and looking for PhD positions – Fully Funded PhD Programs in Europe? ETH Zürich, Switzerland inviting application for funded PhD Programs or fully funded PhD Scholarship. ETH Zürich, is one of the largest university in the world with thousands of employees, students, and research scientists are involved in the innovation of science and technology daily.

ETH Zürich has huge a campus in Zürich, Switzerland and widely known as for its contribution in top notch education and research. The contribution of ETH Zürich is not only limited to natural sciences and engineering but it also offers high quality research as well as higher education in bio-medical sciences, social sciences, humanities, psychology, education, architecture etc.

1. PhD position in Molecular Biology & Biophysics

Summary of Doctoral Project:

The Wieczorek Group at the Institute of Molecular Biology & Biophysics at ETH Zurich investigates the physical principles underlying the self-assembly of complex intracellular structures from biomolecules. The group uses the microtubule cytoskeleton as a model system. We apply state-of-the-art methods in structural biology, in vitro biochemical reconstitutions, and single-molecule biophysics to understand how diverse multi-microtubule assemblies form from a common tubulin “building block”. The results of our work are important for understanding the molecular basis of diseases such as cancer and neurodegeneration, which are often directly linked to defects in microtubule network assembly.

Last Application Date: Open Until Filled

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2. PhD Student in Isotope Geochemistry

Summary of Doctoral Project:

This position is part of the ERC-funded project “Respires: Reconstructing the Effect of Sulfide Respiration on Global Redox State”. The project strives to resolve the controls on—and reconstruct past changes in—pyrite mineral weathering, a major process that governs atmospheric oxygen and carbon dioxide levels. Specifically, we will study this process using innovative “triple” oxygen isotope compositions of sulfate—the main product of pyrite weathering—from a suite of global rivers. We will determine how these signals relate to geologic and climatic factors such as bedrock type, erosion rate, and precipitation amount. Our ultimate goal is to better interpret how pyrite weathering has changed in the geologic past, including its role in the evolution of life and the rise of atmospheric oxygen.

Last Application Date: June 1st 2022

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3. PhD position in Electrochemical Energy Storage and Conversion

Summary of Doctoral Project:

Our group studies fundamental processes in solutions, materials, and at the electrode-electrolyte interfaces using a combination of various in-situ and ex-situ characterization techniques coupled with detailed electrochemical studies. We then apply this fundamental knowledge to the design of new battery materials, electrocatalysts, and electrolytes that can deliver improved performance (i.e., charging times, energy, capacity, cycling stability), cost, efficiency, and safety.

Last Application Date: Open Until Filled

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4. PhD Positions in Electronic Design Automation and Reconfigurable Computing

Summary of Doctoral Project:

We are interested in developing a broad scope of techniques to ease the programmability of digital hardware (e.g., reconfigurable devices such as FPGAs). Our goal is to bridge the gap between software and hardware by developing language abstractions, compiler flows, and hardware devices that enable software developers from different domains to accelerate emerging compute-intensive applications. We are looking for creative and highly motivated researchers to join our team. Each new group member can choose a research direction according to their background and our mutual research interests. Apart from actively shaping our group’s research, the PhD positions include international collaborations with academia and industry, mentoring BSc and MSc students, and teaching activities in the areas of electronic design automation, reconfigurable computing, and embedded systems.

Last Application Date: Open Until Filled

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5. PhD Positions in Inorganic Chemistry

Summary of Doctoral Project:

The Functional Coordination Chemistry Laboratory (Bezdek Group) at ETH Zurich has fully-funded PhD positions. Our newly established group applies the tools and approaches of inorganic/organometallic chemistry to synthesize molecules and materials with stimuli-responsive (sensory) and catalytic function. The targeted chemistry spans transition metal/main group complexes, metallopolymers and carbon nanomaterials.

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6. PhD position in Aerosol Microbiome Research

Summary of Doctoral Project:

Microbes perform functions essential for diverse ecosystem services and health. They impact key climatological processes such as cloud formation and precipitation in the atmosphere. Atmospheric transport is known to mediate the exchange of microorganisms within and between terrestrial and marine environments. However, airborne microbial communities remain the least studied microbiome on Earth, especially in remote areas such as the open oceans. Processes at the ocean-atmosphere interface are of particular importance, given that they underpin the distribution of airborne marine microbes, which may affect ecosystem structure and health even thousands of kilometres away from their source. To advance our understanding, it is thus essential to establish an inventory of airborne marine microbes and study the factors that shape their diversity, drive their emission, and project their dispersal across space.

Last Application Date: Open Until Filled

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7. PhD position in Environmental Microbiology

Summary of Doctoral Project:

The group Plant Nutrition investigates the dynamics of nutrients in the soil/plant system to achieve better management of the soil environment. We have a long-standing experience in isotope-based methodologies for tracing sources and processes of nutrients in soil-plant systems. Our group was among the first laboratories to use the natural abundance of stable oxygen isotopes in phosphate to elucidate how biological processes control phosphorus cycling in soils. The position is limited to four years. Screening of applicants will begin immediately and the closing date is July 15, 2022. You are expected to start this position between September and October 2022 and will work at different locations (Eschikon Research Station, ETH Zentrum and Irchel, Eawag) in collaboration with several research groups.

Last Application Date: July 15, 2022

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8. Doctoral position at the Chair of Construction Heritage and Preservation

Summary of Doctoral Project:

The project, funded by the German Research Foundation/Money follows Researcher–Science Europe is based on the emerging field of exhibition studies in architecture history. It examines the development of real-world scale architecture exhibitions where temporary and permanent villages and settlements were constructed next to many other forms of exhibits. The multifaceted curatorial practice experimented with architecture, construction, landscape and design as well as with social strategies, which in turn had an impact on an urban scale. Within this research context, the doctoral research will focus on related exhibitions, their curatorial practice, communication, architecture and design.

Last Application Date: Open Until Filled

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9. Ph.D. position: Life cycle assessment and techno-economic analysis for green hydrogen

Summary of Doctoral Project:

To achieve climate change goals, the production and utilization of green hydrogen play an essential role in reducing our dependency on fossil resources. Widely discussed sustainable sources for green hydrogen production are water and solar energy. However, current technologies like photovoltaic-based electrolysis or photocatalytic water splitting have low efficiencies and difficulties in scaling up for industrial production. Thus, this project aims to develop a novel, sustainable solar-driven process for producing green hydrogen from water and biomass. For this purpose, the novel production process is developed and assessed environmentally and economically to gain green hydrogen as an alternative feedstock for the chemical industry and as an alternative energy carrier for sector-coupled energy systems. An essential task in this project is the life-cycle assessment (LCA) and techno-economic analysis (TEA) of the novel green hydrogen production pathway to quantify its effect on the environment and its economic competitiveness. The environmental impacts and economics are compared to state-of-the-art hydrogen production pathways. The optimal integration of green hydrogen in the future chemical industry and sector-coupled energy systems is investigated via mathematical optimization.

Last Application Date: Open Until Filled

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10. Two PhD positions: Acceptance of meat substitute products

Summary of Doctoral Project:

The project is carried out as part of the interdisciplinary EU project GIANT LEAPS. The aim of this project is to gain a better understanding of how traditional animal proteins can be replaced with alternative proteins. This should lead to a healthier and more sustainable diet. The two doctoral students will work in the social science work package, in which the barriers and opportunities for such a change in the food system are to be examined. The focus is on consumer acceptance of different protein sources.

Last Application Date: Open Until Filled

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11. PhD position on the thermoacoustic dynamics of hydrogen fired combustors for aircraft propulsion

Summary of Doctoral Project:

The goal of this research is to understand, model and control thermoacoustic instabilities and flame dynamics in future hydrogen-fired aircraft combustors. These combustors will enable net CO2 reductions of future aircrafts of 75% compared to kerosene-powered aviation. The thermoacoustic instabilities result from the constructive interaction of the unsteady combustion process and the combustor acoustics. They are strongly undesirable because they can severely restrict the operating range of the engine. In this context, the development of special annular combustors for hydrogen necessitates significant research effort to predict and prevent thermoacoustic instabilities and to ensure robust and low-NOx combustion process.

Last Application Date: Open Until Filled

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12. Two PhD positions in computational near-surface geophysics

Summary of Doctoral Project:

The Exploration and Environmental Geophysics Group (EEG) has immediate openings for two PhD positions in computational near-surface geophysics. The primary objectives of the projects are centred on seismic and ground-penetrating-radar (GPR) full-waveform inversions (FWI). These techniques have a tremendous potential to address many long-standing near-surface problems of high societal concern. Unfortunately, acquisition and FWI of 3D seismic and GPR data sets are associated with very high costs and require very large computational resources, and the results may still be ambiguous. To address these problems, the two PhD projects will provide a series of developments that will make shallow 3D FWI affordable, both on the acquisition and the data analysis side, and combined seismic and GPR FWIs will reduce the interpretational ambiguities. We are a dynamic international research group working on a wide variety of high-profile topics in applied and computational geophysics. The working languages in our group are English and German.

Last Application Date: Open Until Filled

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13. Doctoral position in the research project architecture and patents

Summary of Doctoral Project:

The ” Architecture and Patent Project. The Buildings of the ETH Domain ” funded by the SNSF examines the role of patents in architecture both in the development of technical inventions and with regard to the protection of utility and design patents for design elements. The objects of research are the buildings of the ETH domain in Zurich and Lausanne, at the locations of the Paul Scherrer Institute and the EMPA from 1855 to the present day. Forming a continuous building stock characterized by a claim to innovation, they meet the requirements for the patent analyzes covering the building process from historicism to modernism and postmodernism to the present.

Last Application Date: Open Until Filled

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14. Doctoral position on “Measuring bacterial motility and chemotaxis in the oceans”

Summary of Doctoral Project:

Marine bacteria play a fundamental role in global biogeochemical cycles, contributing, among many other impacts, to the control of atmospheric carbon dioxide levels and access to elements throughout marine trophic networks. Bacteria do this as a result of their microscale interactions with resources—for example marine snow particles and the nutrient-rich psychosphere surrounding phytoplankton—that are often transient and highly heterogeneous. Many marine bacteria use movement behaviour to forage in the ocean’s heterogeneous resource landscape, yet there remain fundamental open questions as to the forms, prevalence and ecological impact of motility and chemotaxis in marine bacteria.

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15. Doctoral position on “Tracking bacterial motility and chemotaxis”

Summary of Doctoral Project:

The Environmental Microfluidics Group of Professor Roman Stocker in the Institute of Environmental Engineering is seeking a dynamic and motivated doctoral student for a project on tracking the motility and chemotaxis of marine bacteria in response to resource hotspots. The position is funded by a recently awarded Swiss National Science Foundation grant on “The ecological role of bacterial motility in the ocean” and will be based in the laboratory of Professor Roman Stocker (ETH Zurich).

Last Application Date: Open Until Filled

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16. PhD positions in Online Communities

Summary of Doctoral Project:

Over the past years, online communities have rapidly become important sources of innovation in society. This project aims to advance understanding of how members of such communities coordinate their work and create knowledge and innovation. These questions are of particular relevance due to the unique organizational characteristics of online communities, including their flat hierarchies, voluntary membership, and open organizational boundaries that enable ideas for new products and services to be sourced from anywhere and anyone. The PhD candidate will investigate various aspects of online communities that have been shown to be of critical importance for the success of online communities yet remain underexplored. The research will focus on healthcare-related online communities and open source software development communities.

Last Application Date: Open Until Filled

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17. PhD position in Systems Security

Summary of Doctoral Project:

The Computer Security Group (https://comsec.ethz.ch) is a research group in the Department of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering at ETH Zürich. We are interested in a variety of hot topics in the area of systems security with a special focus on hardware. The main aim of the group is improving the security of modern computer systems. To do that, we often build novel analysis techniques to uncover previously-unknown attack surfaces and when appropriate we design and implement new systems to protect against various classes of attacks. This means that the group does heavy technical work, from building low-level systems to analyzing hardware components. Examples of our research topics include microarchitectural security, DRAM security, operating system security and peripheral security to name a few.

Last Application Date: Open Until Filled

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18. PhD position in Hardware Security

Summary of Doctoral Project:

The Computer Security Group (https://comsec.ethz.ch) is a research group in the Department of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering at ETH Zürich. We are interested in a variety of hot topics in the area of systems security with a special focus on hardware. The main aim of the group is improving the security of modern computer systems. To do that, we often build novel analysis techniques to uncover previously-unknown attack surfaces and when appropriate we design and implement new systems to protect against various classes of attacks. This means that the group does heavy technical work, from building hardware/software systems to analyzing hardware components. Examples of our research topics include microarchitectural security, DRAM security, operating system security and peripheral security to name a few.

Last Application Date: Open Until Filled

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19. PhD position in Computational Earthquake Physics

Summary of Doctoral Project:

The PhD project is in the emerging domain of numerical modelling and earthquake physics. A major goal in earthquake physics is to develop a constitutive modelling framework that captures the dependence of fault behaviour on rock rheology, temperature, and fluids. In this PhD project, we tie together progress in computational methods, deformation experiments, and field observations, to develop the next generation of modelling tools to capture the complex multi-physics and multi-scale response of active tectonic faults across spatiotemporal scales. The overarching modelling challenges of this project are relevant to geosciences as a whole, as they include capturing the effects of smaller-scale processes on larger-scale phenomena using multiple types of observables to constrain multi-scale and multi-physics modelling. Such integrative modelling can improve our physical understanding of how tectonic faults operate in space and time and thus advance our understanding of earthquake source processes.

Last Application Date: Open Until Filled

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20. Two PhD positions at the chair for the History and Theory of Architecture

Summary of Doctoral Project:

The project « Building Identity: Character in Architectural Debate and Design, 1750-1850 » examines the uses and meaning of ‘character’ in architectural criticism and practice in the period 1750-1850. In architectural discourse ‘character’ denotes the capacity of buildings to give expression to quality or emotion, and thereby enter into a meaningful relationship with the public. Still used in architectural criticism today, often casually, ‘character’ was a topic of intense exploration and debate in European architectural criticism and practice in the period 1750-1850. This project will produce a critical history of the uses and meaning of ‘character’ in that period, to understand why it became so important, and why its concepts persist today. It studies writings on the character in architecture against the background of key developments during the Enlightenment and combines close reading with historical research.

Last Application Date: Open Until Filled

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21. PhD position in Digital Transformation

Summary of Doctoral Project:

The Chair of Strategic Management and Innovation (SMI), Prof. Dr. Georg von Krogh at the Department of Management, Technology and Economics, ETH Zurich, invites applications for a PhD position in Digital Transformation. You will be co-supervised by Prof. Georg von Krogh and a team of senior researchers at SMI (http://www.smi.ethz.ch/group-people.html) and will be funded by Swiss National Science Foundation. The duration of the PhD program is three to four years. The starting date is August 2022.

Last Application Date: Open Until Filled

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22. Doctoral Candidate – Evaluating sustainable food systems

Summary of Doctoral Project:

The project objective is two-fold: (i) to improve and/or develop sustainability evaluation methods in the realm of life cycle assessment, prospective life cycle assessment, scenario projections, or integrated modelling, and (ii) to develop recommendations for sustainability improvements in different supply chains, countries, and regions, based on quantitative analyses. An additional focus will be on future foods and alternative proteins (e.g., plant-based foods, cultured meat, insects, and microalgae) in collaboration with EU partners. The position is fully funded.

Last Application Date: Open Until Filled

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23. PhD position in Computational genomics

Summary of Doctoral Project:

Cattle are an interesting «model organism» to study the molecular-genetic underpinnings of complex traits and dieseases. Whole-genome sequencing and dense phenotyping data are availble for tens of thousands of individuals. These data enable powerful association testing to study the genetic architecture of complex traits and diseases. Moreover, the availability of a vast amount of omics data, an accurate functional annotation, and long read sequencing offer great opportunities to scrutinize trait-associated genomic regions. Integrating different types of data will eventually permit identifying causal trait nucleotides. This project builds upon previous research conducted by the Animal Genomics group that aimed at investigating the genetic architecture of complex traits, and revealing trait-associated sequence variants. Moreover, access to variation-aware references, multi-assembly graphs, and the first bovine pangenome from multiple haplotype-resolved assemblies will also make structural variation amenable to association testing. The Animal Genomics group also has excellent collaborations with national and international academic and industry partners to establish large and informative datsets that permit exciting research at the forefront of animal genomics.

Last Application Date: Open Until Filled

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24. PhD Students in Quantum Computing with Superconducting Circuits

Summary of Doctoral Project:

As a successful candidate, you will become part of our young team setting up large-scale quantum computing systems in a brand-new lab. Like the rest of the team, you will be working closely with the Quantum Device Lab – a well-established research group – and be able to both benefit from the expertise developed there and to contribute to its progress. You will perform collaborative research towards the realization of quantum computing technologies. You will get to contribute to diverse aspects of the experimental effort, both technical (design of electronics and mechanical components, building of microwave setups) and conceptual (design of experiments, planning of future research strategies). In the lab, you will either realize noisy intermediate scale quantum (NISQ) algorithms for applications in quantum chemistry, material science and optimization problems, or pursue the development of fault-tolerant quantum computation by implementing error correction.

Last Application Date: Open Until Filled

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25. Doctoral position on “Behavioral responses of young fish to hydropeaking”

Summary of Doctoral Project:

Switzerland’s Energy Strategy 2050 aims to increase hydroelectricity production in Switzerland as a source of renewable energy. Over the same period, the Swiss Water Protection Act requires the ecological improvement of the country’s waterways, restoring or protecting habitats for the aquatic biota, particularly fish populations. These opposing objectives bring enormous challenges to both the hydropower industry and environmental protection. For example, the operation of high-head storage hydropower plants can generate hydropeaking, an unnatural and abrupt change in river discharge in downstream river reaches. The resulting changes in habitat availability and location can adversely impact aquatic biota along affected river reaches. These rapid alterations in discharge threaten, in particular, the early life stages of riverine fish species due to their reduced swimming ability in the face of their high need to disperse. The ability of young fish to move along spatial gradients of flow depth and flow velocity will determine the effects of hydropeaking.

Last Application Date: Open Until Filled

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26. Multiple PhD Student positions — Food Biotechnology and Food Biochemistry

Summary of Doctoral Project:

Fermented foods and beverages are a nutritionally and culturally significant component of human diets globally, as well as a primary source of microorganisms and microbial metabolites that shape both food quality and human health. This includes improvements in food nutrition and safety, via the production of microbial metabolites, altering food chemical composition, affecting nutrient absorption or fibre fermentability, and reducing anti-nutrient and toxin levels. Given the role of fermented foods in the human diet.

Last Application Date: Open Until Filled

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27. PhD student position in experimental fluid dynamics

Summary of Doctoral Project:

Currently, little is known about cavitation bubble dynamics in complex fluids. We are particularly interested in yield-stress fluids, which form a specific class of non-Newtonian fluids that possess characteristic yield stress below which they may support the imposed external stress elastically but beyond which they no longer act as a solid but rather flow like a viscous fluid. Such viscoplastic behaviour is present in a wide range of soft materials, such as emulsions, foams, detergents, and gels. Cavitation bubble dynamics in such media are relevant in numerous industrial sectors such as additive manufacturing, food industry, cosmetics, and ultrasound-induced degassing and defoaming processes.

Last Application Date: Open Until Filled

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28. PhD in Modelling Evolutionary Dynamics of Antibiotic Resistance

Summary of Doctoral Project:

The position is supervised by Dr Sonja Lehtinen and funded by an SNF Prima grant. The Evolutionary Epidemiology group is part of the Theoretical Biology group, led by Prof. Sebastian Bonhoeffer. The group is friendly and collaborative, with people from diverse backgrounds working on a range of projects relating to microbial evolution and dynamics. The position is funded for 4 years. The start date is flexible, ideally around 1.9.2022. Project background This project aims to improve our understanding of the ecological and evolutionary principles that govern the spread of antibiotic resistance. We are sampling and sequencing E. coli from a cohort of nursery children to generate a unique dataset on strain diversity and dynamics in the human gut.

Last Application Date: Open Until Filled

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29. PhD Student: On the fundamentals of bulk nanobubble stability and the development of sustainable water treatment technologies

Summary of Doctoral Project:

Nanobubbles on surfaces (surface nanobubbles) and in bulk liquids (bulk nanobubbles, diameters < 100 nm) are expected to dissolve quickly due to the fast kinetics of gas dissolution, which is driven by high Laplace pressures. Despite this, previous work has shown how surface nanobubbles can overcome this obstacle and be stabilized by contact line pinning, which can result from intrinsic nanoscale physical roughness or chemical heterogeneity of the substrate, allowing the curvature of the nanobubble to decrease while outgassing and reducing the Laplace pressure. Recent experimental evidence and theoretical work support the existence of nanobubbles in bulk liquids­, although the evidence is not definitive. Furthermore, absent a surface, the mechanism of bulk nanobubble metastability must be very different from surface nanobubbles. In this interdisciplinary Swiss NSF project, we aim to create an integrated science base for how environmental conditions affect bulk nanobubble formation, metastability, dissolution, and transport at the single bubble level through experimental and theoretical investigations.

Last Application Date: Open Until Filled

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30. PhD opening for in-vitro models of the placental barrier to study human Brucella infection and antibiotic treatment

Summary of Doctoral Project:

Within the framework of a collaborative project within the National Competence Center of Research (NCCR) “Antiresist” (https://www.nccr-antiresist.ch/en/), the student will develop a microphysiological model of the placental barrier to study Brucella infection and antibiotic treatment at the maternal-fetal interface. The placental-barrier model will be included in a dedicated microfluidic platform to emulate brucellosis under physiologically relevant conditions and to reproduce the highly dynamic microenvironment of the placental interstitial space. The infection process and drug action will be continuously monitored at high resolution using high resolution live microscopy. Mechanisms of bacterial infections and host-pathogen interactions will be studied at molecular and cellular levels, and novel therapeutic approaches will be developed to combat brucellosis.

Last Application Date: Open Until Filled

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