AMS-AAAS Mass Media Fellowship Research Fundings

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Requirement of AMS-AAAS Mass Media Fellowship

It’s important to start the online application as soon as you decide you want to apply. This will allow you to take a look at the application and see what you’ll need to provide. A complete application packet consists of:

1. Applicant information (contact information, academic history, etc.)

2. Candidate Questions: Responses to each of the reflective questions found within the online application (250 words each)

  • Describe your previous research experience.
  • Why are you, as a scientist or engineer, interested in participating in this program?
  • What in your background has prepared you for this fellowship?
  • How do you think the skills learned from the fellowship will impact your future career or academic plans?
  • Describe your participation in any science communication or outreach activities.
  • What other communication skills would you bring to the fellowship?
  • How did you find out about the program? (50 word maximum)

3. General Writing Sample: Brief sample of your writing on any subject–science or non-science topic and directed toward a non-scientific audience, using language appropriate for the general public. DO NOT submit technical or journal articles. 1000 words entered into text box in application.

4. Sample News Story: A 750 word ‘news’ story for the general public summarizing a recent science, mathematics or engineering journal paper (the original journal article must be published after July 2021) and describing what the study’s findings are, why they are important, and what the impact will be on the public. The original paper MUST BE PRIMARY LITERATURE (scientific paper published in a journal or presented at a scientific conference, NOT from a newspaper, magazine or other popular media). 750 words entered into text box in application.

5. Upload source article: The journal article used to write your Sample News Story.

6. Your CV (uploaded as a PDF; 5-page maximum)

7. (Optional) Up to four supporting materials uploaded to enhance your application. These can be additional media samples or letters of recommendation you obtain and upload.

8. (Optional) Demographic information

Applicants are evaluated by experts in the sciences, public engagement, and media. AAAS staff are responsible for the final decisions and for negotiations between the candidates, funding organizations, and media hosts. Telephone or virtual interviews are generally conducted with finalists in March or early April. Applicants should receive final notification of the status of their application by April 15th, but are encouraged to contact at any time to check on the status of their applications.

Fellowship Eligibility

1. Applicants must a) be enrolled as students (upper level undergraduate or graduate), b) be a postdoctoral trainee, or c) apply within one year of the completion of a) or b). Applicants must be in the life, physical, health, engineering, computer, or social sciences or mathematics and related fields. If you have questions about your eligibility, email

2. Students enrolled in English, journalism, science journalism, or other non-technical fields are not eligible for the AAAS Mass Media Fellowship BUT these students may be eligible for the Diverse Voices in Science Journalism Internship.

3. Applicants must be US citizens or already hold visas that allow them to receive payment for work during the summer. AAAS cannot assist in obtaining/retaining visas. The fellowship is also open to US citizens studying abroad, as long as they can pay their way back into the US for the fellowship. Employment taxes may be higher for non-citizens. If you are a non-citizen and are considering applying we encourage you to contact

4. Successful applicants are required to attend an orientation at AAAS headquarters at the beginning of the summer (early June) and a wrap-up session at the end of the summer (mid-August). They will prepare reports on the progress of their fellowships throughout their placement.

If you have any questions, please email



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