GREAT Scholarships 2024 | British Council

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GREAT Scholarship 2024 | British Council

Grade Level Postgraduates
Country United Kingdom
Eligible Nationalities 14 countries
Required Language English
Sponsors UK government’s GREAT Britain Campaign and the British Council 
Award £10,000 towards tuition fees 
Application Deadline  Please refer official website.

Are you a student seeking an exciting opportunity or scholarship to support your degree program? GREAT Scholarships, United Kingdom inviting online application for GREAT Scholarships 2024 | British Council.

Don’t let this fantastic chance pass you by by missing the application deadline! In this article, we’ll go over this scholarship program’s features, benefits, and step-by-step application process.

About GREAT Scholarship 2024 | British Council

Students from 14 nations have the chance to receive £10,000 towards their tuition costs for a variety of one-year taught postgraduate programmes under the GREAT Scholarships programme.

In England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland, 49 institutions are offering 200 scholarships for the academic year 2024–25.

The following nations provide students with the opportunity to apply for GREAT Scholarships: Please click on the following links to learn more about the scholarships available in your country:

Each scholarship is co-funded by the British Council and partner UK higher education institutions under the GREAT Britain Campaign of the UK government. 

All GREAT scholars will get invitations to a welcoming event and a networking event as part of the curriculum in the first and second semesters, respectively. 

Students who take part in the GREAT Scholarships 2024 have access to top-notch educational and research facilities in the UK, advancing their knowledge and professional abilities in their area of study. They also integrate into a broad and active multinational community that promotes cross-cultural dialogue and world peace.

The British Council is dedicated to promoting educational opportunities and developing global alliances in conjunction with UK universities. Their commitment to developing future leaders and promoting academic success on a worldwide basis is embodied in The GREAT Scholarships 2024.

Program of Study

The precise courses offered under the programme may change based on the UK institutions that participate.

  • Engineering and Technology
  • Science and Mathematics
  • Business and Management
  • Social Sciences
  • Arts and Humanities
  • Computer Science and Information Technology
  • Medicine and Health Sciences
  • Environmental Studies

The programme intends to aid students who are pursuing degrees in disciplines that are in high demand and new fields.

Reputable UK colleges provide a wide variety of programmes that students may select from.

Based on academic excellence and the requirements established by the participating universities, courses are chosen.

Students get the chance to use top-notch educational and research facilities in the UK thanks to the programme.

The courses provide a rich learning environment that enables students to learn more in-depth information and skills in their area of study.

Students from all nations and backgrounds are encouraged to collaborate internationally and share cultures through the programme.

Scholarship Coverage

  • The GREAT Scholarships 2024 program provides financial support to selected international students.
  • The scholarship coverage may vary depending on the participating UK universities and the specific scholarships offered.
  • The scholarships typically cover a portion of the tuition fees for the chosen course of study.
  • In some cases, the scholarships may also include additional benefits such as a stipend for living expenses or a contribution towards accommodation costs.
  • The exact amount of scholarship funding and the specific coverage details are determined by the participating universities.
  • It is important for students to carefully review the scholarship information provided by the university they are applying to in order to understand the exact coverage and any specific terms and conditions.
  • The scholarships are awarded based on merit, and the selection process considers academic excellence and leadership potential.
  • Students who are awarded the scholarship will receive financial assistance to pursue their studies at the chosen UK university.
  • The scholarship coverage aims to alleviate the financial burden for international students and enable them to focus on their academic and personal development.
  • The program is designed to support outstanding students who demonstrate the potential to contribute positively to their field of study and become future leaders in their respective industries.

Eligibility Criteria 

GREAT scholars must:

  • Possess Indian nationality.
  • Possess a bachelor’s degree, be driven, and be enthusiastic about the suggested subject.
  • Fulfil the UK’s English language proficiency requirements HEI build an academic relationship with the UK through fostering personal and academic success.
  • Be willing to attend a networking event for all GREAT scholars who are based in the UK in order to share experiences and get opinions on studying there.
  • Be prepared to serve as an advocate for the GREAT Scholarships and keep communication with the British Council and their HEI.
  • Be prepared to periodically talk to prospective applicants about his or her personal experience studying in the UK as a GREAT Scholarships alum.

Required Documents

  • The specific required documents for GREAT Scholarships 2024 may vary depending on the participating UK universities and their individual application processes. However, some common documents that are typically required include:
  • Completed scholarship application form (provided by the participating university or institution)
  • Proof of citizenship or nationality (passport or national identity card)
  • Academic transcripts and certificates from previous educational institutions (high school or undergraduate degree, depending on the level of study)
  • Proof of English language proficiency (such as IELTS or TOEFL scores)
  • Curriculum Vitae (CV) or resume outlining academic achievements, work experience, and extracurricular activities
  • Personal statement or statement of purpose explaining the applicant’s academic and career goals, as well as their motivation for applying for the scholarship
  • Letters of recommendation from teachers, professors, or employers who can attest to the applicant’s academic abilities and potential
  • Any additional documents or requirements specified by the participating university, such as portfolio for creative arts programs or research proposal for postgraduate research degrees
  • It is essential for applicants to carefully review the specific requirements outlined by the participating universities and provide all requested documents within the given deadlines.
  • It is recommended to check the official website of the participating universities or the British Council website for detailed information on the required documents for the GREAT Scholarships 2023 program.

How to Apply for GREAT Scholarship 2024 | British Council?

For further information, go to the university page mentioned above and then click the link to the institution’s website.
Utilise the procedures provided on each university’s scholarship homepage to submit an individual scholarship application.
The submission date for the GREAT Scholarship varies depending on the university. Please go to the institution website for specifics on each institution’s deadlines.
Individual universities will inform selected scholars of the outcome of their applications.
Individual colleges will provide scholarship money to successful applicants following registration.

Terms and conditions apply

• Scholarships will be open only to target country passport holders, and in respect of China, mainland
passport holders only.
• The scholarship can only be used towards tuition fees.
• UK HEIs should award the scholarships by 30 June 2024. Application deadlines may vary for individual
• The Study UK team must be informed of any other scholarships awarded to a GREAT scholar in the
same academic year.
• The profile of a GREAT scholar below outlines the requirements of the scholarship and should be
used for reference.

Profile of a GREAT Scholar

GREAT scholars must:

• be a citizen of a GREAT target country.
• have an undergraduate degree that will enable entry onto a postgraduate programme at one of the UK
universities taking part in the GREAT Scholarships campaign.
• be motivated and academically able to follow and benefit from a UK postgraduate taught course.
• be active in the field with work experience or with a proven interest in the proposed subject area
• meet the English language requirement and other academic requirements of the UK HEI.
• be willing to embody the UK Higher Education experience, by attending lectures and tutorials and
engaging with extra-curricular activities, and act as an ambassador for UK Higher Education, by
promoting the value of studying at a UK HEI.
• be willing to establish an engagement with the UK as a scholar, through personal and academic
• represent the high standards of the GREAT brand by becoming an advocate for scholarships.
• be willing to attend events or participate in other activities organised by Study UK and the British
Council for all UK-based GREAT scholars, including social media activities to discuss experiences and
capture perceptions of studying in the UK
• be willing to demonstrate future contribution to capacity-building and socio-economic advancement
through the benefits achieved after graduating from UK higher education.
• be willing to maintain contact with the British Council and act as an ambassador for the GREAT
Scholarships, by sharing experiences of studying in the UK with future GREAT scholars.
• as an alumnus of the GREAT Scholarships, be willing, occasionally, to speak to potential candidates
about his or her own experience of studying in the UK.

FAQ About Scholarship

Q: What is the GREAT Scholarships 2024 program?

A: The GREAT Scholarships 2024 programme is a British Council initiative that offers scholarships to overseas students who wish to pursue higher education in the UK. It seeks to assist pupils who exhibit both academic prowess and leadership potential.

Q: Who is eligible to apply for the GREAT Scholarships 2024?

A: Depending on the participating UK institutions, the eligibility requirements may change. In general, international students from particular countries are eligible for the programme. On the official websites of the participating universities or the British Council, you may find information about the precise qualifying conditions.

Q: The GREAT Scholarships 2024 encompass what academic fields and courses?

A wide range of academic fields and courses are covered by the programme, including but not limited to engineering, science, business, social sciences, arts, computer science, medical, and environmental studies. The universities that are involved determine the courses that are offered.

Q: How can I submit a GREAT Scholarship 2024 application?

A: Interested students must submit their applications directly to the UK colleges that are sponsoring the scholarships. Universities have different prerequisites and application processes. For comprehensive application information, it is advised to consult the British Council website or the official university websites.

Q: What does the scholarship cover?

A: The scope of the scholarships varies according to the colleges that are involved. Usually, it pays for a portion of the chosen study course’s tuition costs. Some scholarships could also come with other perks like housing or living expense stipends. The participating universities can provide the specific information.

Q: How are the recipients of the GREAT Scholarships 2024 selected?

A: The procedure for choosing participants is unique to each university and is based on merit. Assessing candidates’ academic standing, leadership potential, and fit for the chosen course are typically included. Application materials such academic transcripts, personal statements, and letters of recommendation are examined by selection committees, who may also conduct interviews sometimes.

Q: Are there any post-scholarship obligations?

A: The participating colleges decide on any post-scholarship duties. Some institutions could demand that scholarship winners keep up a specific level of academic performance, take part in school activities, or make contributions to their field of study after they graduate. The particular terms and conditions of the scholarship provided by the institution should be carefully read by applicants.

Q: Where can I find more information about the GREAT Scholarships 2024 program?

A: It is advised to check the official British Council website or the websites of the participating universities for further information, including a list of the UK universities that are participating and their specific scholarship options, instructions for applying, and deadlines.

Official Notification

Disclaimer: This is not the official scholarship website; it is only a one-page description of the scholarship. Despite our best efforts to keep the material up to date and correct, changes might happen at any time without prior notice. The most current, accurate, and complete information may be found on the official scholarship website, which we strongly advise you to verify. Any reliance you put on knowledge received from is totally at your own risk.

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