Jack Kent Cooke Foundation College Scholarship Program 2024

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Jack Kent Cooke Foundation College Scholarship Program 2024

Grade Level Undergraduates
Country Virginia, United States
Eligible Nationalities All Countries
Required Language English

Jack Kent Cooke Foundation


$55,000 per year

Application Deadline  Please refer University website

Are you a student seeking an exciting opportunity or scholarship to support your degree program? Jack Kent Cooke Foundation, United States inviting online application for Jack Kent Cooke Foundation College Scholarship Program 2024.

Don’t let this fantastic chance pass you by by missing the application deadline! In this article, we’ll go over this scholarship program’s features, benefits, and step-by-step application process.

About Jack Kent Cooke Foundation College Scholarship Program 2024

A prominent scholarship opportunity, the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation College Scholarship Programme 2024, aids high-achieving high school seniors who have financial need in pursuing their further education ambitions. The Jack Kent Cooke Foundation, a well-known institution committed to furthering the education of extraordinarily outstanding individuals, oversees the programme.

The scholarship programme seeks to offer its winners all-encompassing assistance, including up to $55,000 year to cover educational costs including tuition, fees, books, and living expenses. Scholars get financial aid as well as individualised guidance, mentoring, and access to tools to advance their academic and professional growth.

Candidates must exhibit exceptional academic achievement, significant leadership potential, and a dedication to community service in order to be considered for the programme. A thorough application assessment, which includes essays, recommendation letters, and transcripts, is part of the selection process.

The Jack Kent Cooke Foundation College Scholarship Programme 2024 is a once-in-a-lifetime chance for gifted youngsters to follow their aspirations and get access to world-class education. It not only offers financial assistance but also gives students the tools they need to succeed academically and have a positive influence on society.

Program of Study

It’s possible that the programme didn’t make its precise “Programme of Study” courses for that particular year public. However, the scholarship programme normally provides financial aid to students seeking undergraduate degrees in a range of subject areas. The chosen institution or university where the award recipients enrol will choose the precise courses and academic specialties.

About Jack Kent Cooke Foundation

The Jack Kent Cooke Foundation College is an organisation committed to giving gifted students in need of financial aid access to opportunities and high-quality education. The foundation, which was started by the late philanthropist Jack Kent Cooke, provides a range of initiatives and scholarships to support bright individuals in pursuing their academic and professional ambitions. The foundation’s main goal is to assist students from middle school through graduate school by offering financial aid, mentoring, and tools to help them reach their full potential. The Jack Kent Cooke Foundation College is dedicated to supporting academic success and giving students the tools they need to develop into leaders who have a positive influence on their communities and beyond.

Scholarship Coverage

  • Based on the cost of tuition and the total amount of additional scholarships or grants a recipient will get, the award amount varies each student. The Jack Kent Cooke Foundation’s scholarship has an annual cap of $55,000. If a considerable unmet financial need has been identified, the Foundation may go above the maximum cap in select exceptional cases. Each grant may cover all or a portion of your educational expenses, such as tuition, accommodation and board, books, and other fees needed to finish your bachelor’s degree programme, which cannot run more than four years.
  • Each year, the scholarship is up for renewal. The Jack Kent Cooke Foundation will evaluate your academic performance, financial eligibility, behaviour, degree progress, and collaboration with the Foundation at the conclusion of each academic year and, in the Foundation’s sole discretion, decide whether to renew the scholarship for the next academic year. A scholarship may also be revoked by the Foundation during the academic year based on a comparable evaluation, in its sole discretion.
  • The Cooke College Scholarship is designed to cover awardees’ expenses for four years. Only exceptional circumstances would be taken into account here.
  • Money from scholarships is given right to your school. The school will provide you the money if your scholarship includes a stipend as part of it.
  • In dual degree programmes, the scholarship will pay for the undergraduate component. The Cooke College Scholarship Programme does not cover the graduate component, which is often the fifth year.

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible to apply to the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation College Scholarship Program you must:

•Graduate from a U.S. high school in spring 2024
•Intend to enroll full time in an accredited four-year college beginning in fall 2024
•Earn a cumulative unweighted GPA of 3.5 or above
•Demonstrate unmet financial need.

  • We will consider applicants with family annual gross income up to $95,000. During the selection process, the Foundation will conduct a full financial review which will take into account all income and assets of the student and the student’s parents.
  • you do not have to attend college in the U.S., but you must attend a fully accredited four-year institution to pursue a baccalaureate degree.
  • You must provide information on your family’s Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) as reported on your federal tax return from the past three years. If your family did not file taxes for any reason, you must provide estimated income for each year as well as an explanation.
  •  homeschooled students are eligible to apply.
  • We strongly encourage you to request your two recommendations from educators other than your parents, for example, a professor from any dual-enrollment college courses, someone who has mentored you in a tutorial, the local librarian with whom you’ve discussed books over the years, or someone in whose lab you have done research.
  • You must not be enrolled in a bachelor’s program at the time of application. You must be planning to enroll full time in an accredited four-year institution for fall 2024.

Required Documents

Two Academic Recommendations: Two academic recommendations must be provided through the Common App as part of a full application. A core academic subject (English/language arts, mathematics, social studies/history, science, or foreign language) teacher from the 11th grade must provide one recommendation. Another core subject teacher or professor who has worked with you at any point since ninth grade may provide a second endorsement. Both of your recommenders should be familiar with your character and academic achievement, and they should be able to talk about how you’ve progressed through the course material, any obstacles you’ve encountered and how you overcame them, as well as your general academic involvement.

One Counselor Recommendation: You must submit one counsellor reference through the Common App in addition to your academic recommendations. This recommendation should come from your high school counsellor. If your school doesn’t have a counsellor, you can identify your principal or another local or foreign school official who has kept an eye on your academic development. Additionally, you must ask this individual to complete the School Report under the FERPA and Recommenders area under the My Colleges page.

School Report: A school report, also known as a school profile, is a written record from your institution that often comes from the registrar’s or school counselor’s office. It contains details on the student body, the kinds of classes your institution offers, and other significant information about the services it provides. You must request your school counsellor to upload this paper to your application site in the Common App.

Transcripts: Unofficial transcripts must be submitted, and you must correctly self-report your courses and grades on the Common App. If you are selected as a semifinalist, we can later on in the assessment process ask for an official copy of your transcript.

How to Apply for Jack Kent Cooke Foundation College Scholarship Program 2024?

  1. Review the Eligibility Criteria: Familiarize yourself with the specific eligibility requirements for the scholarship program. These may include criteria such as academic performance, financial need, leadership potential, and community involvement.
  2. Gather Required Documents: Collect the necessary documents for your application, which may include academic transcripts, standardized test scores, letters of recommendation, personal essays, financial information, and proof of eligibility.
  3. Complete the Application Form: Fill out the scholarship application form according to the instructions provided. Ensure that you provide accurate and complete information.
  4. Write Personal Essays: Prepare and write any required personal statements or essays. Pay attention to the provided prompts and guidelines, and use this opportunity to showcase your achievements, goals, and aspirations.
  5. Submit Required Materials: Compile all the required documents, including the completed application form, essays, transcripts, and letters of recommendation. Follow the instructions provided by the foundation to submit your application materials. This may involve mailing hard copies or submitting electronically through an online portal.
  6. Review and Finalize: Before submitting your application, review all the materials to ensure accuracy, completeness, and adherence to guidelines. Make any necessary revisions or edits.
  7. Submit Application by the Deadline: Submit your completed application by the specified deadline. Late submissions are typically not accepted, so be sure to plan your timeline accordingly.
  8. Follow-Up and Notification: After submitting your application, keep track of any further steps or notifications from the foundation. They may request additional information or schedule interviews as part of the selection process. Stay responsive and promptly provide any requested information.

FAQ About Scholarship

Who was Jack Kent Cooke?

Mr. Cooke was a businessman, philanthropist, and lover of education and the arts who donated the majority of his inheritance to found the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation to support bright students in realising their educational potential.

Who is eligible to apply for the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation College Scholarship Program?

Academic excellence, financial necessity, leadership potential, and community participation are a few examples of eligibility requirements. The easiest way to find out the precise qualifying requirements is to consult the program’s official rules or get in touch with the foundation directly.

How much financial support is offered by the scholarship programme?

Depending on the individual’s financial need and the cost of attendance at their preferred university, the scholarship programme may offer financial aid up to a specific sum. The programme guidelines or by directly contacting the foundation will contain the precise information.

When is the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation College Scholarship Program’s deadline for applications?

The deadline for applications may change from year to year. For the most precise and recent information on the application deadline for the particular year you are interested in, please refer to the official programme rules or contact the foundation directly.

What documents are required for the application?

Academic transcripts, test scores, letters of recommendation, personal essays, financial information, and documentation of eligibility may all be needed for the application. The best option for finding the precise list of needed papers for the 2024 application is to check the programme criteria or get in touch with the foundation.

How are scholarship recipients selected?

A thorough examination of all application materials, including academic records, essays, letters of recommendation, and other elements, may be part of the selection process. The foundation may decide to add interviews or extra phases to the process. The programme instructions or by directly contacting the foundation will contain the exact selection criteria and procedure.

Can I apply for the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation College Scholarship if I am an international student?

Scholarship programmes frequently include particular requirements for candidates’ citizenship or residence. To find out if overseas students are qualified to apply for the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation College Scholarship, it is recommended to check the programme rules or get in touch with the foundation directly.

Official Notification

Disclaimer: This is not the official scholarship website; it is only a one-page description of the scholarship. Despite our best efforts to keep the material up to date and correct, changes might happen at any time without prior notice. The most current, accurate, and complete information may be found on the official scholarship website, which we strongly advise you to verify. Any reliance you put on knowledge received from NotesBard.com is totally at your own risk.

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