09 Postdoctoral Fellowships at Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands

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Are you holding PhD degree and looking for Postdoctoral Fellowships? Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands inviting application for multiple Postdoctoral Fellowships. Eindhoven University of Technology is one of the largest university in the world with thousands of employees, students, and research scientists are involved in the innovation of science and technology daily.

Eindhoven University of Technology has huge a campus in Netherlands and widely known as for its contribution in top notch education and research. The contribution of Eindhoven University of Technology is not only limited to natural sciences and engineering but it also offers high quality research as well as higher education in bio-medical sciences, social sciences, humanities, psychology, education, architecture etc..

1. PostDoc on quantitative microscopy of anisotropic colloidal self-assembly

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

In this project, you will investigate the role of shape anisotropy in colloidal building blocks and interactions on self-assembly processes. For this you will synthesize the required colloidal systems and investigate the systems with high resolution confocal laser scanning microscopy. You will develop and employ quantitative anisotropic particle tracking routines to explore nucleation and growth of superstructures and to reveal the role of orientational and translational degrees of freedom. The aim is to obtain new insights into the fundamental processes and general design rules that govern the self-assembly of anisotropic building blocks.

Last Application Date: 10/07/2022

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2. Postdoctoral Research Associate in Nonlinear Data Driven Modeling with Applications on Photosynthesis Regulation

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The DREAM is a PATHFINDER research project involving several academic partners, research institutes and industrial partners. DREAM is going to introduce disruptive technologies for measuring, monitoring and enhancing lighting efficiency in controlled environments to improve plants and enable their parsimonious cultivation. To this end, kinetic information and dynamics of photosynthetic regulation will be studied via multisinewave and fluctuating illuminations. The research in the DREAM project at Control Systems Group will focus on the frequency domain data driven linear/nonlinear modeling of dynamic behavior of conditioned algae/ plants subjected to fluctuating illumination (lighting). The candidate will closely collaborate with SONY, CNRS, Jülich Institute.

Last Application Date: 30/07/2022

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3. Postdoc in Big data management

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The position will be with the Databases group of the TU Eindhoven, which is part of the cluster Data and Artificial Intelligence. You will join a vibrant team of 4 permanent researchers/academics and 8 PhD students and postdocs, and work in an exciting EU project with industry leaders and other top research institutes across Europe. You will participate in cutting-edge research, publish your work in leading conferences and journals for data management (SIGMOD, VLDB, TODS, TKDE), contribute in open-source tools, and collaborate with industry leaders to apply these tools in real world. You will travel to present your work, and to participate in meetings with world-class academics and industrial partners.

Last Application Date: 03/07/2022

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4. Guest workplace for Ukrainian Scientists in Human Performance Management

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

As a visiting lecturer/researcher you will continue to do your own research, but you will also join the colloquia and research meetings that are organized by the Human Performance Management group and the university as a whole to learn about the research that others are working on. You will develop collaborations with researchers in the Human Performance group that lead to joint research publications and possibly joint project proposals or other research output. You are also invited to contribute to courses in the Bachelor and Master Programmes of the School of Industrial Engineering and/or supervising Bachelor students for their final project. The specific courses that you may be involved in will depend on your own knowledge and expertise.

Last Application Date: 08/07/2022

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5. Guest researcher positions (unpaid) for Ukrainian Scientists

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

As a visiting researcher you will continue to do your own research, but you will also join the colloquia and research meetings that are organized by the group and the university as a whole to learn about the research that others are working on. You will develop collaborations with researchers that lead to joint research publications and possibly joint project proposals or other research output. You are also invited to contribute to courses in the Bachelor and Master Programmes of the School of Industrial Engineering and/or supervising Bachelor students for their final project. The specific courses that you may be involved in will depend on your own knowledge and expertise.

Last Application Date: 11/09/2022

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6. PostDoc on Ethics and psychology of health behavior change technology

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

Are you passionate about the potential of health behavior technology to transform the practice of medicine? Do you want your research to make a difference to the future of medical care in the Netherlands and worldwide? This post-doctoral researcher will develop a training module for Dutch clinical professionals about how to use health behavior change technology, focusing on the psychological and ethical aspects of using technology to influence health behavior. The main challenge will be to develop a module to teach best practices for the use of health behavior change technologies such as mobile applications and wearables. The target group for the module is Dutch clinical professionals such as GPs, nurse practitioners, and POH (praktijkondersteuners van de huisarts) who play a role in stimulating healthy behavior. Technologies can support target health behaviors and goal achievement through data collection, feedback, knowledge-provision, and motivational encouragement.

Last Application Date: 19/07/2022

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7. Post-doc on modeling cardiac growth and remodeling

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The Cardiovascular Biomechanics group of the department of Biomedical Engineering at the Eindhoven University of Technology is looking for a post-doc in the field of cardiac electromechanics and who specifically will contribute to the BRAV3 project (https://projectbrave.eu). The BRAV3 project aims to develop a regenerative treatment for ischemic heart disease: an innovative biological ventricular assist device (BioVAD) that is mounted onto the ischemic heart and contributes to cardiac pump function. Unlike traditional mechanical support devices, a successful BioVAD would be able to grow and remodel in time. Our contribution to the project is to generate design criteria for the BioVAD based upon computational modeling of the electromechanical interaction between heart and BioVAD. Models for the short-term interaction are currently being developed by a third year PhD student in the finite element platform Fenics (https://fenicsproject.org/).

Last Application Date: 30/06/2022

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8. Postdoc positions on Seamless design of Smart Edge Processors

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

With the rise of deep learning (DL), our world braces for Artificial Intelligence (AI) in every edge device, creating an urgent need for Edge-AI processing hardware. Unlike existing solutions, this hardware needs to support high throughput, reliable, and secure AI processing at ultra-low power (ULP), combined with a very short time to market. With its strong position in edge solutions and open processing platforms, the EU is ideally positioned to become the leader in this edge-AI market. However, certain roadblocks keep the EU from assuming this leadership role: Edge processors need to become 100x more energy efficient; Their complexity demands automated design with 10x design-time reduction; They must be secure and reliable to gain acceptance; Finally, they should be flexible and powerful to support the rapidly evolving DL domain.

Last Application Date: 03/07/2022

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9. Postdoc quantum protocols QKD and Beyond

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

Depending on the direction you take, your QKD and other Quantum Cryptography research can be utilized within the Quantum Communication testbed in projects with external partners. The goal of this testbed is to enable academic institutions and companies to develop and test out new ideas and technologies in quantum communication. This will give you the chance of seeing a the real world impact of your ideas fast. This role is part of a large, long term, well-funded national program on quantum technologies (Quantum Delta NL). One of the three development lines (Catalist-2, or CAT2) is fully dedicated to Quantum Key Distribution, Communication and Quantum internet. Within this development line, you will have the opportunity to work with and interact with many other experts in quantum communication, computing and sensing, both in the TU/e and (inter)nationally.

Last Application Date: 17/07/2022

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