35 Fully Funded PhD Programs at University of Bergen, Norway

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Are you holding Master’s degree and looking for PhD positions – Fully Funded PhD Programs in Europe? University of Bergen, Norway inviting application for funded PhD Programs or fully funded PhD Scholarship. University of Bergen is one of the largest university in the world with thousands of employees, students, and research scientists are involved in the innovation of science and technology daily.

University of Bergen has huge a campus in Norway and widely known as for its contribution in top notch education and research. The contribution of University of Bergen is not only limited to natural sciences and engineering but it also offers high quality research as well as higher education in bio-medical sciences, social sciences, humanities, psychology, education, architecture etc.

1. PhD in Political Science

Summary of Doctoral Project:

There is a vacancy for a PhD position at the Department of Administration and Organization Theory, University of Bergen (from August 2022: Department of Government). The position is for a fixed-term period of 4 years, of which 25% will be dedicated to teaching, supervision, and dissemination at the Department. The Department covers political science, studies of public policy, public administration, democracy and participation, and an organizational approach to the study of political institutions. Research at the department is organized in research groups. Applicants are advised to consult and make themselves familiar with the teaching and research profile of the department.

Last Application Date: 15th August 2022

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2. PhD position in marine ecology

Summary of Doctoral Project:

The PhD position is a part of the ClimateNarratives project that will use Disko Bay as a case study for a Greenland ocean-glacier system. ClimateNarratives will improve scientific understanding of climate change and changing natural systems in Greenland and the southwest Pacific, and work to better exchange local knowledge and narratives with local indigenous communities. The overall project objective is to co-create new knowledge to better assess physical and biological changes and their societal consequences. There are two other ClimateNarratives PhDs that will work in parallel at the Geophysical Institute (UiB) and at the University of the South Pacific. The PhD project in marine ecology will focus on the seasonality of the pelagic ecosystem and ecological interactions in Disko Bay, Greenland. The main objective for the PhD project is to provide a better understanding of how the changing physical conditions of the Disko Bay ice-ocean system impact key biological processes in the pelagic. We will use zooplankton as our main study group but also include studies of primary production and fish. At the zooplankton level, species composition, seasonality in abundance, and the timing of key life cycle events will be studied. One of the main aims is to disentangle the roles of land-based processes, such as glacier melt, and ocean-based processes such as sea ice cover and water mass advection, on the ecological dynamics in the bay. The seasonality of these drivers and the biological interactions of the pelagic ecosystem will be given much attention.

Last Application Date: 15th August 2022

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3. Doctoral Position

Summary of Doctoral Project:

Dementia with Lewy Bodies (DLB) is our focus of research in the ANeED Joint Effort. DLB is a less known but highly prevalent and severe neurodegenerative disease, characterized by non-amnestic cognitive decline, visual hallucinations, fluctuations in cognitive abilities and arousal, daytime sleepiness, sleep behavior disorder, and motor parkinsonian symptoms. DLB is underdiagnosed, frequently misdiagnosed, and severely under-researched. This PhD-project is focused on data collection using wearable devices (smart watch, EEG/EOG glasses and an EEG headband) to identify digital biomarkers for diagnosis, undertake prognosis and evaluation of drug effects in patients and of caregiver distress, develop a unique digital application for patients and their caregivers, conduct pharmacological analyses, and study the effects of elements of the Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) program.

Last Application Date: 15th August 2022

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4. PhD Research Fellow in high-resolution modelling and model analysis of the atmospheric water cycle

Summary of Doctoral Project:

The central aim of the ISLAS project is to understand the connection of processes in the atmospheric water cycle, from source to sink. The ISLAS team has recently collected a series of unique airborne and ground-based measurements in the European Arctic during marine cold-air outbreak conditions. We now intensify our efforts to quantify the contribution and efficiency of different processes in the atmospheric water cycle in numerical models. A key tool in this endeavour are constraints from the stable isotope composition of water vapour and precipitation. By combining new measurements with advanced and novel model diagnostics, we want to reveal compensating errors between different physical processes in models, which in turn can provide the basis for more consistent atmospheric water cycle in models. We are now looking for an engaged and highly qualified PhD candidate to join our dynamic, collaborative project team. As a PhD in the Meteorology group at the Geophysical Institute at University of Bergen, you will also be affiliated with the Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research (BCCR). BCCR is the largest climate research centre in the Nordic countries and among the leading centres in Europe. The working environment is highly international with around 200 scientists from 37 countries.

Last Application Date: 14th August 2022

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5. PhD Research Fellow in Meteorology

Summary of Doctoral Project:

The PhD project will focus on Arctic-Midlatitude teleconnection mechanisms and predictability. Several pathways have been proposed for teleconnections to and from the Arctic. The successful candidate will use a feature-based approach to identify linkages between Arctic weather events related to episodes of significant air-sea exchange and weather features in the midlatitudes, such as cyclones. This feature-based approach will also help to establish a physical relation between commonly used frameworks for poleward energy transport in the climate community and synoptic weather features. The approach will be complemented by also identifying teleconnections to circulation regimes in the midlatitudes as well as to Eurasia. The aim is to link previous findings based on statistical approaches to a feature-based approach, aiding the physical interpretation of the teleconnection and feedback mechanisms. The candidate will investigate these mechanisms using theory and idealised simulations as well as novel and established diagnostics applied to reanalysis and climate model data.

Last Application Date: 14th August 2022

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6. PhD Research Fellow in Biology Education Research

Summary of Doctoral Project:

We are seeking to fill a PhD position in Discipline-Based Education Research. The PhD candidate will focus on evidence-based assessment in higher education in Norway and the US, specifically addressing the following questions and topics: How do STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) instructors in Norwegian higher education make decisions regarding assessment in their courses? What factors drive these decisions? How do the impacts of an in-class test-anxiety intervention vary across institution types? Evidence-based assessment. The specific topic to be mutually agreed upon between the candidate and supervisor. Options include studying impacts of assessment changes in Norwegian STEM Higher Education, focusing on student perceptions of different assessment strategies, studying assessment strategies from an equity lens etc.

Last Application Date: 14th August 2022

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7. PhD position in User Modelling, Personalisation & Engagement at MediaFutures

Summary of Doctoral Project:

There is a vacancy for a PhD position at MediaFutures: Research Centre for Responsible Media Technology & Innovation. The position is for a fixed-term period of 3 years. MediaFutures is a new centre for research-based innovation at the Department for information science and media studies, University of Bergen, and located at Media City Bergen. The centre is a part of the Norwegian Research Council’s Research-based Innovation scheme. MediaFutures is in cooperation with industry partners from news media and media technology research topics like media experiences, recommender technology, content production and analysis, content interaction and availability, and Norwegian language technology. The goal is to develop responsible technological solutions to societal challenges like AI, fake news, echo chambers and political polarization. The results will be new digital tools, analysis methods and content types for the future of media. The center will also perform research training within media technology and innovation. This will create outputs such as new patents, prototypes, research articles and software, as well as innovative start-up companies.

Last Application Date: 14th August 2022

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8. PhD Research Fellow in Informatics: Visual Data Science to Master Complex Simulation Ensembles

Summary of Doctoral Project:

There is a vacancy for a PhD Research Fellow in Informatics at the UiB’s Department of Informatics. The position is for a fixed-term period of 3 years with the possibility of a 4 th year. The position is connected to the project “Visual Data Science to Master Complex Simulation Ensembles”, which is a collaboration between the University of Bergen and the University of Stuttgart in Germany. The planned research will be done in the context of CEDAS, UiB’s Center for Data Science. Digitization of businesses, industry, public administration, and education makes informatics play an increasingly important role in the development of the society. Research and education in informatics are crucial for the digital transformation of the society to succeed. The Department of Informatics contributes to this through seven research groups that deliver research and education at a high international level in algorithms, bioinformatics, information security, machine learning, optimization, programming theory and visualization. We are also building up a group in computer science didactics. The department offers education for the future at Bachelor, Master and PhD levels. The department is in rapid growth regarding its number of students, research directions, and employees. We have today about 900 students, and 150 employees, among which 37 are faculty and 70 PhD candidates. We have established the Center for Data Science (CEDAS) as an important extension of our research and education activities, interdisciplinary cooperation in the domain of data science, machine learning, and artificial intelligence.

Last Application Date: 14th August 2022

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9. PhD Research Fellow in Physical Chemistry of Pharmacy

Summary of Doctoral Project:

The aim of the project is to develop new lipid nanoparticle (LNP) system for oppositely charged oligonucleotide-LNP delivery. Many cationic and ionizable lipids were developed for oligonucleotide delivery over the past couple of decades. The literature highlights direct links between the structure of the lipid and the resultant delivery efficiency and tolerability of the LNPs. To unleash the potential of DNA/RNA therapies, we intend to design novel lipid structures and LNP systems with increased delivery efficiency along with a metabolic and toxicity profile that would enable chronic dosing.

Last Application Date: 14th August 2022

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10. Doctoral Position

Summary of Doctoral Project:

There is a vacancy for a PhD position in the Department of Geography. The position is for a fixed-term period of 4 years, of which 25% will be dedicated to teaching, supervision and administrative tasks in the Department. The position is linked to the Department of Geography´s focus area on environmental sustainability and societal change. Research issues within the broad theme of human-environment interactions, global environmental change ecology and consequences for nature protection and food production are welcome. Candidates with theoretical interests in environmental geography fields such as political ecology, sustainable land-use, socio-ecological systems and environmental governance, are very welcome to apply.

Last Application Date: 12th August 2022

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11. Researcher in Earth System Model Prediction

Summary of Doctoral Project:

TRIALTAS is a very strong international and interdisciplinary project with 33 partners from 13 nations in Europe, African and South America. It will deliver improved understanding of current state and future change of the marine ecosystem in the tropical and South Atlantic. It aims to develop the first climate-based marine ecosystem predictions for this region, and to work with local stakeholders to improve sustainable exploitation of ecosystem services. The researcher position will be dedicated to investigate the potential to predict marine ecosystem shifts on seasonal to decadal timescales using Earth System and marine ecosystem models. The researcher will use the state-of-the-art Norwegian Climate Prediction Model (NorCPM) including the biogeochemical model HAMOCC (the Hamburg Ocean Carbon Cycle Model) and a marine ecosystem model. This may be complemented by analysis of existing simulations from the FishMIP database. The researcher will be expected to develop interdisciplinary collaborations with scientists within the project from different backgrounds (e.g., physical oceanography, marine biology, fisheries, and social science).

Last Application Date: 8th August 2022

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12. PhD Research Fellowship in Philosophy

Summary of Doctoral Project:

At the Department of Philosophy, a position as a PhD research fellow in philosophy is available. The planned starting date is no earlier than 1 November 2022. The position is for a fixed-term period of 4 years. The Department of Philosophy has about 70 full-time and part-time employees, including about 10 PhD and postdoctoral positions. The department offers teaching at the bachelor’s level in philosophy and rhetoric, and at the master’s and PhD level in philosophy. In addition, it is responsible for running all the University of Bergen’s Examen philosophicum courses. The research at the department spans a wide area.

Last Application Date: 10th August 2022

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13. Researcher position: Understanding the logic of neural circuits that control behaviour in a simple chordate brain

Summary of Doctoral Project:

Work in the Chatzigeorgiou group focuses on studying the evolution, development and function, of chordate nervous systems, using the invertebrate chordate Ciona intestinalis as a model organism. We perform developmental and functional studies with the aim to understand the molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying the ability of Ciona larvae to sense a diversity of sensory cues and elicit ethologically relevant behaviours. This project will characterise at multiple levels the brain circuits that mediate mechanosensation and chemosensation in the larva. The first part of the project will focus on leveraging cutting-edge microscopy methods in combination with Genetically Encoded Calcium Indicators to understand the functional organization of these circuits. The second part will make use of genome editing, optogenetic and chemogenetic perturbations in combination with quantitative behavioural analysis to study how these circuits generate ethologically relevant behaviours. It is expected that the successful applicant also collaborates with other members of the workgroup, including students and postdocs.

Last Application Date: 5th August 2022

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14. Researcher position (with PhD) at the Department of Comparative Politics

Summary of Doctoral Project:

The position is part of the ERC project led by Dr. Adriana Bunea and entitled ‘CONSULTATIONEFFECTS: Effects of stakeholder consultations on the policy inputs, processes and outcomes of executive policymaking.’ The project investigates the effects of stakeholder consultations on the policy inputs, processes, outputs and outcomes of executive policymaking in a comparative perspective. The successful applicant is expected to conduct research directly linked to the project and will contribute towards achieving the research goals of the project by being directly involved into data collection, data analysis, research paper writing and the organisation of dissemination of research events. The successful applicant will work in collaboration with the PI and other members of the research team. Further details about the project, research team and duties associated with the position can be obtained from the Project PI, Professor Adriana Bunea at adriana.bunea@uib.no. The expected start date for the successful candidate is October 1st, 2022, or shortly thereafter.

Last Application Date: 5th August 2022

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15. PhD Position in Music therapy at the Grieg Academy – Department of Music

Summary of Doctoral Project:

The PhD Fellow will be employed by the Faculty of Fine Art, Music and Design, with the right and obligation to participate in teaching, exam work and/or research administration. The research and educational part of the position is 75%, while the other 25% is allocated to teaching and other obligations. The successful applicant will be accepted into the doctoral program of the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Bergen. The Grieg Academy is also a partner in the regional Grieg Research School in Interdisciplinary Music Studies, which brings together doctoral candidates from a broad interdisciplinary music field. Research fellows will also relate to relevant research groups at the department. The successful applicant will be expected to relocate to the University of Bergen and conform to the regulations that apply to the position

Last Application Date: 1st November 2022

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16. PhD position – Iron Age Archaeology

Summary of Doctoral Project:

The Ph.D. project must study changes within the Early Iron Age society (500 BC-600 AD), based on possible changes in the use of the high mountain area in this period, as well as in which way this forms the foundation for the intensified use of the high mountains which takes place in the Late Iron Age and Medieval Period. An important question in the project will be mapping in which way this exploitation of the high mountain resources is established and controlled. Did this intensified use of the high mountains lead to conflicts between different stakeholders as they wished to control these natural resources within a delimited area? In what way may possible east-west connections in the archaeological material be detected in this period? What social, political, and economic arrangements may have been established in this period? It will therefore be natural to analyse the use of resources in the high mountains and study possible connections with local settlements in the lowlands, and in this way put everything in a broader social, political, and economic context.

Last Application Date: 30th September 2022

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17. PhD Research Fellow in alpine macroecology and global change biogeography related to paleoreconstructions and connectivity modelling

Summary of Doctoral Project:

Alpine biomes are present on all continents and at all latitudes worldwide. They comprise biodiversity hotpots, fulfil a crucial role in hydrological and climate regulation, and provide vital support for the livelihoods and wellbeing of billions of people. Importantly, alpine biomes and their diversity are characterized by a dynamic past. Indeed, during the Quaternary glacial-interglacial cycles, they underwent multiple expansion-contraction pulses, which resulted in recurrent episodes of connection and fragmentation that likely shaped present-day biodiversity and mountain hotspot patterns. The main aim of PPF-Alpine is to decipher the role of Quaternary climate dynamics in driving present-day alpine biodiversity based on the notion that their dynamic past may hold key insights for their future resilience. The cross-disciplinary team of PPF-Alpine will do so by integrating expertise, tools, and data from glaciology, glacial geomorphology, paleoecology, biogeography, macroecology, and landscape modelling. The candidate will develop innovative models of the spatial distribution of global alpine biomes during the late Quaternary, and estimate landscape connectivity and isolation dynamics through time for mountains worldwide. A key task is to find ways to reconstruct the dynamic elevational fluctuations of alpine biomes as a result of climate change by integrating information from paleoecological and paleoclimatic data, and paleoglacier reconstructions.

Last Application Date: 15th September 2022

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18. PhD Research Fellow in alpine macroecology and global change biogeography related to biodiversity

Summary of Doctoral Project:

Alpine biomes are present on all continents and at all latitudes worldwide. They comprise biodiversity hotpots, fulfill a crucial role in hydrological and climate regulation, and provide vital support for the livelihoods and wellbeing of billions of people. Importantly, alpine biomes and their diversity are characterized by a dynamic past. Indeed, during the Quaternary glacial-interglacial cycles, they underwent multiple expansion-contraction pulses, which resulted in recurrent episodes of connection and fragmentation that likely shaped present-day biodiversity and mountain hotspot patterns. The main aim of PPF-Alpine is to decipher the role of Quaternary climate dynamics in driving present-day alpine biodiversity based on the notion that their dynamic past may hold key insights for their future resilience. The cross-disciplinary team of PPF-Alpine will do so by integrating expertise, tools, and data from glaciology, glacial geomorphology, paleoecology, biogeography, macroecology, and landscape modelling. The candidate will conduct analyses on observed biodiversity in alpine biomes across different scales, taxonomic groups, and biodiversity metrics. A key task is the collection, harmonization, and assessment of large biodiversity datasets from different sources, and the integration of data from different biological, climatical, and geological fields obtained from mountains worldwide.

Last Application Date: 15th September 2022

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19. 2 x PhD positions in sociology

Summary of Doctoral Project:

There is a vacancy for two PhD positions at the Department of Sociology. The positions are for a fixed-term period of 4 years, of which 25% will be dedicated to teaching, supervision and administrative tasks at the Department. The work location for this position is Bergen. The Department of Sociology is part of an extensive social science environment at The Faculty of Social Sciences and collaborates with other sociology departments nationally and internationally. The comprehensive teaching programs include a one-year sociology program; a Bachelor-; a Master-, and an integrated Teacher Programme with master in sociology. The current research at the department represents a broad profile that is based on long term research traditions.

Last Application Date: 15th September 2022

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20. 3 PhD positions at the Department of Psychosocial Science

Summary of Doctoral Project:

There is a vacancy for 3 PhD positions at the Department of Psychosocial Science, Faculty of Psychology, University of Bergen. All 3 positions are for a fixed-term period of 4 years and funded by the University of Bergen. The planned start date is during autumn 2022 (or as soon the hiring process is concluded.)

Last Application Date: 7th September 2022

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21. Doctoral position

Summary of Doctoral Project:

The main objective of the TMS Brain Research Initiative is to identify core principles of plasticity and neural circuit dynamics in the brain. The project is hosted by the University of Bergen and organized as a consortium collaboration between the Department of Biomedicine at the University of Bergen (UiB) and the Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). The consortium project is organized into five interactive work packages, based on multidisciplinary collaborations between the UiB and NTNU partners. The PhD fellow will be linked to a work package studying the neuromodulation of retinal microcircuits for vision in starlight, twilight, and daylight. The PhD fellow will join an active neuroscience research group with two principal investigators (prof. Espen Hartveit and prof. Meg Veruki). The project focuses on investigating plasticity of neuronal microcircuits involving amacrine cells in the mammalian retina, including functions of ion channels and chemical and electrical synapses. Primary methods include patch-clamp electrophysiology, two-photon microscopy, including two-photon uncaging, and two-photon FLIM-FRET of intracellular signaling. The experimental work will be performed with the mammalian retina as the model system.

Last Application Date: 1st September 2022

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22. PhD at The Department of Information Science and Media Studies

Summary of Doctoral Project:

The duration of the PhD position is 4 years, of which 25 per cent of the time each year comprises required duties associated with research, teaching and dissemination of results. The employment period may be reduced if you have previously been employed in a recruitment position. As a PhD research fellow, you will take part in the PhD programme at the Faculty of Social Sciences, UiB. The programme corresponds to a period of three years and leads to the PhD degree. To be eligible for admission you must normally have an educational background corresponding to a master’s degree with a scope of 120 ECTS credits, which builds on a bachelor’s degree with a scope of 180 ECTS credits (normally 2 + 3 years), or an integrated master’s degree with a scope of 300 ECTS credits (5 years). Master’s degrees should normally include an independent work of a minimum of 30 ECTS credits. It is expected that the topic of the master’s degree is connected to the academic field to which you are seeking admission.

Last Application Date: 1st September 2022

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23. Research fellow in artistic research

Summary of Doctoral Project:

The PhD education is intended to qualify the candidate for artistic research of an international standard, and for other work in society where significant demands are made regarding artistic insight and competence in accordance with good academic practice and ethical standards. The artistic research project should be within the field of music performance – jazz/improvised music. This musical field is characterized by gender imbalance. Hence, we look for a project that explores gender (im)balance and intersectionality in artistic processes, and by this contributes to diversity of perspectives, to increased gender balance in this academic music the field, and in artistic work and knowledge development. Applications will be assessed according to the criteria in the PhD regulations and program description as well as the artistic practises and research competences at the department. Applicants are requested to consider the artistic research profile of the department and faculty in the design of their project.

Last Application Date: 1st September 2022

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24. Research fellow (PhD candidate) in sub-seasonal climate prediction

Summary of Doctoral Project:

The PhD will be a part of the Centre for Research-based Innovation – Climate Futures (https://www.climatefutures.no/) funded by the Norwegian research council. The main goal of Climate Future is to produce new and innovative solutions for predicting and managing climate risk from 10 days to 10 years ahead. The Center is a consortium consisting of seven research partners and almost 30 user partners that represent industries such as agriculture, renewable energy, disaster preparedness, shipping, insurance, finance, risk management services, and public organizations. The task of this PhD position is to explore new methods for optimal use of numerical extended range forecasts (10 days to 5 weeks), by exploring the possibility of using innovative statistical and machine learning approaches to improve the forecasts. Focus will be on advancing the use of extended range weather forecast information within sectors such as energy and agriculture.

Last Application Date: 31st August 2022

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25. PhD Research Fellow in user-oriented climate prediction

Summary of Doctoral Project:

The PhD position will be part of the Centre for Research-based Innovation – Climate Futures (https://www.climatefutures.no/) funded by the Norwegian Research Council. Climate Futures is a new and ambitious centre set up to generate long-term cooperation between companies, public organizations and research groups across sectors and disciplines to help manage climate risks. The position will also be associated with the Bjerknes Climate Prediction Unit (http://bcpu.w.uib.no/) that focuses on developing improved climate prediction for the North Atlantic Sector on sub-seasonal to decadal timescales, and the candidate will have the possibility to engage with the business partners of Climate Futures. Great progress has been made in climate prediction during the last decade. Nevertheless, prediction models still exhibit large errors and underestimate skill in many regions. Particularly problematic is the order of magnitude underestimation of predictable dynamics in the North Atlantic sector—this has become commonly referred to as the signal-to-noise paradox. The PhD position will focus on better characterizing this signal-to-noise errors on different timescales, regions, and societally relevant parameters. The causes of these errors and approaches to mitigate them will be also explored. The work will involve extensive analysis of model output, and the application of modern statistical approaches.

Last Application Date: 31st August 2022

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26. PhD Research Fellowship in Archaeology – SapienCE, Centre for Early Sapiens Behaviour

Summary of Doctoral Project:

The main purpose of the PhD position is to complete a doctoral thesis, which qualifies for independent research and other forms of employment that demand specific competency. The position is for a period of three (3) years. The applicant is expected to write a PhD dissertation related to the analysis of various categories of material culture (e.g., bone and stone tools, ostrich eggshell remains, marine shell) recovered from SapienCE MSA sites in South Africa. The proposed project should develop innovative methods of laboratory analysis of material culture in association with our Principal Investigators (Dr. Karen van Niekerk, University of Bergen, Norway, and Professor Francesco d’Errico, University of Bordeaux). The applicant is expected to participate in archaeological fieldwork and laboratory analyses in South Africa when pertinent to the proposed PhD project. The material culture in question is physically located in South Africa. The applicant will actively participate in the SapienCE research group that is based at The Department of Archaeology, History, Cultural Studies and Religion in Bergen. The duration of the PhD is 3 years. The employment period may be reduced for candidates who have previously been employed in a recruitment position at other institutions. Applicants who have already held a PhD position at the University of Bergen are not eligible for employment.

Last Application Date: 28th August 2022

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27. PhD Research Fellowship in Archaeology – SapienCE, Centre for Early Sapiens Behaviour

Summary of Doctoral Project:

The main purpose of the PhD position is to complete a doctoral thesis, which qualifies for independent research and other forms of employment that demand specific competency. The position is for a period of three (3) years. The applicant is expected to write a PhD dissertation related to the multidisciplinary perspective on lithics technology from layers dated to between ca. 77 000 and 90 000 years ago recovered from SapienCE MSA sites in South Africa. This period immediately predates the Still Bay technocomplex and is insufficiently understood, especially in terms of the transition from the preceding MSA II/Mossel Bay to the Still Bay technocomplex. The proposed project should develop innovative methods of laboratory analysis of the lithic material in association with our Principal Investigators (Professor Sarah Wurz, University of Witwatersrand, South Africa, and Professor Christopher Henshilwood, University of Bergen, Norway). The PhD project should include a detailed lithic technological study (e.g. including the analysis of the chaîne opératoire and refitting) and microscopic examination of selected material as well as correlation with particular weaponry systems and their use, as observable from morphology, edge damage, and macrofractures of the lithics.

Last Application Date: 28th August 2022

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28. PhD position Comparative Politics

Summary of Doctoral Project:

There is a vacancy for a PhD position at the Department of Comparative Politics, Faculty of Social Sciences. The position is for a fixed-term period of 4 years, of which 25% will be dedicated to teaching, supervision and administrative tasks at the Department. The Department of Comparative Politics is a research-intensive department offering an exciting place for research and education on political institutions, organizations, processes, and behaviour at local, national, and international levels. The Department offers bachelor’s and master’s programmes in comparative politics, as well as a bachelor’s programme in European studies.

Last Application Date: 17th August 2022

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29. Doctoral position

Summary of Doctoral Project:

The position is part of the project “Unravelling the Genetic Trajectories of Childhood Growth – From Trio-GWAS to Mechanisms.” funded by the University of Bergen.The work will be part of a larger project financed by the Norwegian Research Council and includes a possibility for a research stay at the MRC Epidemiology Unit, University of Cambridge (UK). The successful applicant will be supervised by professor Stefan Johansson at the Center for Diabetes Research (https://www.uib.no/en/diabetes) with co-supervisors professor John Perry (University of Cambridge) and a senior researcher at the University of Bergen. The PhD candidate will work on the project “Unravelling the Genetic Trajectories of Childhood Growth – From Trio-GWAS to Mechanisms”. The overarching project has received funding through the ERC, NFR, Novo Nordisk and the Helse Vest and is a large collaborative study utilizing both omics, informatics, molecular, cellular and phenotypic investigation of the biological effects of genetic variants involved in early human growth. The aim of the studies is to identify genetic variants and biological mechanisms with profound impact on childhood growth, food preferences, and response to lifestyle interventions to understand the connection between growth in early life and future risk of obesity and diabetes. To achieve this goal, we will analyse Genome Wide Association Study (GWAS) data from 240,000 participants from the unique Norwegian Mother, father and child birth cohort study (MoBa) combined with UK-biobank data and take forward these findings for molecular and cellular studies, and apply these discoveries to obese children.

Last Application Date: 15th August 2022

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30. Doctoral position

Summary of Doctoral Project:

The DEMOTRANS project explores the links between democratic institutions and the globalization of the economy. The project team at University of Bergen concentrates on two aspects of this project. The first aspect relates to role and importance of bureaucratic expertise in modern policy-making. Our ambition here is to understand when and how bureaucrats influence the development of public policies, and how this affects (the legitimacy of) local as well as global governance. The second aspect relates to the tensions arising from differences in temporal structures, norms and rhythms that characterize governance network members within and across various levels of governance. Our ambition here is to understand how the temporal aspects of network member interactions – such as time-horizons, scheduling, or (a)synchronous organizational life-cycles – affect the functioning, efficiency and effectiveness of policy-making in governance networks. The project leader is professor Zuzana Murdoch.

Last Application Date: 15th August 2022

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