30 Postdoctoral Fellowships at Fred Hutchinson, Washington

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Are you holding PhD degree and looking for Postdoctoral Fellowships? Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Washington inviting application for multiple Postdoctoral Fellowships. Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center is one of the largest university in the world with thousands of employees, students, and research scientists are involved in the innovation of science and technology daily.

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Washington has huge a campus in Washington and widely known as for its contribution in top notch education and research. The contribution of Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center is not only limited to natural sciences and engineering but it also offers high quality research as well as higher education in bio-medical sciences, social sciences, humanities, psychology, education, architecture etc..

1. Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Cell Biology – Nuclear Envelope Budding

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

A postdoctoral position for a recent enthusiastic PhD graduate is available in the Parkhurst lab at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. The Parkhurst lab uses multidisciplinary approaches to study dynamic cytoskeleton processes in the regulation of normal developmental events and when mis-regulated in diseases/cancer. We are seeking a highly motivated postdoc candidate interested in investigating nuclear envelope budding/organization in the Drosophila model system.

Last Application Date: Open until filled

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2. 02 Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Proteostasis

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The long-term aim of research in the Lehrbach lab is to better understand proteostasis mechanisms and their roles in aging, neurodegenerative diseases and cancer. The fellow will work on individual and collaborative projects that use genetic, genomic, and cell and molecular biology approaches to discover new proteostasis mechanisms and reveal their physiological roles. The primary model organism for this work will be C. elegans, however previous experience with C. elegans is not essential.

Last Application Date: Open until filled

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3. Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Epidemiology

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

A Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship opportunity is offered under the supervision of Dr. Robert Kaplan, to become part of his interdisciplinary research group. The successful applicant will have the opportunity to pursue independent research and publications through the use of rich epidemiological study resources from major NIH-initiated cohort studies in chronic disease epidemiology. Building upon long term followup of population based epidemiological cohort studies, our group has developed a diverse research portfolio that integrates traditional clinical epidemiological measurements, wearable monitor data (e.g., physical activity, sleep), genetics (GWA, whole genome sequencing), metabolomics, gut microbiome, electronic health records and psychosocial and lifecourse epidemiology approaches. Our areas of research focus include lifestyle behaviors including diet, physical activity and sleep, with a particular focus on the Hispanic / Latino adult and pediatric populations; inflammatory and immunologic determinants of cardiometabolic disease; genetic epidemiology studies among multiethnic populations; nutritional epidemiology; and multi-omics research (genomics, transcriptomics, epigenetics, metabolomics). 

Last Application Date: Open until filled

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4. Post-Doctoral Research Fellow – Lampe Lab

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

A highly motivated postdoctoral fellow is sought for a position to join a research laboratory in the Translational Research Program. The Lampe lab discovers early detection biomarkers of cancer and has developed a novel antibody-based platform for discovering proteomic, glycomic and autoantibody biomarkers. The fellow will devise and conduct laboratory efforts translating validated lung cancer biomarkers into clinical applications including immunoPET imaging probes, antibody drug conjugates and chimeric antigen receptors. In addition to molecular and cellular laboratory bench skills, excellent organizational and database skills are required. The position will require contribution both as an individual and as part of a larger team and will involve all aspects of research from experimental design to manuscript preparation and publication. The successful candidate must have excellent communication and organizational skills, the ability to develop creative approaches to experimental design, and be able to thrive both in independent research and while working collaboratively.

Last Application Date: Open until filled

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5. Post-Doctoral Research Fellow

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center has a 2-year postdoctoral position available through the Cancer Prevention Department. Specifically, this position is under the direction of Dr. Katrina Ortblad within the Division of Public Health Sciences at Fred Hutch. Dr. Ortblad’s research aims to improve equity in health access with differentiated models of HIV service delivery in high prevalence settings. Most of her work focuses on designing innovative models for HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) delivery with African research colleagues, refining these models using findings from qualitative research and stakeholder engagement, and then testing these models in pilot studies and later hybrid implementation-effectiveness trials. Dr. Ortblad’s research uses diverse methods across the fields of epidemiology, economics, public policy, psychology, and implementation science. The Fred Hutch provides a highly interactive and supportive environment for junior investigators to grow and develop their future career; it consistently ranks in the top 20 best places to work for postdocs, as surveyed by The Scientist.

Last Application Date: Open until filled

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7. Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, McGuire Lab

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The McGuire Lab is seeking a Post-Doctoral Scientist to assist with the development, validation, and testing of novel HIV-1 vaccine candidates based on anti-idiotypic antibodies (ai-mAbs). The project will build upon our previous efforts to elicit broadly using this approach. The candidate will conduct vaccine studies in various types of humanized mice, perform an in-depth characterization of the B cell and serum antibody response to novel ai-mAbs using high-throughput next generation sequencing, perform data analysis and prepare reports/manuscripts.

Last Application Date: Open until filled

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8. Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Viral Dynamic Modeling 

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The Schiffer Group at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center is seeking to hire a Post-doctoral Fellow to work on mathematical modeling of viral diseases. Particular emphasis will be on SARS Co-V-2 as well as other respiratory viruses. The successful applicant will work with Dr. Joshua T. Schiffer to develop mathematical models that focus on optimizing treatment of viral infections, and in particular curative strategies for HIV and COVID-19. The candidate will also collaborate with laboratory-based virologists, immunologists, oncologists, and clinical investigators from VIDD, to generate datasets appropriate for model testing and validation. The successful applicant will interact with Fred Hutch based faculty outside of VIDD, plus members of the University of Washington faculty in the Division of Virology and Division of Infectious Diseases.

Last Application Date: Open until filled

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9. Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Viral Dynamic Modeling

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The Schiffer Group at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center is seeking to hire a Post-doctoral Fellow to work on mathematical modeling of viral diseases. Particular emphasis will be on SARS Co-V-2 as well as other respiratory viruses. The successful applicant will work with Dr. Joshua T. Schiffer to develop mathematical models that focus on optimizing treatment of viral infections, and in particular curative strategies for HIV and COVID-19. The candidate will also collaborate with laboratory-based virologists, immunologists, oncologists, and clinical investigators from VIDD, to generate datasets appropriate for model testing and validation. The successful applicant will interact with Fred Hutch based faculty outside of VIDD, plus members of the University of Washington faculty in the Division of Virology and Division of Infectious Diseases.

Last Application Date: Open until filled

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10. Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Neuroscience/Neurodegeneration

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

A postdoctoral fellow position in Neuroscience/Neurodegeneration is available in the Fred Hutch lab of Dr. Linda Buck. Dr. Buck received a Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2004 for “Odorant receptors and the organization of the olfactory system”. Current projects in the Buck lab focus on molecular mechanisms that underlie stress, appetite, and neurodegeneration and how they are influenced by the olfactory system. The lab has developed and uses cutting edge technologies to unravel neural mechanisms and neural circuits underlying specific functions/dysfunctions. These include novel genomics methods to define neural circuits, genetic and chemical control of neuronal activation, imaging of gene expression and neuronal activation, gene editing, and single cell genomics.

Last Application Date: Open until filled

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11. Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Neuroscience/Neurodegeneration

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

A postdoctoral fellow position in Neuroscience/Neurodegeneration is available in the Fred Hutch lab of Dr. Linda Buck. Dr. Buck received a Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2004 for “Odorant receptors and the organization of the olfactory system”. Current projects in the Buck lab focus on molecular mechanisms that underlie stress, appetite, and neurodegeneration and how they are influenced by the olfactory system. The lab has developed and uses cutting edge technologies to unravel neural mechanisms and neural circuits underlying specific functions/dysfunctions. These include novel genomics methods to define neural circuits, genetic and chemical control of neuronal activation, imaging of gene expression and neuronal activation, gene editing, and single cell genomics.

Last Application Date: 14.Apr.2022 11:59 PM CEST

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12. 02 Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, CAR-T cell therapy – Srivastava Lab

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The Srivastava lab in the Human Biology Division at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center is recruiting a Post-Doctoral Fellow with expertise in immunology to lead a project developing strategies to counter CAR-T cell exhaustion in solid tumors. The Srivastava lab focuses on using mouse models of human cancer to define the mechanisms limiting the activity of CAR- and TCR-engineered T cells in solid tumors and to develop strategies to overcome these barriers that can be readily translated to the clinic. The candidate would lead a project centered on understanding how dysfunction develops in CAR-T cells in vivo, performing and validating genetic screens to identify regulators of CAR function, and defining inhibitory mechanisms in the tumor microenvironment that could be targeted in combination to durably enhance CAR-T cell activity. The work would involve using methods of molecular biology (cloning, CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing), extensive in vivo work with transplantable and genetically engineered mouse models, multi-parameter flow cytometry, and single-cell genomics.

Last Application Date: Open until filled

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13. 02 Post-Doctoral Research Fellow–J. Zhu

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The Zhu Lab in the Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center is recruiting a Post-Doctoral Fellow to lead a project deciphering protective immune responses against herpes simplex virus infection in human skin.We use state-of-the-art imaging and spatial technologies in combination with in vitro 3-D microfluidic systems to evaluate tissue-based host immune responses to infection.

Last Application Date: Open until filled

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14. Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Transcriptional Regulation

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The Hahn laboratory in the Division of Basic Sciences has an immediate opening for a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow to investigate mechanisms of transcriptional regulation. Potential research topics include: studies on the genome-wide specificity and mechanisms of coactivators including Mediator, SAGA, NuA4 and/or TFIID; investigating mechanisms and specificity of transcription activators; probing the roles of transcription factors in orchestrating genome-wide expression. A variety of approaches such as molecular genetics, biochemistry, genomics, and computational biology will be utilized. The precise topic of the research project will be determined jointly with the candidate and candidates that have a demonstrated interest in gene regulation and that display initiative and creativity will be given priority.

Last Application Date: Open until filled

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15. Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Jerome Lab

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The Jerome Laboratory in the Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center is recruiting one or more Post-Doctoral Fellows to conduct laboratory bench research as well as studies in small animal models to evaluate cure strategies and gene therapy for persistent viral infections including herpes simplex, hepatitis B, and HIV.

Last Application Date: Open until filled

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16. 02 Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Barry Lab

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The Barry laboratory, within the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center’s Translational Research Program, is looking for a talented post-doctoral fellow with extensive expertise in the realm of tumor immunology. The Barry lab focuses on understanding how the immune system responds to cancer and can be manipulated to treat cancer. Our studies utilize human immunology, murine models of cancer, state-of-the-art imaging techniques, RNA sequencing techniques, and immunological techniques to explore the role of the innate immune system in controlling immune responses to cancer. We focus our research on understanding how the innate immune system, specifically dendritic and natural killer cells, shape immune responses to cancer and patient responses to common immunotherapies (see Barry et al., 2018 PMID: 29942093).

Last Application Date: Open until filled

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17. 02 Post-Doctoral Research Fellow – Emerman Lab

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The Emerman lab was awarded an Avant-Garde Award from NIDA to study HIV latency. We have developed a novel screening technology called HIV-CRISPR technology to comprehensively discover the pathways of HIV latency maintenance and establishment. This postdoctoral position will further explore HIV latency by developing new variations of these CRISPR screens and by validating and further exploring mechanisms of the hits. Preference for new PhD with expertise in one of the following areas: chromatin biology, transcription factors, primary T cell culture, or models of HIV latency. Expectation is to develop an independent project within the context of the grant. The responsibilities include those expected at a PhD level, including leading the technical aspects of the study, contributing intellectually to the overall study design, interpreting data, presenting the findings at meetings and writing manuscripts.

Last Application Date: Open until filled

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18. 02 Post-Doctoral Research Fellow – Bricker Studies

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The Health and Behavioral Innovations in Technology (HABIT) Group, led by Dr. Jonathan Bricker, is part of the Cancer Prevention Program in the Division of Public Health Sciences at the Fred Hutchinson. Funded by multiple large R01-level NIH grants from the NCI and NIDDK ($25 million USD cumulative total to date), the Group’s research mission is to develop and rigorously test behavioral interventions for tobacco cessation and weight loss health and disseminate them with the goal of high public health impact. Technologies for delivering these interventions include smartphone applications, chatbots, websites, and telephone counseling. One of the behavioral approaches the Group has been testing is called Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT). The HABIT Group is committed to increasing the diversity of future scientists passionate about research devoted to scaling behavioral principles for public health impact.

Last Application Date: Open until filled

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19. Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Tumor Dormancy & Metabolism

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

A laboratory in Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center’s Translational Research Program (Public Health Sciences Division) is looking for a highly motivated Postdoctoral Research Fellow to study the metabolism of dormant, disseminated tumor cells (DTCs). The candidate would join the Laboratory for the Study of Metastatic Microenvironments (LSM2), directed by Cyrus Ghajar. The LSM2 focuses on understanding the biology underlying DTC dormancy (see: Carlson et al., Nature Cell Biology 2019; Goddard et al., Nature Cell Biology 2018; Ghajar et al., Nature Cell Biology 2013) and uncovering means to eradicate dormant DTCs. Our overarching goal is to develop therapeutically viable approaches to prevent breast cancer metastasis.

Last Application Date: Open until filled

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20. 02 Post-Doctoral Research Fellow – Simon Lab

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

This position is in a laboratory in the Clinical Research Division and Human Biology Division that is developing new biologically active compounds as drugs and probes of pathways important to cancer and other diseases. The research effort involves interdisciplinary techniques ranging from cell and molecular biology to pharmacology to chemistry but requires experimental expertise in cell biology.

Last Application Date: Open until filled

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21. Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Houghton Lab

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

The Post-Doctoral Fellow will contribute to the Lab’s research agenda with a focus on the identification of tumor microenvironmental factors that dictate success or failure to immune checkpoint blockade. This project will involve single cell sequencing experiments and subsequent data analysis. The project will also involve the use of novel mouse models of lung cancer that rely on cigarette smoke exposure in mice to generate lung adenocarcinomas with a high mutational spectral burden. The fellow will conduct independent and collaborative research resulting in presentations and publications.

Last Application Date: Open until filled

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22. Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Chromatin Regulation and Cell Quiescence

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship:

A post-doctoral research fellow is available in the Tsukiyama Lab, which studies chromatin, the complex of DNA and proteins that make up our chromosomes, and how its structure controls essential processes that take place on DNA. The responsibilities of this position will be to determine how cell quiescence is achieved using S. cerevisiae and possibly human neuronal stem cells as model organisms.

Last Application Date: Open until filled

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